f M j
il' i:
long-rostrate ; teeth dark orange ; cilia two or three, unequal ;
annulus^ large. — Crypt. Gott. 226. II. riparioides, Iledw.
Muse, hrond. iv. 10, t. 4. Rhynchoategium rusciforme, Bruch
ifc Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 515, 516.
Var. A tla n tic um . Stems very long: leaves longer, subsecund,
short-acuminate, obscurely striate, dirty green, glossy.
Bruch & Schimp. 1. c., as lilignchostegium.
Vai. in u n d a tum . Stems much divided, flexuous, prostrate,
densely foliate : leaves ovate-oblong, gradually narrowed : capsule
short-pedicelled, arcuate, thick. — Bruch & Scliimp. 1. c.
H a e . Stones and wood, in running water; plains and mountains.
91. H. c u rv is e tum , Brid. Monoecious: loosely depressed-
cespitosc, dark green, irregularly branching and ramulose;
branclilets rigid, spreading, incurved: leaves erect-spreadiiig,
striate, tliose of tlie stems and lower part of branches distant,
the terminal crowded, lanceolate and narrowly oblong-lanceolate,
acuminate, concave, costate to the middle, moioe or less
distinctly serrulate ; cells elongated-rhomboidal, the basilar in
three or four roivs, oblong, obtuse, hyaline; perichætial leaves
few, ecostate, long lanceolate-acuminate : capsule solid, oval or
oblong, with a distinct collum, horizontal; pedicel flexuous,
rough ; operculum yellow, long-subulate, rostrate ; cilia nearly
as long as the segments, simjile or geminate.—Muse. Recent.
Suppl. ii. I l l ; Lindb. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiii. 68. lihgndwste-
gvuni Teesdalii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 509, excl. syn.
H a e . Fairmount Park, Philadelphia (James).
Species insufficiently known and not certainly referable to this
92. H. C a lo osiense , Aust. Monoecious : prostrate, the
stems intricate, 6 to 8 c.m. long, subpinnately branching : leaves
subflattened, broadly obliquely ovate, subacnminate, the borders
pkne, obsoletely serrulate toward the apex; costa geminate,
distinct to near the middle ; areolation loose, rhomhoidal, fiish
form ; paraphyllia long-subulate, subfasciculate : capsule broadly
oval, pendent on a short smooth pedicel, much constricted
under the orifice when dry, obtuse at base : flowers small —
Coult. Bot. Gaz. iv. 161.
Hab Low hummocks on the Caloosahachee Eiver (J. D. Smith,
Austin). ’
Somewhat like H. deplanatum and H. micans, but readily distinguished
from the first by its moncecious inflorescence, short pointed entire leaves,
and much longer entire parapiiyllia; from the second by its more obsoletely
serrated leaves, and by the presence of paraphyllia; from both by its
darker green color, more copiously branched stems, and much more loosely
areolated leaves, tbe longer costa, and tbe pendulous capsule. — (Austin.)
93. H. Royæ, Aust. Dioeoious : stems rigid, slender, with
few suboompressed branches : leaves scattered, half-open, ovate
or ovate-lanceolate, sharply acuminate, somewhat concave,
flat and minutely serrate on the borders, costate to above the
middle ; cells oval and ohlong, rhomhoidal ; perichætial leaves
long-subulate, acuminate from an oblong-ovate base, ecostate,
subserrate at the apex, squarrose. — Coult. Bot. Gaz. iii. 31.
H a b . California {Mrs. Jessie Roy).
92. H. Brandegei, Aust. 1. c. Densely cespitose, yellowish
green ; stems erect, nearly simple, slightly tumid and compressed
: leaves imbricate, broadly ovate, concave, 2-3-plicate,
abruptly short-subulate or filiform, acuminate, flat on the borders,
entire or obscurely serrate ; costa simple or forking, reaching
the middle ; cells narrowly oblong, fusiform, strict, the basilar
a little longer, short.
H a b . Colorado (Brandegee).
The author compares it witb II. murale, H. piliferum, B. Coloradense,
and even with II. acuminatum, thus showing tbe uselessness of descriptions
made from incomplete specimens.
S u bg en u s XIV. THAMNIUM. (PI. 6.)
Plants dendroid from a subterranean rhizome-like stem;
secondary stems erect, solid, woody, with distichous or fasciculate
apical branches and branchlets. Leaves 8-ranked, those of
the primary stems and of the lower part of the secondary very
small, distant, scarious, appressed, the upper gradually larger,
green, loosely imbricate, ovate-lanceolate, coarsely dentate or
serrate at the apex; areolation dense, narrowly linear, pellucid
at the base, gradually shorter-rectangular upward, minutely
rhomboidal-quadrate and chlorophyllose toward the apex.
Calyptra covering the capsule to the middle. Cajisules generally
clustered, ovate-ohlong, horizontal by the curving of the
short arcuate smooth pedicel. Operculum long-rostrate. Peristome
large; segments as long as the teeth, cleft between the