i: i
f ■
hairs. Capsule regular or slightly curved. Peristome double ;
teeth long, densely articulate ; segments scarcely lialf as long.
1. P. gra c ile , Swartz. Tufts loose, yellowish green ; secondary
stems simple at base : capsnle cylindrical-oblong, chest-
nnt-oolor, with a narrow orifice; peristome pale, fragile;
segments short, narrowly linear; annulus compound. — Muse.
Suec. 26; Bryol. Eur. t. 467 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Amer.
ed. 2, n. 349. Hypnum gracile, Linn. Mant. ii. 310. Pterigynandrum
gracile, Hedw. Muse. Frond, iv. 16, t. 6. Neckera
gracilis, Muell. Syn. ii. 97.
Var. d u p lic a to -s e rra tum , Lesq. Plants more slender,
filiform: leaves duplicate-serrate. — Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 30.
Leptohymenium duplicato-serratum, Hampe., Linnæa, xxx. 460.
IIab. On rocks, California (Bolander, Bauer, Watson); common and
From the numerous specimens examined it is evident tbat the moss described
by Ilampe represents a mere variety. The California specimens,
though identical in their essential characters with the European form,
differ sometimes in the more marked dentieulations of the leaves, and in
the annulus. whicli appears a little longer and is sometimes composed of
three cells instead of two. These unimportant differences are merely casual,
and not observable upon all the specimens.
2. P. b ra c h y p te rum , Mitten. Monoecious : stems procumbent,
irregularly pinnately divided into short branches :
leaves closely imbricated, broadly deltoid-ovate, narrowly acti-
niinate, concave ; borders flat in the lower part, minutely
serrulate above ; costa vanishing above the middle ; cells of the
basal angles small, round, the others oval, longer at the apex,
all distinctly papillose ; perichætial leaves erect, ovate-acuminate,
very entire, nerved to above the middle : capsule cylindrical-
oval, erect, equal ; pedicel long, thickish, yellow ; operculum
short-conical ; teeth short, yellow, attached under the orifice,
connate at base ; cilia none : male flowers gemmiforrn, large. —
Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 37.
Hab. British America (Drummond).
The author remarks that this plant closely corresponds in structure and
appearance to the Abyssinian P . abbreviatum, Schimp., and is quite distinct
from any other American moss.
111. ANTITRICHIA, Brid. (PL 4.)
Secondary stems of various lengths, sometimes very long,
procumbent or pendent, simple or much divided, more or less
pinnately ramulose, rarely flagelliform. Inflorescence and areolation
as in the preceding genus. Calyptra shorter than the
capsule, smooth. Peristome double. Teeth narrowly lanceolate
suhulate, thin, pale, smootli on both sides ; segments a little
shorter, narrow, subulate, obscurely carinate, fugacious ; hasilar
membrane none.
1. A. c u r tip en d u la , Brid. Leaves densely crowded, open
and subsecund, decurrent at base, plicate in the lower part,
broadly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, denticulate at the apex, reflexed
on the borders ; costa flat, thin, sometimes enlarged and
divided at base, vanishing below the apex : cells of the areolation
very small, fusiform in the middle, transversely oval toward
the base from near the costa to the borders ; periohætium long,
polyphyllous, sheathing, the inner leaves long, abruptly narrowed
into a long acumen, ecostate : capsule oval, on a curved
or flexuous pedicel slightly longer than the perichætium ; operculum
conical, short-rostrate ; annulus simple, very narrow. —
Muse. Recent. Suppl. iv. 136 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 469. Hypnum
curtipendulum, Linn. Spec. PL 1128. Neckera curtipendula,
Muell. Syn. ii. 116.
Var. g ig an te a , Sulliv. & Lesq. Plants stronger : leaves
not plicate, broadly reflexed on the borders ; cells shorter, more
obtuse ; costa broader, more divided : capsule ovate-cylindrical,
on a thick erect pedicel. — Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. (ed. 2),
n. 356.
H a b . Summit of Black Mountains, North Carolina (Lesquereux);
Lake Superior (Agassiz); Oregon and Vancouver Island (Pickering,
Wood) ; the variety in the woods, in mountain districts of California
2. A. Oalifornica, Sulliv. Differs from the last in the
short julaceous branches, the leaves appressed when dry, short-
acuminate, scarcely denticulate toward the apex, cells oval, capsnle
cylindrical, twice as long, reddish, on a straight pedicel,
teeth longer and punctulate, cilia short, not half so long as the
teeth, and the spores half as large. — Lesq. Trans. Amer. Phil.
Soc. xiii. 11 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. 1. c. n. 357 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muso.
Snppl. 79, t. 59. A. curtipendula, Sulliv. Pacif. R. Rep.
iv. 189.
H a b . On trees in woods,. California (Bolander, Watson); Spokan
Falls ( Watson).