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oblong, sheathing at base, narrowed to a filiform flexuous point,
suhecostate : capsule oval-oblong, gibbous-ovate ; operculum
conical, short-rostrate ; peristome normal ; ammlus simple, persistent.—
Sulliv. Muse. & Hopat. of North. U. States (1848,
correction). Mosses of U. States, 69, and Icon. Muse. 165, t.
105. II. prælongum, Sulliv., Gray’s Manual, ed. 1, 670.
IIab. On the ground in the margins oi woodlands, by brooks, etc.
Intermediate between H. prælongum aud H. Whippleanum, differing
from the first in Its shorter operculum, and the slenderly acuminate leaves,
scarcely papillose on the back. In H. Whippleanum, the exannulate capsule
is abruptly horizontal, the lid is shorter and conical-apiculate, and
the leaves of a thicker texture, strongly papillose, and with a thick pellucid
costa reaching nearly to the apex.
77. H. h ia n s , Hedw. Plants depressed, cespitose, yellowish
green, shining; stems with few branches, flexuous, creeping;
branchlets distichous, short, nearly simple : leaves loose, flat or
spreading, cordate-ovate, more or less long-pointed, plano-concave,
recurved on the borders, serrulate only above, narrowly
costate to above the middle ; areolation long, hexagonal ; perichætial
leaves long, narrowly short-acuminate, sharply serrate
at the apex, sqtiarrose, the inner suhecostate : vaginule liirsute
by long protruding paraphyses : capsule oval-ohlong, cernuous,
subincurved ; lid long, subulate-rostrate from a convex-conical
base ; teeth prominently lamellose inside ; segments as long as
the teeth, cleft ; cilia two, a little shorter than the segments. —
Spec. Muso. 272, t. 70 ; Sulliv. Mosses of H. States, 69, and
Icon. Muso. 163, t. 104. Pterigynandrum apietdatum, Brid.
Muso. Recent. Suppl. i. 137. II. prælongum, Muell. Syn. ii.
446, in part.
Hab. Moist shady banks, hillsides in woods; common.
78. H. Stokesii, Turn. Tufts rigid, somewhat inflated,
bright or dirty green ; stem thick, solid ; branches simple below,
densely pinnate and bipinnate above with stout simple rigid
squarrose-foliate branchlets : stem-leaves distant, divaricate and
recurved, costate, acuminate, excavate at the decurrent angles,
those of the branchlets smaller, erect-spreading, broadly ovate-
lanceolate, acuminate, all narrowly costate to below the point,
sharply serrate all around; perichætium squarrose, the inner
leaves long, filiform-acuminate, serrate,, ecostate : capsule horizontal,
subpendent when dry, oblong or oval, subcylindrical and
constricted under the orifice when dry and empty ; operculum
long-rostrate from a conical base, the subulate beak turned
upward; peristome and annulus as va. II. prælongum. — lAas.c.
Hib. 159, t. 15. II. prælongum, var. Stokesii, Brid. 1. c. ii. 103.
Eurhynchium Stokesii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 526.
H a b . Shady grassy slopes, Northwestern America; common.
79. H. Oreganum, Sulliv. Closely allied to the last, differing
in the plants being larger, more robust, very long and
creeping, once or twice branched, regularly and closely pinnately
ramulose, the leaves thinner and firmer, with longer and narrower
areolation, the basal angles not so much excavated, and
the perichætial leaves reflexed (not simjfly spreading). — Mem.
Amer. Acad. iv. 172 (1849), and Bot. Wilkes Exped. Musc.
16, t. 13, B.
H a e . Puget Sound (Pickering, Lyall) ; California (Bigelow, etc.).
SuBGBNus XII. RAPHIDOSTEGIUM. small, drooping-cespitose, irregularly ramose and
ramulose. Leaves spreading, glossy, open all around or subsecund,
those of the branches and stems similar, oblong-lanceolate,
aouminate, ecostate or shortly hicostate at base ; borders
reflexed ; areolation minute, linear, flexuous, with 3 to 5 cells at
the basal angles oblong and inflated. Capsule cernuous, horizontal
or suberect, oval-oblong. Operculum long-subulate, rostrate.
Pedicel generally smooth.
80. H. d emissum, Wils. Moncecious : tufts small, yellowish
or dirty green : leaves imbricate, compressed, or suhsecimd,
ovate or ohlong-lanceolate, ecostate, marked at base by two
short striæ, very entire ; basilar cells yellow ; perichætium closely
imbricate : capsule inclined, small, horizontal, oval-ohlong, yellow,
exannulate, constricted under the orifice when empty ;
operculum large, with a slender beak as long as the sporangium ;
pedicel very slender, curved above; teeth orange. — Engl. Bot.
Snppl. t. 2740. Phynchostegium demissum, Bruch & Schimp.
Bryol. Eur. t. 507.
Var. Caroliuiauum. Branches longer, flaccid, dirty
green; leaves revolute on the borders all around.—H. demissum,
Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 48. H. Carolinianum, Muell.
Syn. ii. 827. II. demissum, var., Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-
Amer. Exsicc. n. 298»-