dealbata, Hedw. Spec. Musc. 174, t. 41. Meesia Macounii,
Aust. Bull. Torr. Club, v. 22.
Hab. Boi-ders of rivulets in peatbogs; Mihvaukie (Lesquereux, iMp-
liarn); Colorado (Bothrock, Wolf); clay ground around boiling springs,
Peace River country (Macoun).
An examination of the specimens described as Meesia Macounii proves
them to be evidently ordinary Amblyodon dealbatus. Though the
medial nerve is said to extend into the apex it is found in all the leaves to
vanish below it, as in the normal form. The specimens are in a poor
state of preservation, but are identifiable.
8 0 . MEESIA, Hedw. (PI. 3.)
Stems long, densely cespitose, with few branches; innovations
from under the flowers. Leaves long, linear, narrowly
lanceolate; meshes of the areolation small, rectangular-hexagonal,
chlorophyllose. Flowers bisexual, monoecious or dioecious,
the male discoid with clavate paraphyses. Calyptra
cucullate, fugacious. Capsule cernuous from the erect collum,
clavate, thick-walled, with a small orifice. Annulus simple or
1. M. u lig in o sa , Hedw. Synoecious: in dense short tufts,
green above, entangled in a felt of brown radicles : leaves 8-
ranked, gradually longer upward, the comal long-linear, all
blunt or obtuse, the borders entire and revolute ; costa thick,
vanishing below the apex : capsule incurved, narrowly pyriform,
chestnut-color ; lid conical-umbonate ; peristome orange ; annulus
simple. — Muse. Frond, i. 1, t. 1 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 308. Am-
bli/odum uliginosum, Beauv. Prodr. 41.
Var. a lp in a , Bruch & Schimp. More densely tufted:
leaves strict or turned to one side : capsule and pedicel shorter.
— M. alpina, Funck.
Var. m in o r, Bruch & Schimp. Plants short:leaves erect,
short, muticous : capsule short, thick, and short-pedicelled. — AI.
minor, Brid.
Hab. Boggy places and in wet fissures of rocks on mountains; Minnesota,
Ontario, etc., not rare; the varieties in the White Mountains.
2. M. lo n g iseta, Hedw. Synoecious: stems long, simple:
leaves remote, the lower lanceolate, shorter, the upper long-
lanceolate, all slightly decurrent, open, crispate when dry;
borders plane, very entire ; costa vanishing below or within the
acute apex : capsule erect, oblong-pyriform at the collum, cernuous
above, very long-pedicelled, pale brown ; lid conical-
obtuse; teeth of the outer peristome not half as long as the
segments; annulus simple. — Muse. Frond, i. 36, t. 21, 22;
Bryol. Eur. t. 309.
Hab. Cranberry swamps in Northern Ohio; not rare.
3. M. Albertinii, Bruch & Schimp. Monoecious: shorter
and more slender than the preceding : leaves carinate, blunt or
acute at the apex, the borders reflexed: flowers all unisexual:
l/edicel and collum shorter; lid umhonate; teeth very short,
perforated in the middle or bifid, scarcely one-third as long as
the segments ; annulus none. — Bryol. Eur. t. 310.
Hab. Swamps near York Factory, British America (Drummond).
4. M. t r i s t i c h a , Bruch & Schimp. Dioecious : plants
widely aud loosely cespitose, very long, dark green : leaves
three-ranked, distant, more crowded toward the apex, half-
clasping and decurrent at base, squarrose, carinate, sharply dentate
on the borders, the comal longer and narrower: male
flowers discoid ; perichætium trigonal, composed of six leaves,
narrowly acuminate from a very broad base : capsule on a very
long pedicel, pyriform, incurved from the long erect collnm ;
lid convex-conical, alveolate; teeth short, unequal, often bifid;
segments appendiculate, linear, very long, three times as long
as the teeth, dirty yellow: spores small. — Bryol. Eur. t. 311.
Mnium ù'iquefrum, Linn. Sp. PI. 1114.
Hab. Peat bogs, generally with J\f. longiseta. Lake Superior (Agassiz,
Porter); Closter, New Jersey (Awsim); Washington Terr. (Lyall); rare.
81. PALUDELLA, Ehrh.
Plants loosely and widely cespitose : stems simple or dividing
by a simple shoot under the apex, tomentose-radiculose. Leaves
all equal, close, five-ranked, decurrent, erect to the middle and
there abruptly reflexed, acutely carinate, irregularly denticulate
toward the apex and radiculose at base; perichætial leaves
erect, narrower, flexuous, suhvaginate ; areolation round-hexagonal,
dense. Flowers dioecious, the male discoid : perigonial
leaves broadly ovate, apiculate. Calyptra long, very narrow,
fugacious. Capsule long-pedicellate, short-necked, erect or subcernuous,
ohlong, smooth when dry. Lid convex, short-apicu