zoiital, oval, turgid, very large in proportion to the size of the
plants, with a broad orifice and thick texture ; lid small, hemispherical,
obtuse; outer teeth robust, yellow; cilia short.—
Bri/um Brumniondii, Muell. Bot. Zeit. xx. 828. B. nutans,
var. minor, Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 263. '
IIab. Eocky Mountains (Drummond); Sitka (Harrington).
11. W . n u d ic au lis. Plants densely cespitose, brown below,
greenish above; stems short, slender, simple or rarely innovated
at the apex, naked to the middle or above : stem-leaves
distant, very small, broadly ovate, aj/pressed ; the comal densely
tufted, erect, ovate-lanceolate, acute, with a strong costa dissolving
below the apex; borders semi-revolute, obscurely denticulate
above: capsule small, obovate, turgid, gradually nar-
row'ed into an obsolete collum, not constricted at or below the
orifice, of thick texture, fuscous, horizontal or pendent on a
short flexuous pedicel (1 c.m. long) ; lid small, convex-conical,
mamillate ; inner segments long, narrow, sometimes united at
the apex by irregular laciniæ ; Aia. none. — Bryum tiudicaule,
Lesq., Mem. Cal. Acad. i. 21 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 49,
t. 34.
IIab. Mount Dana, California, at 11,000 feet altitude (Bolander).
Closely allied to tlie last, and perhaps a variety of it.
12. W. BoMnderi. Plants in flat loose tufts, yellowish
green ; stems simple, foliate : lower leaves erect, loosely imbricate,
lanceolate, the upper tufted, close, longer, narrowly lanceolate
; costa vanishing below the denticulate apex : male plants
slender, the perigonial leaves broadly ovate, concave at base,
narrowed^ into a long flexuous acumen, nearly entire, the perichætial
similar : capsule inclined or horizontal, short-ovate,
somewhat long-necked; pedicel long, reddish; lid conical,
apculate ; outer teeth broad and short ; the segments longer,
Avlth or without two intermediate rudimentary cilia. Bryiim
Bolanderi, Lesq., Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 22.
Hab. Foot of Mount Dana, California (Bolander).
The longer capsule, of a thinner texture and narrowed at the orifice, its
longer pedicel, the shining color of the plants, the narrow strongly denticulate
leaves, and the form of the perigonial leaves separate this species
from the preceding. No antheridia were found in the axils of tlie perichætial
leaves. It has the appearance of W. cruda.
13. W. c om m u ta ta , Schimp. Plants slender, dusky, not
reddish : leaves solid, glossy, open-ereot, imbricate when dry,
the lower ovate or ovate-lanceolate, shorter; the upper gradually
longer, strict, ohlong and linear-lanceolate, suboariuate,
reflexed on the borders, all scarcely decurrent, more or less serrate
at the apex, with a purplish costa enlarged at the base
only: male plants generally simple, mixed with the fertile ones,
more slender; antheridia axillary, numerous, mixed with numerous
slightly clavate paraphyses: capsule inclined or pendent,
oval-oblong, incurved at the collum, somewhat turgid; teeth yellow
; the inner segments broadly lamellose ; cilia two, perfect.
— Syn. ed. 2, 403. Bryum Bitdimgii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol.
Eur. t. 351. B . commutatum, Watson, Bot. Calif, ii. 391.
Hab. Foot of Mount Dana, California (Bolander); Rocky Mountains
(Hall); Cascade Mountains (Lyall).
14. W. L e s c u ria n a . Small, loosely and irregularly cespitose,
rarely gregarious, pale green (not red and glossy) ; stems
1 or 2 c.m. long, declined: lower leaves distant, smaller, narrowly
lanceolate, the upper gradually closer, erect, long-lanceolate,
all obscurely serrate toward the apex, the strong costa dissolved
at the point and decnrrent at base : male plants smaller;
perigonial leaves erect, concave at base, subulate, rigid, the
inner much shorter: capsule pendent, pyriform, twisted above
and enlarged at the orifice when d ry ; pedicel suhgeniculate at
base ; lid conical-apiculate or mamillate ; teeth linear-lanceolate,
subulate, pale yellow ; the segments split; cilia solitary ; annulus
double, revoluble. — Bryum Lescurianum, Sulliv. Mem.
Amer. Acad. n. ser. iv. 171, Mosses of U. States, 44, and Icon.
Muso. 81, t. 50. B . pidchellum, Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 101.
Hab. Moist clay banks and wet sandy ground; not rare.
15. W. c a rn e a , Schimp. Gregarious or loosely cespitose,
pale green : lower leaves small, distant, gradually closer and
larger upward, strict, lanceolate, the comal erect, linear-lanceolate,
more deeply serrate at the apex ; areolation rhomboidal-
hexagonal, loose ; costa reddish : capsule horizontal, inclined or
pendent, oval, soft, thick, fleshy, short-necked, shorter and sub-
hemispherical and with a broad orifice when d ry ; pedicel reddish,
thicker and arcuate above ; lid large, broadly convex, papillate
or no t; peristome large, the teeth solid, orange-colored, and
the segments separated by two cilia; annulus none. — Coroll.
67. Bryum caimeum, Linn. Sp. PI. 1122 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 353.
Hab. Gravelly banks of brooks, Canton, Illinois ( Wolf).