I i' :
M- .i
. ' i
stem-leaves narrowed at base, broadly obovate or lingulate, the
comal longer, spatulate, recurved when dry, undulate on the
reflexed borders, with broad distantly serrate brown margins,
mucronate or apiculate by the stout excurrent costa ; perichætial
leaves lanceolate, entire, strongly costate : calyptra persistent :
capsules ovate, yellowish, soft, more or less inclined on the
curved pedicel, 1 to 3 in the same perichætium ; lid convex, conical
beaked, pale yellow; outer peristome yellow, the inner
orange. — Suppl. i. 2. 136, t. 79; Bryol. Eur. t. 395. Bryum
rostratum, Schrad. Spicil. FL Germ. 72.
IlAU. Along woodland rivulets, wet sand or rocks wet by spray; not
rare on the Eastern slope; not yet found on the AYestern.
H-H- Flowers dioecious ; the male discoid.
7. M. affine, Bland. Plants large, widely and loosely cespitose,
sometimes stoloniferous ; leaves spreading, recurved
when dry and crispate on the borders ; lower stem-leaves round-
obovate, those in the middle ovate-ohlong, more or less deour-
rent, the upper crowded and rosulate, obovate and long-spatulate ;
outer perichætial leaves narrowly spatulate, the inner lanceolate,
all more or less abruptly acuminate and cuspidate by the stout
excurrent costa, bordered all around with an acutely dentate
margin : male flowers large : capsules clustered (1 to 3 or more),
pendent, oblong, glaucous-green until fully ripe, then yellowish
brown ; lid convex, apiculate ; peristome as in the preceding.—
Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2.134 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 397. M. cuspidatum.
Neck. ; Lindb. Mniac. Eur. 63.
Var. e la tum , Bruch & Schimp. Stems slender; stolons
erect : -leaves bordered with a pale margin, with short and distant
teeth : capsule shorter, generally solitary.
Var. rugiciim, Bruch & Schimp. Plants shorter, simple,
with shorter leaves ; those of the branches cordate, apiculate or
not, nearly entire : capsule smaller, inclined or cernuous.
Hab. On the ground and shaded banks or roots of trees, common;
var. elatum on damp sandstone rocks in woods, Southern Ohio.
8. M. insigne, Mitt. Plants robust, yellowish green ;
stems simple, erect, remotely foliate, radiculose at the base only ;
leaves oblong and ohlong-lanceolate, cuspidate by the excurrent
costa, long-decurrent at the gradually narrowed base, surrounded
by a colored serrate margin ; outer perichætial leaves longer,
the inner short, narrow, subulate : capsule long-pedicellate, halfpendent,
ovate-cylindrical, clustered (2 to 4) ; lid convex,
obtusely apiculate. — Sulliv. Icon. Muso. Suppl. 53, t. 37.
H a b . AYestern side of tbe Rocky Mountains, and Vancouver Island ;
not i-are.
Mitten says .tbat it differs from M. affine in its longer narrower leaves,
wliicb are widely decurrent at base, wbile tliey are not at all decurrent in
M. affine. Sullivant rigbtly remarks tbat tbe distinction in tbe form of
the leaves is quite correct, but tbat in M. affine the leaves are always more
or less decurrent, and tliat it is therefore difficult to separate these species.
* * Leaves with a thick doubly dentate margin.
-f- L id mamillate.
9. M. h o rn um , Linn. Dioecious : plants densely cespitose,
densely radiculose below ; stems simple, hearing at base a few
densely foliate flagelliform branchlets : leaves gradually closer
and larger from the base uptvard, open, erect, slightly or not
at all decurrent, a little twisted when dry, the lowest squami-
form with borders entire and costa reddish, the middle oval-
oblong, the upper oblong; outer perichætial leaves narrowly
lingulate-spatulate, the inner lanceolate, all sharply aouminate
and firmly dentate : capsule long-pedicelled, horizontally inclined,
elliptical, green when ripe and filled with the spores. — Spec.
PL 1112 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 390.
H a b . More generally on quartz or schistose rocks; plains and mountains.
White Mountains (Oakes); mountains of North Carolina (Buckley
) ; Lancaster and Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania (T. P. James) ;
Nova Scotia (N. B. James).
L id rostrate.
10. M. s e rra tum , Laich. Bisexual: loosely cespitose;
tufts soft, bright green ; stems short, slender, purplish, simple
or with slender basilar erect branchlets : leaves distant, decur-
rcnt, more or less twisted when dry, the lower ovate-lanceolate,
the upper oblong spatulate-lanceolate; perichætial leaves narrowly
lingulate-lanceolate, all acutely acuminate,, with spinulose-
dentate margins, which are confluent at the apex with the
costa : capsule horizontally inclined, oval and ohlong, pale yellow,
purple at the orifice, soft; lid pale. — PL Eur. 478; Brid.
Muse. Recent, i. 3. 84, t. 1 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 391. Bryum serrOr-
turn, Schrad. Spicil. El. Germ. 71, in part (?). M. marginatum,
Beauv. ; Lindb. Obs. Mniac. 46.
H a b . Sandy borders of rivulets in woods; not rare. Not yet found
on the AYestern slope, as Drummond’s n. 259, so named, is referred by
Schimper to the following speeies. But a close examination of the sped