hyaline ; costa short, scarcely passing above the middle : male
flowei’s in smaller buds at the base of the fertile ones : capsule
pyriform, gradually defluent to a long slightly inflated collum ;
lid highly convex, mamillate ; teeth pale, whitish, granulose ;
articulations and dividing line very obscure.—^ Trans. Amer.
Phil. Soo. xiii. 10 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. (ed. 2),
n. 236 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 28, t. 17.
Hab. On clayey soil near the bay of San Francisco (Bolander).
A very distinct species, even deviating somewhat from the generic
characters in its broad very soft entire leaves, costate only to the middle,
wlille in its inflorescence it resembles Funaria, and in its calyptra, which
is five-lobed at base and rather mitrate, it is like a Bhyscomitrium.
3. E. Templetoni, Schwaegr. More or less densely gregarious
; stem-leaves few, distant, the upper tufted, broadly
obovate or spatulate-oblong, acuminate ; border narrow ; cells
more or less unequal, yellow ; costa dividing below the acumen :
capsule defluent into a long collum, pyriform, obconical and
truncate, furrowed when empty; teeth lanceolate-subulate,
reddish, papillose, distantly articulate ; articulations prominent
on the sides: spores verruculose. — Suppl. ii. 1. 44, t. 113;
Bryol. Eur. t. 302. Weissia Templetoni, Hook, in Curt. El.
Lond. i, t. Funaria attenuata, Lindb. Manip. Muse. i. 63.
Ha b . Swamp near Mendocino, California (Bolander).
7 4 . PU N A R IA , Schreb. (PI. 3.)
Habit, mode of growth, form of leaves, reticulation and
calyptra as in the preceding genus. Capsule gibbous, obtusely
pyriform, narrowed to a more or less elongated curved collum ;
pedicël generally long, straight, or arcuate above; lid planoconvex
; annulus none or compound and revoluble. Peristome
rudimentary or more generally double, the outer of 16 teeth,
very hygromctrioal, obliquely curving to the right, prominently
trabeculate on the inner side with purple striæ, pale and granulose
on the outside, connected at the apex by a small reticulated
disk; inner membrane divided into 16 cilia opposite to the
outer teeth and adhering at the base, lanceolate or more or less
rudimentary, yellowish, with a longitudinal medial line, distantly
papillose. Sporangium much smaller than the capsnle, attached
to it by loosely entangled filaments. Spores generally large.
* Peristome perfect: annulus none.
1. F . Am e ric an a , Lindb. Plants small, gregarious or
loosely cespitose ; stems very short: leaves half open, ohlong-
ovate, acuminate, loosely areolate, borders nearly entire; costa
excurrent: capsule erect, subcernuous, rugulose at the long
inflated collum; pedicel short, twisted to the left in its lower
part, to the right in the upper when d ry ; lid conical, obtuse. —
(ifvers. Akad. xx. 398, and xxi. 597 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl.
30, t. 19. F . Iluhlenbergii, Hedw. fil. in Turn. Muse. Hibern.
106 (name only); Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 78, t. 66, mainly, excl.
descr.; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 51.
Ha b . Pennsylvania [Muhlenberg, James).
2. P. M ed ite rrán e a , Lindb. 1. c. Plants ^ to 1 c.m. long,
loosely cespitóse: lower leaves distant, oblong-lanceolate, deflexed,
the upper open, erect or spreading, ovate-oblong,
abruptly narrowed to a long filiform flexuous acumen, obscurely
serrate or nearly entire above; costa vanishing below
the apex: capsule clavate-pyriform; lid convex-conical; pedicel
twisted both ways as in the preceding species. — F. Muhlen-
bergii. Turn, in Koen. & Sims, Ann. Bot. ii. 198 ; Bryol. Eur.
t. 803. F . calcarea, Schimp. Syn. 320, excl. syn.; Watson,
Bot. Calif, ii. 388, in part.
Ha b . California [Bigelow, Bolander).
3. P. c a lc a re a , Wahl. Plants slightly larger than in the
former species: leaves ohlong-lanceolate, gradually narrowed to
a straight acumen, sharply serrate: capsule ohovate, turgid,
with a long less inflated collum; pedicel longer, twisted to the
left its whole length. — Vet. Akad. Handl. xxvii. 137, t. 4, f. 2.
F. Ilibernica, Hook, in Curt. FL Lond. ii, t . ; Bryol. Eur.
t. 304.
Ha b . British America (Drummond); Utah (Watson).
4. P. s e r r a ta , Brid. Plants short, dirty green, loosely
cespitose: leaves tufted, ohlong-lanceolate or lingulate-lanceo-
late, short-pointed, serrate above; costa vanishing below the
apex: capsule pyriform on a long pedicel twisted to the left
when d ry ; lid convex, apiculate. — Muse. Recent. Suppl. iii.
70 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 89, t. 54.
Hab. Moist clay banks and sand rocks, Southern States.
5. P. Oalifornica, Sulliv. & Lesq. Plants very small, pale
green, loosely cespitose: stem-leaves few, small and distant;