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Page 279.
1“' Leptodon Flo r idan us, Lindb. Similar to JL. trîcho-
m i l r ium , differing in tho plants more robust, the leaves broader
and ovate, abruptly acuminate, the cells larger and especially
broader, thicker and communicating by pores, the pedicel
longer, nearly parallel to the stem (not diverging from it), and
the cai)sule half as large, ovate-oylindrioal. — Krit. Gransk.
Moss. Dill. 53.
H a b . Florida {Chapman).
Page 346. after H. plumosum.
58“' H. o x y c la d o n , Brid. Monoecious : stem short, prostrate,
vaguely or pinnately ramose ; branches simple or fasciculate,
slender, acute, yellowish green and shining: stem-leaves
close, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, slightly bijilicate, strict
or suhcurved, nearly entire ; alar cells loosely qu.adrate, thin,
granulose inside ; perichætial leaves nerved, the inner narrowed
into a long filiform acumen, not plicate ; capsule oval, equal, on
a smooth pedicel; lid conical, obtuse, erect; teeth not split
open ; cilia single, long and slender. —■ Muse. Recent. Suppl. ii.
123; Schw.aegr. Suppl. iii., t. 285; Muell. Syn. ii. 360. IL.
attenuatum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. ii. 448; fide Muell.
H a e. Pennsylvania {Miihlenbery), etc.
Mueller compares It to II. lutescens. From the description it appears
like II. nitens, especially its sterile American form.
Page 353.
73“- H. V a u c h e ri, Scliimp. Densely cespitose, soft, grayish
green ; stem prostrate, stoloniferous, with erect fasciculate
branches; biaanchlets long, attenuate, flagelliform: leaves close,
broadly ovate-lanceolate, filiform-acumin.ate, concave, minutely
crenulate all .around, glossy ; costa thin, ascending to the middle
or above ; perichætial leaves numerous, subsquarrose, the inner
long-filiform acuminate : capsule small, cernuous, turgid-ovate
or oblong, subincurved ; pedicel very rough ; lid rostellate ;
teeth and segments long, subulate ; cilia 1 or 2, very slender, as
long as the teeth. — Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 530.
H a b . Canada (Macoun), sterile; according to Austin.
N o t e . —The mosses selected for illustrating the genera are figured o f
the natural size; their details are more or less magnitied. The sign 5 indicates
the antheridia. Plates I.-V. are the same that were used by
Sullivant for t' - ' ' ' ” '
ligtires partly
Bruch dr ' _
mainly the siibgenera of Hypnum, is, with a single exception, made up
from Schimper.
P l a t e I.
Andresea. — Plant, calyptra, capsule before dehiscence, and the same
after dehiscence, of A. rupestris. Turn.
Sphagnum. — Plant, capsule with remains of the calyptra, the same
cut lengtlnvise, andTlie operculum, of S. cymbifnliwn, Ehrli.
A r c h id iu m .—Plant, a plant enlarged, capsule with base of calyptra,
and upper portion of the calyptra, of A. Ohioense, Schimp.
P h a s c u m . —Plant, the same enlarged, capsule, and calyptra, of P.
cnspidatum, Schreb.
B r u c h ia . — Plant, a plant enlarged, calyptra, and capsule, of B. brevi-
foliii, Sulliv.
Gymnostomum.— Plant, calyptra, capsnle, and operenhim, of G.
rupestre, Sclnvaegr.
W e i s i a . — Plant, capsule with calyptra and operculum, and five teetb
of the peristome, of IV. viridula, Brid.
R h a b d o w e i s ia . — Plant, calyptra, capsule with opercnlum. capsule
when dry, and three teeth of the peristome, of B. fugax, Bruch &
Dicranodontium.— Plant, calyptra, capsnle with oporeulnm, and
two 2-parted teeth of the peristome, of P. longirostre, Bruch &
Dicranum. — Plant, capsnle with calyptra and operculum, and two
teeth of the peristome, of D. fulvelluin. Smith.
Seligeria. — Plant, capsule with calyptra and operculum, and three
teetli of the peristome, of S. tristicha, Bruch & Schimp.
B a r b u la . — Plant, calyptra, capsule with operculum, and peristome, of
B. unguiculata. Hedw.
C e r a t o d o n . — Plant, calyptra, capsnle with operculum, same when dry,
and two 2-cleft teeth of the peristome, of C. purpureus, Brid.