.lY Y ■
Var. Marylandicum. More robust, green; branches suh-
cuspidate at the apex : leaves broadly ovate-acuminate, with
borders erect : pedicel much stouter ; capsule oblong, subcernuous,
contracted at the orifice. — II. demissum, var., Sulliv.
Muse. Allegh. n. 49 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. 1. c., n. 298“- II. Mary-
laudicum, Muell. 1. c. 328.
IIab. Wet rocks in the mountains, and borders of streams, in the
Soutliern States; sometimes immersed.
81. H. N o væ -C e s a reæ , Austin. Dioecious: in glossy
yeilow flat patches ; stems prostrate, slender, filiform, with few
short simple suberect branches: lower leaves spreading, the
upper appressed and subsecund, roundish-apiculate, concave, serrulate,
obscurely two-nerved at base, the margins slightly
reflexed below: fruit unknown. — Muso. Appal, n. 440. II.
micans, Wils. in Hook. Brit. FL ii. 86, not Swartz. Chryso-
bi'yum micans, Lindb. ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 91, t. 67.
Phynchostegium N'ocæ-Cesai-eoe, Austin in Coult. Bot. Gaz.
i. 30.
H a b . On rocks subject to Inundation, in mountain rivulets; Sliawan-
gunk Mountain, New Jersey [Austin); Alleghany Mountains, Pennsylvania
{ fVolle, Ilau).
82. H. r e cu rv an s, Schwaegr. Dioecious: in wide depressed
[lale green or yellowish brown tufts ; stems prostrate,
reddish, pinnately and densely ramulose ; branchlets piano-foliate
: leaves close, imbricate, secund, thin, soft, pale, concave,
ovate-lanceolate, filiform-aeimiinate, serrulate at the apex, narrowly
recurved, obsoletely hicostate ; cells of the basal angles
dirty yellow; pericliætial leaves gradually long-acuminate, serrulate
at the apex : capsule short, turgid, ohlong, inclined, slightly
incurved, exannulate ; operculum more or less long-rostrate from
a conic,al base ; teeth aud segments large ; cilia two, stout, nearly
as long. — Suppl. i. 2. 289, and ii. 1.163, t. 146; Sulliv. Mosses
of U. States, 71, and Icon. Muse. 177, t. 3. Leslcea recurvans,
and L. sejuarrosa, Michx. FL Bor.-Am. ii. 311, 312.
H a b . On trees and decayed logs in mountain districts; very common,
and variable in size.
83. H. cylindr icarpum, Muell. Dioecious: in flat broad
intricate mats, green passing to dirty yellow; stems slender,
creeping, with few branches, pinn.ately ramnlose; branchlets
slender : leaves compressed, two-ranked, or falcate-secund, nar7
rowly oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, concave, sharply serrate at
the apex ; borders recurved below ; alar cells large, subquadrate,
vesiculose, the upper hyaline ; perichætial leaves loosely imbricate,
erect, the inner gradually narrowed to a filiform coarsely
dentate point : capsule long, cylindrical-oblong, regular, erect or
sliglitly inclined; operculum oblique-conical, long-rostrate; cilia
none or rudimentary; annulus none. — Syn. ii. 308; Sulliv.
Mosses of U. States, 71, and Icon. Muse. 173, t. 109. J^eskea
tenuirostris, Schimp. Ms. ; Sulliv. in Gray’s Manual, ed. 1, 668,
H a b . On decayed logs iu woods; New Jersey to Ohio and southward;
not common.
84. H. microcarpum, Muell. Monoecious : in very small
intricate tufts, shining green or golden tinted ; stems prostrate,
with short recurved or incurved branches: leaves close, sub-
homomallous, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, short-acuminate, subserrulate
at the apex, marked with two basilar short striæ;
areolation loose, linear-fusiform, the alar cells much larger, the
upper quadrate, the lower 3 to 5 on each side oblong, inflated,
yellow ; perichætial leaves oblong-acuminate : calyptra persistent,
descending to below the orifice of the capsule : capsule very
small, oval or ohlong, erect, thin, slightly constricted under the
red orifice when diy ; operculum long, subulate-rostrate from a
depressed conical base ; teeth marked by a distinct divisional
line ; cilia simple, short, half as long as tlie segments ; annulus
none. — Syn. ii. 326; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 71, and Icon.
Muso. 175, t. 110. Leskea adnata, Michx. 1. c. 314.
Var. an iso ca rp on , Sulliv. Capsule suhhorizontal, unsym-
metrioal, sliort, oblong or suhovate, gradually narrowed at base,
turbinate and constricted under the orifice when dry. — Icon.
Muse. 175. II. admixtum, Sulliv. Froc. Amer. Acad. v. 289.
Ha b . On trees, in the Southern States, very common and variable;
cedar swamps, Ohio. The variety in Cuba (Wricjht); New Jersey
85. H. Jam e sii. . Monoecious : plants very small, depressed,
pale or dirty green, glossy; stems slender, creeping, subpinnately
ramulose ; branchlets short, horizontal, more or less
recurved : leaves somewhat distant, flattened, the lateral spreading,
ovate at base, gradually narrowed into a long filiform point,
not costate ; borders flat or reflexed above, subrevolute on one
side toward the base, denticulate above, not costate or obsoletely
costate at base ; alar cells few, oval or linear, obtuse,
somewhat inflated ; perichætial leaves short-acuminate, denticu