lower. Operculum rostrate. Peristome simple or none. Calyptra
Peristome of 8 short teeth.
* Peristome none,
erect ; operculum
long-beaked, de-
Plants small. Capsule
strongly adherent.
I'laiits larger. Operculum
Plants large, dichotomously divided, as in
Ptewocarpi. 12. A n oe o ta n g ium .
10. A s tom um .
11. G ym n o s tom um .
sf * Peristome simple, of 16 teeth, Irregularly splitting or perforated.
Plants small. Capsule long-pedicellate.
Teetli transversely articulate, 'entire
Plants large. Perichietiura sheathing. Teetli
more distinctly articulate, entire or biñd at
Leaves soft, coarsely papillose, serrulate above.
Capsule slightly curved.
Leaves minutely papillose on both faces. Capsule
striate, erect.
Leaves minutely crenulate. Capsule short,
ovate, with a distinct collum regular or
struinose. Teeth irregularly split.
Leaves enlarged, slieatbing at base, irregularly
serrulate. Teeth 2-3-cleft to the middle.
18. W e ib ia .
14. D io r a n ow e is ia .
15. O r e ow e is ia .
16. R h a b d ow e is ia .
17. C y n o d o n tium .
18. D ic h o d o n tium .
* * * Teeth regularly bifld to the middle (Dicranoid). Leaves smooth;
basilar areolation quadrate, enlarged at the angles.
19. T r em a to d o n .
20. A n g s t roe m ia .
21. D io r a n e lla .
22. D ic r a n um .
23. D ic r a n o d o n t ium .
Leaves lanceolate-subulate. Capsule arcuate
with a long narrow collum.
Stems nearly simple, flliform. Capsule small,
erect, subglobose.
Plants small. Capsule cernuous. Segments
of the teeth filiform, granulose.
Plants large. Leaves spreading or secund, not
or scarcely sheathing; costa strong, more or
less dilated toward the base.
Leaves long, setaceous-subulate, the upper
part filled by the broad costa ; basilar areolation
much enlarged, brown at the angles.
Capsule on a curved flexuous pedicel. Calyptra
cucullate, ciliate at base. 24. C am p y lo p u s .
Plants frondose. Leaves distichous, conduplieate in the lower part, alate
on the back, expanded above into a simply costate lamina. Peristome
of Dicranum. {Subtribe Fissidbnte.s;. )
Frond-Ilke; not aquatic. 25. P is s id e n s .
Plants slender, branching and floating. Leaves
•i'stant. 26. C o n om itr ium .
Plants soft, spongy, whitish yellow. Leaves thick, composed of three
superposed layers of cells, with intercellular simple narrow ducts.
( Subtribe L eu c ob e y e .e . )
Peristome of Dicranttm. 27. L e u c o b r y um .
28. O c to b lep h a rum .
or disti-
, divided to
near the báse into two equal strongly articulate segments, or irregularly
split; none in Eustichia. (Subtrihe Ceeatodonte.e .)
Leaves strongly costate. Capsule ovate-oblong,
29. C e ra to d o n .
Leaves long-subulate from an oblong sheathing
base. Capsule narrow, cylindrical.
30. T r ich o d o n .
Leaves distichous, subulate from the half-
clasping base.
31. D is t ic h ium .
Leaves distichous, canaliculate-plicate, closely
32. E u s t ic h ia .
Plants generally minute. Leaves open, narrow. Capsule erect, tumid at
the collum, turbinate when dry. Peristome none, or simple, and of
16 smooth acute or obtuse teeth. (Subtribe S e l ig e r i e ^ . )
Peristome none. 33. A n o d u s .
Plants small. Peristome of 16 teeth, solid, ■
without a divisural line.
Plants large. Areolation of the leaves enlarged,
orange-colored at the basal angles.
Plants very small. Calyptra miti-iform. Teeth
Plants small; pedicel long, slender, geniculate.
Teeth subulate.
34. S e lig e r ia .
35. B lin d ia .
36. B r a c h y o d u s .
37. C am p y lo s t e le um .
Teibe III. POTTIEAl. Branches fastigiate by innovations. Leaves
with a parenchymatöse quadrate-hexagonal areolation, papillose
and chlorophyllose in the upper part, dilated and hyaline at base.
Capsule erect, narrowly oval or cylindrical. Peristome rarely
. absent, generally of 16 flat membranous teeth, sometimes simple or
rudimentary, mostly split to the base into 32 terete filiform
obscurely articulate segments.
Capsule immersed. Peristome none.
Capsule erect, pedicellate. Peristome none or
imperfect, of 16 flat teeth.
Teeth slender, linear-lanceolate, confluent at
base, entire or cleft above.
Leaves lanceolate-subulate, glossy. Teetli
cleft to the base into two linear unequal
segments. ■
Leaves gradually lengthening from the base
upward. Teeth cleft to the base into two
equal very papillose, half-terete segments,
entire or irregularly interrupted.
Leaves ovate or obovate. Segments subterete
or tetragonal-filiform, free or irregularly
transversely connate, erect or slightly twisted
to the left. Columella projecting beyond the
Teeth divided to the base into long filiform
segments, twisted to the left, borne upon a
more or less elongated tessellate membrane. ■
38. P h a r om itr ium .
39. P o t t ia .
40. D id ym o d o n .
41. L e p to tr io h um .
42. T r ic h o s tom um .
43. D e sm a to d o n .
44. B a r b u la .