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minate; costa vanishing below the apex; areolation minute,
round-oval above, longer toward the hase. Flowers monoecious,
numerous ; perichætia on short branches, often agglomerate, the
perichætial leaves very different from those of the stem, with a
linear vermicular areolation, hexagonal-rectangular at base.
Calyptra conical-campanulate, many times split at the base,
rough or papillose. Capsule immersed, subtruncate at base,
ovate, thin. Peristome double; outer teeth linear-lanceolate,
articulate, minutely papillose ; segments narrow, linear or filiform,
punctulate ; cilia none. Annulus large, compound.
1. C. g lom e ra ta , Bruch & Schimp. Plants small, rigid,
in loose flat yellowish green tufts ; primary stems naked when
old, the secondary julaceous, simple or rarely branching : leaves
close, imbricate, ovate-elliptical, abruptly short-acuminate, concave,
reflexed on the borders, densely areolate ; medial and
upper cells elliptical, longer toward the base, the marginal
smaller and subquadrate ; costa reaching to the middle ; lower
pericliætial leaves minute, ovate, the upper gradually becoming
much larger than the inner, ohlong, abruptly rounded at the
apex, thin, the costa excurrent into a thick point : male flowers
gemmiforrn : calyptra 2-3-laciniate at base, split nearly to the
top on one side, scabrous at the apex : capsule oval-oblong, thin,
very shortly pedicellate ; lid obliquely conical, acute ; peristome
whitish; segments short; annulus compound, very broad.—
Bryol. Eur. under Cryphma, 5 ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 56,
t . -5, and Icon. Muse. 107, t. 67. C. flliformis, Sulliv. Muse.
Allegh. n. 81. Daltonia lieteromalla. Hook. & YVils. in Drumm.
Muso. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 99.
IIa b . Trunks of trees, mostly in the Southern States; not rare.
2. C. p en d u la , Lesq. & James. Plants slender, loosely
pendent, dark brown, green in the upper part only ; primary
stems very short or scarcely seen, the secondary filiform, thicker
in the middle, branching .at the apex only ; branchlets o.apilli-
form, either long and forking, or short, multiple and flagellate :
leaves squarrose-spreading when moist, long-acuminate ; areolation
dense ; apical cells ovate, angular, the alar transversely
elongated, quadrangular ; costa short, vanishing below the middle,
sometimes forking at base ; perichætial leaves with a short
acumen, the solid costa vanishing at or below the apex : calyptra
conical, entire: capsule and peristome as in the preceding
species; lid conical, blunt at the apex. — Proc. Amer. Acad,
xiv. 138.
H a b . On Tillandsia, Florida [J. Donnell Smith, Garher).
Tlie dark color of the plants, the long flexuous slender filiform stems,
rarely simple, generally forking above the middle or divided in tufts of
sliort capillary flabellate hranclies, the form and disposition of- the longer
leaves, open or recurved at th e top when dry, th e areolation, the straight
conical operculum, and the entire calyptra liispid to below the middle,
are the essential characters which separate this species from the last.
3. C. n e rv o sa , Bruch & Schimp. 1. o. Differs from C.
glomerata in its more slender stems, leaves less crowded, narrower,
lanceolate-acuminate, the costa ascending to near the
apex or vanishing within the acumen, the upper perichætial
leaves lanceolate, and papillose on the hack near the apex :
calyjitra split on one side only : capsule turgid at base, shorter ;
annulus simple, sliorter, nearly smooth. — Sulliv. Mosses of
II. States, 56, and Icon. Muse. 109, t. 68. Baltonia nervosa,
Hook. Æ Wils. in Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 100.
I I a b . On trees; Louisiana {Drummond); Alabama (Bohinson). Often
mixed with the xjreceding.
4. 0 . R a v ene lii, Aust. Plants short, dirty green, julaceous,
curved, nearly simple : leaves open when moist, round-ovate,
obtuse or blunt, opaque, minutely papillose on the hack ; borders
slightly recurved toward the base, incurved at the apex ; costa
ascending to above the middle, flexuous and open, unequally
bifid at the apex; areolation obscure, minutely granulose,
uniform : fruiting branches very short ; perichætial leaves thin,
jiale, abruptly short-acuminate; costa slender, vanishing far
below the apex: capsule*oval, solid, surrounded at the orifice
by a broad solid red margin ; lid conical, acute ; teeth 8, red,
solid, subulate-filiform from the enlarged base, nodulose-articulate,
perforated along the dividing line; segments none.
Coult. Bot. Gaz. ii. 89.
H a b . Rome, Georgia (Bavenel).
Resembles C. glomerata, but is readily distinguished by its obtusish
granulose leaves, not squarrose when moist, by its shorter less abruptly
pointed perichætial leaves, not costate to the apex, by its shorter more
solid capsule, with a broad solid rim and without a persistent annulus, by
its red erect teeth, appressed when moist, and by th e want of an inner
peristome. Æ (Au s t in . ) Apparently referable to th e following genus.