, I' )I
i' iL ' i1 ' i ' 1 ;
■ Li
beaked ; teeth and segments nodulose, punctulate, free to the
base. Muse. Frond, iii. 51, t. 21. Pilotrichum undulatum,
Beauv. ; Muell. Syn. ii. 147.
H a b . On trees, Florida (D. B. Smith, J. Donnell Smith, Austin).
3. N. Menziesii, Drumm. Dioecious: plants large and
loosely cespitose, yellowish green, dark yellow when old ; primary
stems creeping, slender, naked; the secondary 15 to 20 c.m.
long, flat, pinnately divided; branches open, flat, short, attenuated,
often flagelliform at the apex, sometimes covered with
long lateral filiform flagellæ: stem-leaves undulate above the
middle, not auricnlate at base, ohlong, lingulate, obtuse at
the shghtly apiculate apex and minutely denticulate, concave,
revolnte at base on one side ; costa slender, vanishing above the
middle; perichætial leaves enlarged in the middle, tapering
upward into a long denticulate acumen : fertile flowers on the
secondary stems, pedunculate, exserted, the male very numerous
along tlie primary stems or at the base of the branches : capsule
immersed, oblong-oval, pale brown, red at the orifice ; lid conical,
short-beaked, acute and inclined; teetb narrowly lanceolate,
distinctly nodose-articulate, with a pellucid border; segments
solid, as long as the teeth, split between the articulations; cilia
none. —Muse. Amer. n. 162; Lesq. Proc. Calif. Acad. i. 28, describing
flowers and fruit Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 83, t. 62.
H a b . Rocky Mountains (Drummond), sterile; roots of trees, California
(Bolander), fertile; Oregon (B. Hall); Fort Colville (Lyall); Spokan
Falls, etc. ( liaison).
4. N. p e u n a ta , Hedw. Monoecious : the secondary stems
pinnately br.anching or nearly simple, erect: leaves ovate or
oblong, lanceolate, short-acuminate, slightly unequal at base,
entire or slightly serrulate from the middle upward; costa
marked at base with a short bipartite yellowish line, transversely
3-5-wrinkIed ; areolation linear, very small ; inner perichætial
leaves half-sheathing, long-lanceolate, surpassing the capsule by
the acuminate apex, entire ; vaginule hairy : calyptra small,
whitish, covering only the operculum, which is conical-acute
or short-beaked, inclined: capsule oval-oblong, dirty yellow,
becoming brown by age, thin-walled ; teeth linear-subulate from
a narrowly lanceolate base, cohering at the apex, densely articulate,
irregularly divided, pale yellow ; segments rudimentary. —
Muse. Frond, iii. 47, t. 19 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 440.
Hab. Trunks of trees; very common in mountainous districts.
5. N, o lig o c a rp a , Bruch & Schimp. Monoecious : resembling
the last ; stems slender, pinnately branching, the branches
attenuate to the apex : leaves compressed, the anterior and posterior
distinctly curved obliquely outward, lingulate, abruptly
acuminate,, deeply undulate, serrate at the apex; cells short,
minute: male flowers very numerous; perichætium with few
leaves, the inner narrow and sheathing : calyptra large : capsule
small, ferruginous ; lid orange, conical-acute or short-beaked ;
teeth linear-lanceolate, closely articulate ; segments rudimentary.
— Bryol. Eur. t. 441. N.pmnata, var. tenera, Muell. Syn.
ii. 50.
H a b . White Mountains, Erroll Dam, in Crawford Notch (James), fertile;
on trees. New Mexico (Fendler), sterile.
6. N. D o u g la s ii, Hook. Dioecious: loosely cespitose ; secondary
stems 10 to 20 c.m. long, yellowish green, compressed,
pinnately divided ; branches long, simple, flexuous, attenuate at
the apex : stem-leaves close, ohlong or lanceolate-acuminate,
sharply dentate, spinulose or serrulate at the apex, denticulate
at base, entire in the middle ; costa obsolete or none ; perichætial
leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, denticulate at the apex, the
inner sheathing : capsule half-exserted, narrowly ovate ; teeth
yellow, densely articulate ; segments as long and similar, split
open between the articulations. — Bot. Misc. i. 131, t. 35;
Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. ed. 2, n. 394.
H a b . Northwestern coast (Menzies, Douglas, Scouler) ; shaded rocks,
California (Bolander).
7. N. c om p lan a ta , Hueben. Dioecious : soft, pale green ;
secondary stems slender, curving down or pendent, divided into
short branchlets narrowed to the apex or flagellate from the
apex and from the sides: leaves compressed, plane, smooth,
ohlong-lingulate, abruptly apiculate, subserrulate at the apex ;
upper areolation rhomhoidal, the basilar linear; perichætium
subsessile, long-sheathing; vaginule hairy: calyptra naked or
with a few hairs: capsule oval, on a slender pedicel 3 or 4
times as long as the perichætium ; lid narrowly oblique, rostrate;
teeth long, narrow ; segments filiform from an enlarged base,
half as long as the teeth. —Muse. Germ. 576; Bryol. Eur.t.
444. Hypnum complanatum, Linn. Spec. PI. 1123. Leskea
complanata, Hedw. Spec. Mnsc. 231.
H a b . On rocks; New Brunswick, New England, Alleghany Mountains
in Pennsylvania, etc.