* * * Leaves open or subsecund.
111. H. Muhlenbeckii, Spruce. Monoecious: more or
less densely cespitose ; stems prostrate or ascending ; branches
and branchlets crowded, erect : leaves densely crowded, subcomplanate,
secund on the branchlets, ovate-lanceolate, gradually
narrowed into a long filiform point, decurrent, minutely
and distantly serrulate, plano-convex ; costa very short and
obsolete, double ; cells loose, those of the decurrent angles very
large, inflated, dark orange ; inner perichætial leaves halfsheathing,
narrowed into a long flexuous or recurved filiform
point : capsule suberect, cernuous, ohlong-cylindrical, longnecked,
more or less incurved, substriate, irregularly furrowed
when dry, often two-colored ; operculum long-conical, obtuse ;
peristome small, the segments entire ; membrane large ; cilia
three, slender, a little shorter than the segments ; annulus
large, compound. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Ilist. ser. 2, ill. 275. II.
striatellum, Brid. ; Muell. Syn. ii. 282. Plagiothecium Lluhlen-
becJcii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 499. P . striatellum,
Lindb. 1. c. 32.
IIab. On rocks in subalpine regions, and grassy places in mountains;
frequent and variable.
112. H. F itzg e ra ld i, Renauld, in litt. Closely allied to the
last, differing in its shorter and stouter stems, the branches
short, intricate (not erect), the leaves not glossy, narrower,
nearly entire, and the areolation more opaque, with longer narrower
and very chlorophyllose cells.
Hab. Decayed trunks, Florida {Fitzgerald).
Though the characters are not very marked, the great difference in
habitat authorizes a separation of this peculiar form.
113. H. p seu d o -Silesiacum. Monoecious : the branches
somewhat piano-foliate : upper leaves appressed, the lateral and
lower spreading, crowded, oval, narrowly acuminate, ecostate ;
areolation very narrowly rhomhoidal ; perichætial leaves imbricate,
ovate-lanceolate : capsule oblique or inclined, oval-oblong,
thin, pale brown, sulcate the whole length when dry ; pedicel
short (1 c.m.), straight ; operculum broadly conical, short ;
annnlus double, revoluble. — H. Silesiacum, Hook. & Wils. in
Drumm. Muso. Amer. (Coll. H.), n. 111. Plagiothecium pseudo-
Silesiacum, Schimp. Proc. Amer. Acad. xiv. 140.
Hab. Near St. Louis (Drummond).
Species o f uncertain relation.
114. H. su b fa lc a tum . Plants prostrate, intricate, cespitose,
bright green, glossy ; stems irregularly branching : leaves
distant, distichous, complanate, obliquely oblong, acute, spreading,
horizontally subfalcate by curving backward, serrate-dentate
at the apex ; borders reflexed toward the base ; costa short,
double, the nerves of unequal length ; areolation narrowly fusiform
or linear, a little shorter and broad at base. — Plagiothecium
subfalcatum, Aust. Muse. Appal, n. 366 ; Sulliv. Icon.
Muso. Suppl. 90, t. 67.
H a b . Crevices of rocks, in the mountains of New Jersey and New
York (Austin); always sterile.
Tliis species may be referable to a different subgenus.
Plants very small, sometimes widely expanded, creeping,
irregularly ramose and ramulose, without stolons. Leaves
spreading uniformly or subsecund, lanceolate or oval-lanceolate,
generally simply costate to the middle or to the apex.
Flowers monoecious, rarely dioecious. Capsule suberect or cernuous
upon a smooth pedicel, oval or oblong-cylindrical, subarcuate,
of soft texture. Operculum large, mamillate, blunt or
apiculate. Teeth of the peristome solid, closely articulate;
segments entire ; cilia more or less perfect. The texture of the
leaves is soft, the areolation parenchymatous or looseljr prosen-
chymatous, never linear or vermicular. — Amblystegium,
* Leaves opaque ; areolation parenchymatous, more or less
chlorophyllose : flowers monoecious, except in n. 115.
115. H. m in u tis s im um , Sulliv. & Lesq. Plants very
small, pale green ; stems prostrate, scarcely 1 c.m. long, with
bundles of radicles, subpinnately divided into short erect or
spreading branches : leaves loose, open, narrowly lanceolate,
more or less distinctly serrulate on the borders, ecostate or
marked with short striæ ; areolation large, oblong ; perichætial
leaves large, long-acuminate, coarsely dentate above : flowers
with scarcely any paraphyses : capsule minute, subovate, more