oblong, the upper longer and tufted, lingulate-oblong, obtuse
and short-apiculato at the apex, crenulate on the margin,
Iiapillose and rcvolute in the upper part ; costa thick, vanishing
below or at the apex : male flowers terminal, sometimes in
detached plants or buds scattered in the compact tufts : calyptra
short, long-beaked : capsule long, narrow, cylindrical, erect
or slightly curved, broadly annulate ; lid conical-obtuse ; teeth
whitish, punctulate, distantly articulate, coherent nearly to the
middle, free above and split into irregular segments. — Muse.
Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 93; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 28;
Icon. Muse. 45, t. 29. Desmatodon Ohioensis, Schimp. Syn. 159.
I I a b . Sandstone rocks, Central Ohio, etc. ; common.
4. D. Garberi. With the aspect and mode of growth of
D. arenaceus, it differs in the dioeoious inflorescence, the leaves
narrower, oblong or lingulate, lanceolate or obtuse to the apiculate
apex, with borders inflexed above and not crenulate on the
margin, the costa percurrent, prolonged downward and decurrent
below the base of the leaves, the cells of the areolation not
half as large, opaque and scarcely papillose on the back, the
capsule oblong-oval, broader in the middle, narrowed to the
pedicel and upward to the conical longer-beaked lid, the teeth
cut into two unequal segments free to the base, attached to a
short membrane, the annulus simple.
I I a b . Florida (Garber).
5. D. P o rte ri, James. Dioecious : also closely related to
D. arenaceus, but differing in the stems much shorter (1 to 3
m.m. long), tawny green, the leaves oblong, tapering to the
acute apex, bordered in the upper part by a pellucid margin not
reflexed, the areolation very small and opaque, the dioecious inflorescence,
the capsule shorter, oblong, straight, the teeth
separated nearly to the base and split into nearly equal segments.
— Aust. Muse. Appal, n. 123 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muso. Suppl.
36, t. 23.
H a e . On rocks at Easton, Pennsylvania (T. C. Porter); Niagara
Falls (G. IF. Clinton).
6. D. p lin th o b iu s, Sulliv. & Lesq. Dioecious : plants
short, in pale green tufts : lower leaves ovate-oblong, with a
short hair-point, the upper lingulate-oblong, carinate-concave
with the borders revolute all around ; areolation minute, quadrate
and very chlorophyllose, and papillose in the upper part ;
costa stout, excurrent into a long whitish smooth flexuous hair :
male flowers gemmaceous, terminal : capsule cylindrical-oblong,
erect or slightly curved ; lid short-rostrate, obtuse, inclined ;
peristome short, with fragile whitish granulose teeth, split to
the middle; annulus very large.— Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc.
n. 94 ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 28, t. 2, and Icon. Muso. 47,
t. 30.
Hab. Brick walls and pavements, Charleston, S. Carolina (Ravenel);
Nashville, Tennessee (Lesquereux); limestone rocks, Pennsylvania (Porter)
; Texas (Llndhelmer); Savannah, Georgia (J. Donnell Smith).
Related to D. latifolius, Bruch & Schimp., differing in the dioecious inflorescence,
the longer hair-point, the longer and narrower capsule, the
longer rostrate operculum and short calyptra, the large compound annulus,
and the short peristome with teeth divided only to the niiddle.
7. D. Neo-Mexicanus, Sulliv. & Lesq. Monoecious :
densely cespitose, pale green : much like the last species, from
which it differs in the inflorescence and in the shorter whitish
teeth, which are scarcely split or nearly entire. — Muse. Bor.-
Amer. Exsicc. n. 95.
Ha b . Texas (Wright).
8. D. n e rv o su s, Bruch & Schimp. Monoecious: plants
short, 1 c.m. long, subcespitose or pulvinate ; tufts dirty green :
leaves crowded, twisted when dry, oblong or subspatulate,
acuminate, concave, reflexed on the borders ; areolation more
or less papillose, dense in the upper part, loose and rectangular
in the lower ; costa vanishing below the apex or passing up
into a short point : male flowers gemmiforrn, at the base of the
fertile innovations : calyptra covering the capsule to near the
base : capsule elliptical ; lid short, obliquely beaked ; teeth
attached to a somewhat large membrane, very variable, short,
the segments unequal, often cohering, very papillose, ferruginous,
erect, open when dry, oblique when moist ; annulus
simple. — Bryol. Eur. t. 132. Trichostomum convolutum,
Brid. ; Muell. Syn. i. 590. Grimmia atrovirens. Smith, Engl.
Bot. t. 2015. Barbula atrovirens, Schimp. Syn. (ed. 2) 194.
Tortula atrovirens, Lindb.
Var. e d e n tu lu s, Bmoh & Schimp. Plants smaller : lid
erect, conical : peristome rudimentary. — Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso.
Bor.-Am. Exsicc. (ed. 2), n. 121.
Ha b . On clay and adobe walls, California (Bolander), very common;
Guadalupe Island, Lower California (Palmer).
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