: if:
rliomboidal. Calyptra cuculliform, bairy. Operculum conical,
subrostellate. Capsule cylindrical-ovate or oblong, regular,
erect, or somewhat arcuate. Teeth of the peristome linear-
lanceolate, closely articulate; segments adhering to the teeth
and bordering them.
1. H. su b c a p illa tum , Sulliv. Monoecious: leaves open-
erect, subimbricate, elliptical or obovate, abruptly narrowed to
a slender recurved acumen; costa short, simple or forking, vanishing
below the middle ; alar cells numerous, quadrate ; inner
perichætial leaves sheathing, long-acuminate, dentate at the
apex : pedicel rough : capsule slightly incurved ; teeth confluent
at base, dark red, with a broad pellucid central stripe marked
by a delicate medial line; segments lining the teeth. —Mosses
of U. States, 63, t. 5, and Icon. Muse. 141, t. 90. Pterigynandrum
subcapillatum, Hedw. Spec. Muse. 83, t. 16.
Hab. Bark of trees in woods, with the last two species of Pylaisia.
2. H. p seu d o se ric eum . Dioecious: loosely cespitose,
irregularly branching, glossy ; branchlets short and short-cuspidate,
slightly curved, turgid : stem-leaves loose, spreading,
sliglitly decurrent, rounded at base, graduallj narrowed into a
long acute or cuspidate often half-twisted acumen, irregularly
and indistinctly sulcate, deeply concave, revolute on the borders
from the base to the middle, obscurely denticulate ; oosta narrow,
vanishing in the point ; cells pale, inflated, narrowly
linear; outer perichætial leaves small, lingulate, obtuse, the
inner broad and sheathing at base, gradually narrowed into a
long narrow denticulate point, nerveless: capsule tuberculose
above, suberect or slightly mclined, abruptly arcuate, cylindrical,
constricted at the orifice ; pedicel short, reddish, often very
flexuous; lid conical, obliquely rostellate; teeth robust, ferruginous;
inner membrane thin, yellow; cilia one or two. —
Hypnum pseudosericeum, Muell. Regensb. Flora, Iviii. 89
(1875) ; Watson, Bot. Calif, ii. 412.
Hab. Oakland and Portland, Oregon [P. P. Nemus).
125. CYLINDROTHECIUM, Bmoh & Schimp. (PI. 5.)
Plants large, widely cespitose; stems generally compressed,
suhpinnately ramulose. Leaves crowded, more or less compressed,
imbricate, costate, glossy, entire, with a linear very
narrow areolation quadrate at the basal anglès. Calyptra
cucullate and dimidiate. Capsule long-pedicellate, erect, cylindrical.
Operculum conical or obliquely short-rostrate. Peristome
small ; teeth free to below the orifice of the capsule,
linear, distantly articulate ; segments narrow, carinate, attached
to a narrow membrane or entirely free; cilia none. Spores
greenish brown, minute.
1. C. c lad o rrh iz an s , Schimp. Plants in wide yellowish
green tufts : leaves closely imbricate, ohlong-ovate, acute, very
slightly serrulate at the apex, concave, indistinctly hicostate at
base : lid long, conical, blunt at the apex ; teeth entire, dark
brown ’ at base, more or less lacunose above ; segments linear,
pale, entire ; -annulus large, easily detached. — Syn. 514 ; Sulliv.
Mosses of U. States, 64, t. 5, and Icon. Muse. 143, t. 91.
Neckera cladon-hizans, Hedw. Spec. Muso. 207, t. 47. G.
Schleichei'i, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 464.
H a b . In woods on decayed logs, roots of trees and the ground ; very
2. 0. sed u c trix , Sulliv. Very near the preceding, distinguished
hy the darker color of the stems, the smaller terete and
more slender hraiiolilets, the leaves sulcate, more concave and
shorter-apiculate, the capsules more numerous and narrower,
the deeper insertion of the shorter loosely articulate teeth, and
the less jierfect persistent annulus. — Mosses of U. States, 64,
and loon. Muso. 145, t. 92. Neckei-a seductrix, Hedw. Spec.
Muse. 208, t. 47. Pterigynandrum Carolinianum, Brid. Muso.
Recent. Snppl. i. 132. C. Muhlenbergii, Bruch & Schimp.
Bryol. Eur. Cylindrothecium, 4.
Ha b . On logs in moist shaded places; fruiting more copiously than
the last species; common.
3. O. b re v ise tum , Bruch & Schimp. 1. o. Facies and mode
of growth of C. cladorrhizans ; branches, branchlets and leaves
less compressed: leaves erect, open, concave, lanceolate, gradually
narrowly aouminate, with borders recurved in the lower
part; areolation loosen capsule enlarged toward the base or
oval-cylindrical; operculum conical, obtuse; pedicel short, pale
yellow; teeth hyaline-margined hy the adhering segments;
annulus very large: spores large. — Sulliv. Mosses of IJ. States,
65, and Icon. Muso. 150, t. 96. Neckei-a breviseta, Hook. &