inner membrane longer and more or less distinctly divided into
short segments. —Mosses of U. States, 60, and Icon. Muse. 130,
t. 82 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. 249. ’
H a b . Oil dry sandy ground, rarely on trees ; Southern States.
119. MYURELLA, Bruch & Schimp. (PI. 5.)
Small fine mosses, with stems irregularly divided into erect
julaceous branches, soft when damp, very brittle when dry.
Leaves closely imbricate, glaucous-green, round-ovate, obtuse
or apiculate, very concave, minutely serrulate, more or less
distinoBy papillate on the back; costa double, very short;
areolation small, rhomhoidal above, quadrate or rectangular at
base. Flowers dioecious; periohætium long, dirty brown.
Calyptra very small, fugacious. Capsule long-pedicellate, suberect,
small, inflated at the neck, oval-oblong. Lid large,
conical, blunt or obscurely apiculate. Peristome comparatively
large, perfect ; teeth articulate, transversely striolate, yellowish ;
segments entire, as long as the teeth, with two intermediate
shorter cilia. Annulus double.
3. M. ju la c e a , Bruch & Schimp. In dènse compact
glaucous-green tufts, pale yellow within; stems erect, dichotomous
or fascLulate-branching : leaves round-ovate, obtuse,
rarely short-apiculate, minutely serrate, nearly smooth : capsule
pale brown, with orange lid. — Bryol. Eur. t. 560. Ilypnum
julaceum, Villars, PI. Dauph. iii. 909; Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2.
216, t. 89.
H a b Fissures of rocks on high mountains; New England and New
Yolk, Oregon, British America, etc.; rare.
2. M. ap ic u la ta , Bruch & Schimp. Tufts less compact
and wider, soft, glaucous-green : leaves loosely imbricate or
spreading, smaller, abruptly narrowed into a recurved point,
opaque: peristome small, whitish. —Bryol. Eur. t. 560 Iso-
thecium apiculatum, Hueb. Muse. Germ. 598. Hypnum julaceum,
var., Muell. Syn. ii. 465.
H a b . Britisii America (Drummond) ; Uinta Mountains ( Watson).
S. M._ C a rey an a , Sulliv. Tufts less compact, glaucous-
green, dirty white below, intermixed with long rootlets ; stems
slender, ascending, stoloniferous and fasciculately branching:
leaves loosely imbricate, open-erect, broadly ovate, narrowed to
a long acumen, spinulose-dentate all around, with long papillæ
on the back ; costa very short or none ; cells of the areolation
somewhat large, pellucid, all rhomhoidal, elliptic, simply papillose
on the outside; perichætial leaves sheathing, lanceolate,
long filiform-acuminate, coarsely dentate : capsule subincurved,
ohlong-obovate ; teeth pale yellow. — Mosses of U. States, 61
and 81, t. 5, and loon. Muse. 131, t. 83; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse.
Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 250.
H a b . Mountains of New England (Carj/, Erosi) ,• New York (Aasiin) ;
Pennsylvania (Lesquereux); crevices of wet limestone rocks, North Carolina
(Gray, Sullivant). Recently discovered also in Central Europe.
120. L E SK EA , Hedw. (PI. 5.)
Primary stems leafy, irregularly divided ; branches erect or
spreading. Stem- and branch-leaves similar, ovate-lanceolate,
open or spreading, rarely secund, soft, costate, papillose on
both sides. Flowers monoecious and dioecious. Capsule ohlong,
subcylindrical, straight or subarcuate, thin. Teeth of the peristome
narrowly lanceolate ; segments narrow, linear ; cilia none.
1. L. polycarpa, Ehrh. Monoecious: tufts widely intricate,
dirty green; stems long, creeping, soft; branches erect,
varying in length : leaves open or subsecund, ovate-lanceolate,
concave ; borders recurved below ; costa vanishing below the
apex : capsule oblong, cylindrical, slightly arcuate, constricted
under the orange-colored orifice when dry ; lid narrowly conical ;
teeth long, linear-lanceolate, yellowish; segments narrowly
linear-subulate, entire, hyaline, as long as the teeth ; annulus
narrow. — Crypt. Exsicc. n. 96 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 470.
Var. paludosa, Wils. More robust ; stems and branches
longer; branches erect: leaves larger, spre.ading-open, less
crowded : capsule longer, cylindrical. — I . paludosa, Hedw.
Muse. Frond, iv. 1, t. 1.
H a b . Roots and trunks of trees and bushes, in wet places and borders
of rivulets; not rare. Oregon {/faii)«
2. L. obscura, Hedw. Monoecious: plants small, loosely
and widely intricate, cespitose, dark green ; stems prostrate,
suhpinnately divided ; branches erect and compressed : leaves
open-erect, loosely incumbent, ovate at base, narrowed above