■! !
leaves, the male flowers on short terminal branches, the capsule sub-
exserted on a sliort pedicel, and the teeth and cilia 8.
28. O. d iap h an um , Schrad. Plants small, soft, in irregular
loose often scattered bright green tufts : leaves erect, ohlong-
lanceolate, narrowed into a lanceolate serrate hyaline point,
borders reflexed : calyptra thin, naked or with a few hairs :
capsule immersed, thin, oblong, short-necked, pale yellow,
obsoletely striate and nearly smooth when dry; teeth equidistant,
linear-lanceolate, pale yellow, reflexed when dry ; cilia
16, filiform, of a simple row of cells. —- Spicil. FI. Germ. 69 ;
Bryol. Eur. t. 219.
Hab. San Marcos, Texas ( Wright).
29. O. c an um . Mitten. Much like the last, differing in
the shorter fragile hyaline point of the leaves, the longer calyptra
beset with short hairs and covering nearly the whole capsule,
the capsule emergent, the teeth bigeminate, and the cilia
composed of a double row of cells. The author remarks
that in appearance it is like 0 .pwnUiim. — fom'h.lAim. Soc.
viii. 26.
Hab. British America {Drummond) ; San Marcos, Texas (Wright) ?
AYe liave not found in Drummond’s mosses any specimen representing
this species. A note in Sullivant’s herbarium states “ tliat tlie parcel
with AA^riglit’s specimens has two forms, one referable by its foliage to
0 . diaphanum, the other appears to be 0 . canum, Mitten.” This observation
is confirmed by dissection, except that tlie calyptra of this supposed
O. canum is witliout hairs.
* * * * * * * Leaves obtuse.
30. O. riv u la re . Turn. Monoecious: plants long, prostrate,
pendent, often floating, naked and simple below, fasoicu-
lately ramose and densely foliate in the upper part, blackish :
lower leaves distant, ovate-lanceolate, the upper close, Ungulate,
obtuse, smooth and revolute on the borders ; upper areolation
punctiform, the lower narrowly rectangular : calyptra campanulate,
entirely naked, blackish : capsule sliort-pedioellate,
ovate, its collum shorter than the sporangium, yelloiv, ivith
darker striæ, slightly contracted below the apex and costate its
whole length when dry ; cilia 8, somewhat longer, and 8 shorter
than the orange teeth, hyaline, curving upward. — Muso. Hib.
96, t. 8 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 219.
Hab. On roots of trees and posts in water, Anderson Valley, California,
common (Bolander) ; Oregon (Hall) ; etc.
31. O. obtusifolium, Schrad. Dioecious : plants small,
irregularly pulvinate, pale green or yellowish above, brown below
: leaves half-spreading from the middle when moist, imbricate
when dry, oval, oblong-obtuse and slightly serrulate at the
hyaline apex, concave, papillose on the back ; perichætial leaves
smaller, sheathing : calyptra covering the capsule to the middle,
not hairy, hut rough and darker-colored at the apex : capsule on
a very short pedicel, immersed, oval, with a long defluent collum,
yellowish, with 8 darker striæ, furrowed its whole length when
dry; lid conical, acuminate; teeth 8, higeminate, reflexed when
dry, vermiculose, papillose on the outside, pale orange color ;
cilia 8, yellow, nearly as broad as the teeth, of two series of cells.
— Swartz, Muso. Suec. 90, t. 4 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 208. O. liogeri (?),
Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. ed. 2, n. 174.
Ha b . British America {Drummond) ; on poplar trees near Elba, in
the Adirondacks {Lesquereux) ; Pennsylvania [James] \ Ontario (-J/acoitn).
32. o . J am e s ia n um , Sulliv. Monoecious: plants small,
loosely pulvinate, pale green when moist: leaves oblong or
ohlong-lanceolate, obtuse, revolnte on the borders, strongly
papillose : calyptra with some hairs : capsnle immersed, pyriform,
short-pedicellate and short-necked, 8-costate when dry
and constricted under the broad orifice ; peristome simple, of
16 distinct teeth, vermiculate transversely below the middle
and lengthwise above.—James, Bot. King Exp. 401; Sulliv.
Icon. Muse. Suppl. 71, t. 53.
Hab. On limestone rocks, East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada (Watson);
Fort St. James, British Columbia (Macoun).
A very distinct species, easily distinguished from the preceding by the
long papillæ on the surface of tlie leaves, tlie pyriform capsule, the inflorescence,
simple peristome, etc.
* * * * * * * * Peristome double, the inner o f 16 free cilia.
33. O. Lyellii, Hook. & Tayl. Dioeoious: plants of wide
growth, loosely cespitose or pulvinate, green : leaves long,
linear-lanceolate from the oblong base, sharply acuminate,
flexnous, squarrose when moist, somewhat twisted when dry,
plane on the borders, papillose and beset on the surface witli
clavate brown densely articulate filaments : male plants smaller :
calyptra pilose, large, covering the whole capsule: capsule
emergent, ovate, its collum as long as the sporangium, striate,
yellowish brown, much elongated and deeply sulcate when dry
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