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obtuse or subacute, deeply concave ; costa double, short,
obsolete ; areolation very narrow, enlarged, quadrate and hyaline
at the decurrent angles, concave on the upper face ; perichætial
leaves deeply sulcate, narrowly hicostate, gradually
short-acuminate : capsule long-pedicellate, erect at base, horizontally
incurved, ohlong, large, reddish brown ; operculum
convex-conical, apiculate ; teetli orange, liyaline-marginate, serrate
at the apex ; cilia three, stout, a little sliorter than tho narrowly
cleft segments ; annulus broad, triple, revoluble, persistent.—
Spec. PL 1129; Bryol. Eur. t. 619. Stereodon cuspidatus,
Brid. Acrocladium cuspidatum, Lindb. Muse. Scand. 39.
H ab. Swamps, wet meadows, grassy ditches; not common.
177. H. R ich a rd so n i. Monoecious ; cespitose, the brandies
irregularly pinnate, cuspidate at the apex : leaves spreading,
broadly ovate, obtuse, concave ; cells long and narrow, prominent
at the apex, tbe alar loose, ventricose, pale ; pericliætial
leaves oval, acute, nerved to the middle, imbricate : capsule
long-pedicellate, cylindrical, arcuate, horizontal ; peristome normal.—
Stereodon Richardsoni, Mitt., Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 42.
Amhlystegium Richardsoni, Lindb. Muso. Scand. 34.
Hab. British America ( Ric/iardsoii) ; coast of Greenland {Inglefield).
The author remarks that in its general appearance and yellowish hrowm
color the species is closely similar to II. cuspidatum, and intermediate
between it and H. cordifolium.
178. H. S ch reb eri, Willd. Dioecious : tnfts high, pale,
olive or grayish green ; stems rigid, woody, dark red, branching
and pinnately-ramulose; branches and branchlets obtuse at
the apex : leaves close, loosely imbricate, broadly ovate, oblong,
obtuse or obtusely pointed, slightly sulcate ; costa double,
short ; borders recurved at base, incurved at the apex ; areolation
very narrow, solid, quadrate, orange at the base and at the
decnrrent excavate angles ; inner perichætial leaves sheathing,
erect, short-acuminate, ecostate, not plicate : capsule incurved,
oblong, fuscous ; pedicel purple, long, twisted above ; operculum
conical-apiculate, reddish ; teeth long, lamellate on the
inside, cristate ; segments split nearly the whole length ; cilia
three, slightly shorter; annulus none. — Prodr. FI. Berol. 325;
Bryol. Eur. t. 620. Stereodon Schreberi, Mitt. 1. c. llylocomium
Schreberi, DeNot. Briol. Ital. 92, and II. pm-ietinum, Lindb.
Ha b . On shaded ground, hills and mountains; common.
179. H. A la sk a n um , Lesq. & James. Dioecious : plants
widely spreading, densely and regularly pinnate and bipinnate,
pale green : leaves solid, broadly ovate, obtuse, plano-concave,
obscurely bicostate, the borders remotely serrate ; areolation
vermicular, slightly larger toward the base ; paraphyllia numerous,
multifid. — Proc. Amer. Acad. xiv. 139.
H a b . On the ground ; Alaska.
Comparable to II. Schreherl, from wliich it differs in its densely pinnate
branches, the broader sliglitly serrate leaves, the dark color, etc.
* * Plants nearly simple, subterete : leaves closely imbricate
when dry: flowers dioecious.
180. H. s tram in eum , Dicks. Plants slender, in soft pale
yellowish green tufts ; stems long, slender, simple or with few
branches, not ramulose : leaves erect, open, ovate-ohlong, obtuse,
concave, suhcucullate, excavate at the decurrent angles, narrowly
costate to above the middle ; perichætial leaves taper-pointed,
the inner serrate at the apex, very thinly costate, not plicate :
capsule cernuous or horizontal from a short erect collum, oblong-
cylindrical ; lid convex-conical, acute ; teeth short ; segments
slightly cleft; cilia two, very short, fragile; annulus none.—
Cryjit. Fasc. ii. 6, t. 1 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 617. Amblystegium
stramineum, DeNot. 1. c. 137.
H a b . Peat bogs; White Mountains {Oakes); Pocono Mountain,
Pennsyivania {Porter).
181. H. trifa rium , Web. & Mohr. Tufts dirty green
above, dark bi'own within, rigid when dry; stems flexuous,
drooping or erect, scarcely divided, filiform at base, gradually
thicker above.: leaves closely imbricate when dry, five-ranked,
broadly ovate, obtuse, slightly decurrent, deeply concave;
costa simple, ascending to the middle, or double and shorter ;
areolation very narrow, small and shorter at the angles ; perichætial
leaves loosely imbricate, the inner long-lanceolate,
blunt or subacute, narrowly costate, sulcate: capsule small,
cernuous and horizontal, ohlong-cylindrical with a distinct collum
; lid convex-conical, reddish ; annulus of a triple row of
very small cells; peristome as in the precedmg. — Schwed;
Reise, 177, t. 2 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 618. H. stramineum, var. trifarium,
Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 212, t. 89. Amblystegium trifarium,
DeNot. 1. c.
H a b . Peat bogs, Northern Ohio {Lesquereux); Lake Huron; sterile.