articulate teetli of the peristome, and not with Fabronia. As tlie operculum
is unknown the true position of the moss is uncertain. The peristome
is that of Habrodon.
115. ANACAMPTODON, Brid. (PI. 4.)
Plants soft, somewhat more robust than in Fabronia, widely
cespitulose, dark green. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, very entire,
plano-concave, chlorophyllose ; costa slender, vanishing above
the middle ; areolation rhomboidal-oval. Flowers monoecious ;
periohætium of few leaves, covering the slightly hairy vaginule.
Calyptra descending to below the lid, whitish. Capsule oval-
oblong, with a thick neck, constricted under the orifice when
dry, solid. Operculum short-rostrate, from a convex-conical
base, straight or oblique. Peristome double ; outer teeth 16,
lanceolate, close in pairs, distinctly articulate, marked by a
straight dividing line, pale, reflexed when dry; segments 16,
filiform, shorter than the teeth. Annulus none. Spores small,
yellowish green.
1. A. sp lach n o id e s, Brid. The only known species. —
Muse. Recent. Suppl. iv. 136; Bryol. Eur. t. 453. Neckera
splachnoides, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 151, t. 82. Campylodon-
tium hypnoides, Schwaegr. Suppl. ill., t. 211. Fabrmiia splachnoides,
Muell. Syn. ii. 38.
H a b . Forks and hollow knots or decaying horizontal surfaces of fallen
trees; rare.
116. HABRODON, Schimjo.
Plants small ; habit and mode of growth of Fabronia.
Leaves squarrose when moist, loosely incumbent when dry,
ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, entire; perichætial leaves
open-erect or spreading, the outer ovate-lanceolate, the inner
long-lanceolate, hyaline, erose-dentate on the borders. Flowers
dioecious ; vaginule smooth, on a short rooting branchlet. Capsule
oval-oblong, thin. Lid conical, obtuse. Peristome simple,
attached far below the orifice of the capsule; teeth linear-
lanceolate, spreading from the middle when moist, strongly and
distantly articulate. Annulus compound, narrow.
1. H. N o ta r is ii, Schimp. Tufts bright green; stems creeping
; branches short, erect-spreading: leaves ecostate ; cells of
the areolation elliptical, fusiform in the narrower part and in
the middle of the leaves, quadrate and transversely rectangular
along and toward the borders: capsule light brown, minutely
sulcate, with a small orifice and no collum; pedicel 8 to 10
m.m. long, twisted to the left when dry. — Syn. 505, and Bryol.
Eur. Suppl. Habrodon, 2, t. i. Pterogonium perpusillum,
DeNot. Clasmatodon perpusiUus, Lindb. Journ. Linn. Soc.
xiii. 70.
H a b . Trunks of trees, Central Ohio {Sullivant); sterile.
117. CLASMATODON, Hook. & Wils. (PL 5.)
Plants minute ; stems very slender, filiform, creeping, intricate
and irregularly branching. Leaves imbricate, erect or spreading,
concave, lanceolate-acuminate from a broadly ovate base ;
borders entire or minutely serrulate at the apex, recurved toward
the base ; costa flat, vanishing in the middle ; areolation
fusiform, quadrate near the borders from the middle to the
base ; perichætial leaves long-lanceolate, ecostate, loosely areolate,
the inner half-sheathing. Flowers monoecious. Calyptra
dimidiate. Capsule very small, short-pedicelled, oblong-oval,
erect, thin, constricted under the orifice when dry. Operculum
conical, obliquely long-rostrate. Peristome simple, of 16 yellowish
very irregular teeth, distantly and obscurely articulate,
dentate or perforated at base, granulate and geniculate. Annulus
large, compound, of 3 or 4 cells, persistent, covering the
hasilar membrane, dark colored.
A single species is known of this genus. Lindberg, however, refers to
it both Habrodon aud Anisodon of Schimper.
1. C. p a r v u lu s , Sulliv. Characters of the genus, as above.
— Mosses of TJ. States, 60, and Icon. Muso. 126, t. 79 ; Sulliv.
& Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 246 ; Lindb. Journ. Linn.
Soc. xiii. 70. Leskea parmda, Hampe. C. pusillus, Hook. &
Wils. in Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 80 ; Wilson,
Hook. Journ. Bot. (1842) iv. 421, t. 25, A. Anisodon acuti-
rostris, Schimp. in Bryol. Eur. Anisodon, 4.