i t
oval, emarginate at the obtuse apex, the utricles empty: male
aments yellowish-hrown; — Ofv. K. Vet. Ak. Forh. xix. 188,
and Sphag. 49 ; Braithw. Sphag. G4, t. 17. S. Girgensohnii,
Russ.; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 14, t. 5.
Var. sq u a rro su lum , Russ. Plants small: branch-leaves
recurved at the apex.
IlAB. Ill swamps and bogs. New JersBy and Canada; the variety at
Little Falls, New Jersey {Austin). A large ionn (var. major) is found
in the White Jlountains, New Hampshire.
4. S. flm b riatum , Wils. Closely allied to the last, differing
in its glaucous-green color, the_cortical cells in 2 or 3 layers,
distinctly porose, the much larger stem-leaves ovate-spatulate
and fimliriate at the upper border or from the middle, and the
perichietial leaves much larger and with a closer areolation. —
Bryol. Brit. 21, t. 60; Schimp. Torfm. 59, t. 15; Braithw.
Sphag. 63, t. 16 ; Lindb. Sphag. 47.
Hab. In swamps of the Palisades, New Jersey ( White); in the Sierra
Nevada, California, at 11,000 feet altitude {Brewer).
§ 2. C u s p id a t a . Branch-leaves longer and narrower, erect-
spreading, nndulate on the margin when d r y : ducts with
the broad base exposed upon the back o f the leaf, cuneate
between the utricles: stem-leaves small: cortical cells not
5. S. cu sp id a tum , Elirh. Dioecious, generally long and
slender, floating in loose tufts, greenish : stems filiform ; cortical
cells large, in 2 (rarely 3) layers ; branches in fascicles of 3 to
5, spreading or pendent, cuspidate by the convolute terminal
leaves : stem-leaves triangular, 2-3-toothed at the apex, broadly
margined; cells of the lower part long and narrow, the up])er
vermicular, fibrillose, not porose; branch-leaves loose, lanceolate-
acuminate, deeply concave, denticulate at the apex, subulate
toward the end of the branches; perichsetial leaves distant,
broadly ovate, truncate or obtuse at the apex, more or less
fibrillose: capsules small, mostly long-pedicellate, scattered
along the stem: spores light-brown. — PI. Crypt, n. 251 ;
Schimp. Torfm. t. 16 ; Braithw. Sphag. 82, t. 26, 27 ; Lindb.
Sphag. 62; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 11, t. 2 {S. laricinum,
Aust. Muse. Appalaeh. n. 31).
Var. T o rrey an um . Very robust; branches in fascicles of
4 or 5, very long, flat, linear-lanceolate : leaves long-lanceolate,
spreading, broadly margined, erose-dentate at the apex.—
S. Torreyanum, Sulliv. Mem. Amer. Acad. iv. 174, and Mosses
of IT. States, 13. S. cuspidatum, var. Torreyi, Braithw., in
Var. fa lc a tum , Russ. Branches distinctly falcate at the
apex. — Beitr. Torfm. 59.
Var. p lum o sum, Schimp. Tufts soft, compact; stems
short and branches erect; leaves lanceolate-subulate. — S. laxi-
folium, Mucll. Syn. i. 97.
Var. p lu tau lo sum , Schimp. Soft, as in the last; leaves
shorter, very narrow.
Var. s e rra tum . Stem-leaves broadly margined; upper
branch-leaves serrate from the niiddle, those of the comal
branches from the base. — S. serratum, Aust. Bull. Torr. Club,
vi. 145.
Var. hy p n o id e s, Schimp. Stems in short dense tufts, without
branches; leaves lanceolate, tubular, hamate-secund. — S.
hypnoides, Braun.
Hab. Ponds, and borders of streams flowing from bogs; not rare.
Yar. Torreyanum, in bogs at theSouth; vars. plumosum anil plumulosum
on alpine rivulets; var. serratum, at St. Augustine, Florida {J. Donnell
6. S. in te rm ed ium , Hoffm. Closely allied to the preceding.
Stems and reflexed brandies thicker ; cortical cells small,
in 2 or 8 layers; stem-leaves shorter, broader, triangular;
branch-leaves broader, recurved at the apex; the perichmtlal
closely imbricated; capsules on the tufted hranclies. —Braithw.
Sphag. 78, t. 24, 25. S. recurvum, Beaiiv.; Brid. Bryol. TTiiiv.
i. 13; Schimp. Torfm. 1.16. S. cuspidatum, var. Bauei, Aust.;
Rau & Ilarv. Cat. 49.
H ab. With the preceding.
7. S. Lindbergii, Schimp. MonoBcious, robust, greenish-
brown : cortical cells in 3 or 4 layers, unequal, without fibrils or
pores : stem-leaves reflexed, close, broadly Ungulate, fimbriate at
the apex ; branoh-leaves ovate or oblong-lanceolate, dentate at
the apex, shining, broadly margined downward, with numerous
small pores in the upper p a rt: capsule on a thick pedicel, uroeo-
late when dry: spores yellow. — Torfm. t. 25; Braithw. Sphag.
77, t. 23 ; Lindb. Sphag. 60.
H ab. Wet sloping rocks of White Face Mountain, New York {C. H.
Peck); very rare.