clavate. Calyptra split its whole length on one side and opened,
generally remaining attached to the pedicel by its constricted
base. C.apsule ovate-globose, cernuous, thick, on a long reddish
pedicel twisted to the right, the sporangium free. Lid large,
convex, conical. Teeth of the peristome 16, simple, striolate,
reddish, split from the base to the middle along the divisural
line ; articulations distant.
64. DISOELIUM, Brid.
The only genus, with the characters of the tribe.
1. D. nu d um , Brid. The only species, characterized above.
— Bryol. Univ. i. 366; Bryol. Eur. t. 297. Bryum nudum,
Dicks. Faso. iv. 7, t. 10.
Ha e . Clayey ground; Canton, Illinois (J. TKoi/). A very rare species.
Plants annual, produced from a persistent confervoidal pro-
thallium. Stems very tender and delicate, radiculose at base,
mostly simple, of two forms, the sterile frondiform, with leaves
vertically inserted and confluent at their base, the fertile frondiform
in the lower part, or naked, hearing the flowers at the apex
with a few minute tufted and horizontally attached leaves; areolation
loose. Flowers terminal, loosely gemmiforrn ; anthers and
archegonia few, without paraphyses. Calyptra minute, narrowly
mitriform, covering the lid only. Capsule small, subglobose,
soft, on a long soft pedicel, with distinct sporangium, thick columella,
and small convex lid. Peristome none. Spores minute.
The only genus, with the characters of the tribe.
1. S. OSmuudacea, Web. & Mohr. Plants widely and
loosely cespitose, about one c.m. long, bright or glaucous
green, brown below, from a golden yellow shining prothallium :
segments of the compound leaves rhomhoidal, the simple ones
lanceolate, very soft ; areolation rhomhoidal, slightly chlorophyllose
: flowers dioecious : lid short, with a red border. —
Bot. Tasch. 92 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 279. Mnium, Dicks. 1. c. i. 3 ,1.1.
Hab. On the ground, under the shade of rocks; Sand Lake, New
York (C. II. Peck); near the Profile House and the Dixville Notch,
White Mountains [Foster, James).
Plants annual or perennial, gregarious or cespitose, increasing
when perennial by suhfloral innovations and dichotomously
fastigiate. Leaves broadly costate ; areolation composed of
large soft parenchymatöse cells. Flowers terminal, monoecious
or dioecious, rarely bisexual, the male discoid with large pedicellate
antheridia and clavate jiaraphyses. Calyptra cucullate or
mitrate and split on one side, abruptly constricted at base,
rarely conical and entire. Capsule with an apophysis varying
in shape and size, erect, regular, long-pedicellate, with free
sporangium and persistent columella. Lid convex-conical or
hemispherical. Peristome rarely absent, of 16 gemmate or 8
bigeminate linear-lanceolate flat teeth, transversely articulate,
minutely punctulate, very hygrosoopical. Annulus none.
Spores minute.
1. Calyptra mitriform, constricted at base: apophysis uniform
in color, not enlarged loith age.
6 6 . DISSODON, Grev. Æ Am.
Leaves obovate or ovate-ohlong, spatulate, entire ; cells very
loose, shorter in the upper part of the leaves, longer and rectangular
toward the base, thin and a little chlorophyllose.
Capsule erect or cernuous, oval, defluent to an obconical collum,
on a solid pedicel narrowed at base. Lid convex or conical,
obtuse. Teeth of the peristome 16, geminate, linear-lanceolate,
acute or truncate, yellowish. Spores large, granulose.
1. D. H o rn sch u ch ii, Grev. & Am. Stems radiculose :
lower leaves small, broadly ovate, distant, the upper close,
imbricate, much larger, broadly oblong, narrowly costate, shining
green : capsule erect on a short thick pedicel, obovate with
the long neck, thick, chestnut-color, very short when deoperculate
and empty, with a broad orifice ; lid persistent upon the