2. B. rig id a , Schultz. Dioecious : leaves spreading from an
erect base, oblong, obtuse or apiculate, rarely hair-pointed :
calyptra long-rostrate, reaching the middle of the capsule : capsule
elliptical-oblong; lid long-beaked; teeth long, twice
twisted ; annulus broad, revoluble. — Recens. Barb. 196, t. 32 ;
Bryol. Eur. t. 137. Tortula stellata, Lindb. Trichost. 233.
Vars. m u c ro n u la ta , and p ilife ra , Schimp. Upper
leaves mucronate, or hair-pointed. — Syn. 164.
Hab. Rocky Mountains, Colorado {E. Hall). Var. mucronulata on
Guadalupe Island, Lower California {Palmer).
3. B. am b ig u a , Bruch & Schimp. Dioecious: plants
somewhat longer : leaves expanded star-like from an ovate
base, linear-lanceolate, blunt at the apex, reddish on the back :
calyptra shorter, scarcely reaching the base of the short-beaked
lid: capsule cylindrical-oblong, furrowed when dry; teeth
longer, twisted once or a little more, incurved when dry.—
Bryol. Eur. t. 139. B. rigida, Hedw. Muso. Frond, i. 65, t. 25,
excl. peristome. Tortula ambigua, Angstr. ; Lindb. Trichost.
Hab. On the ground, near Athens, Illinois (E. Hall).
§ 2. Chloronotæ. — Plants perennial, cespitose: leaves broad
and thin, not incurved on the borders; costa round, filamentose
above: teeth o f the peristome closely twisted ;
basilar membrane short, tubulose.
4. B. m em b ran ifo lia, Schultz. Monoecious : the plants
longer, in thick small tnfts, hirsute with white hairs upon the
leaves, interwoven with radicles: leaves open-erect, broadly
ovate and oblong, lanceolate, very concave, the areolation irregularly
rhomhoidal at the denticulate apex; costa excurrent
into a long white hair : male flowers near the base of the perichætium,
monophyllous or diphyllous : calyptra reaching to the
middle of the ovate-elliptical erect or slightly curved capsule ;
lid narrow, short-beaked ; teeth thrice twisted ; annulus simple.
— Recens. Barb. 226, t. 34; Bryol. Eur. t. 140. Tortida membranifolia,
Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 26. Tortula squamigera,
DeNot. ; Lindb. Trichost. 235.
Ha b . Western Arizona, near the mouth of Santa Maria Creek {Bigelow),
Eocky Mountains {E. Hall).
5. B. ch lo ro n o to s, Bruch. Dioeoious: plants short,
closely cespitose : leaves close, imbricate when dry, spreading
when moist, ovate-ohlong, obtuse or slightly acute, concave,
with a round yellowish costa excurrent into a smooth more or
less enlarged hair ; meshes of the areolation minutely quadrate
to near the base, there becoming loose and rectangular : male
plants smaller: capsule elliptic-oval, narrow, slightly curved,
smaller; teeth reddish, twice twisted; annulus compound.—
Muell. Muse. Sard. 1829 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 141. Tortula crassi-
nervis, DeNot. ; Lindb. Trichost. 236.
Hab. Dry ravines on Williams Fork of the Colorado, with B. membranifolia
§ 8. CuuBiFOLi-B. Plants short: leaves sofi, more or less
papillose, ovate or spatulate-oblong, with a 7-ound naked
costa: teeth o f the peristome long, closely many times
6. B. cuneifolia, Brid. Monoecious: plants J to 1 c.m.
long, soft, simple, subcespitose : lower leaves distant, broadly
ovate, short-acuminate, the upper crowded and rosulate, oblong-
obovate or spatulate, abruptly acuminate or apiculate; costa
vanishing below the apex, sometimes prolonged into a muoro,
rarely into a short hair-point ; areolation loose : male flowers
1-3-leaved : calyptra large, descending to below the middle of
the capsule: pedicel reddish: capsule elliptic-oblong, scarcely
incurved; teeth attached to a somewhat long tubular membrane;
annulus simple, falling off in fragments. — Bryol. Univ.
i. 549 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 156. Bryum cuneifolium, Dicks. Plant.
Crypt, iii. 7. Tortula cuneifolia, Roth ; Lindb. Trichost.
Ha b . Clay soil, near Oakland, California {Bolander).
7. B. V ah lian a , Schultz. Monoecious : plants ^ to 1 c.m.
long, gregarious or subcespitose : leaves soft, the lower oblong,
the upper oblong or lingulate, undulate on the borders, margined
by a row of yellowish cells, distinctly crenulate, flat or
reflexed, mucronate or subulate by the excurrent costa : male
flowers tei-minal on short slender branches : capsule long, cylindrical,
narrow, slightly curved ; lid short-subulate ; teeth long,
attached to a quadrately tessellate basilar membrane, closely
convolute ; annulus broad, compound. — Recens. Barb. 222,
t. 34; Bryol. Eur. t. 157. Tortula Vahliaiia, Wils.; Lindb.
Trichost. 237.
Hab. Clay soil; Cajon Pass {Bigelow), and Monte Diablo {Bolander).