ally longer from the base ujiward, ohlong-lanceolate, apiculate at
tlie blunt apex, the borders revolute ; areolation comparatively
loose, the upper cells round, granulose and minutely papillose,
the lower quadrate near the borders, quadrangular-oblong near
the costa : calyptra large, naked : capsule subimmersed, broadly
oval or globose, oylindrioal-ohlong when empty, thin, with a thin
whitish epicarp, not striate nor plicate ; lid plano-convex, obtuse ;
teeth 16, gemmate, granulose ; cilia 8, short, very slender. —
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. xiii. 110 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-
Am. Exsicc., ed. 2, n. 180 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 68, t. 50.
0. pusillum, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 25 ?
IIab . Pennsylvania, on poplars, and Massachusetts [James] ; South
Carolina ( Ravenel). Early spring.
A very fine distinct species. 0 . pusillum, Mitt., is described as having
the capsule 8-plicate when dry. This does not agree with the characters
of O. psilocarpuni, but specimens communicated by the author do not
differ. Specimens of O. psilocarpum, with a description, were distributed
by James as early as 1858.
24. O. exiguum, Sulliv. Plants extremely small, in loose
dark green tufts; stems five m.m. long, simple or fastigiate-
branching: leaves linear-oblong, obtusely acuminate, open, erect,
slightly recurved on the borders, punotiform-areolate and minutely
papillose in the upper part ; basilar cells loose, quadrangular
or qnadrate-ohlong : flowers dioecious; male plants gemmi-
form, terminal in smaller plants than tlie fertile : calyptra naked,
or rarely with a few appressed hairs; capsule siibimmersecl,
oblong-oval, broadly and obscurely oostate, truncate at the
broad orifice; lid hemispherical-apiculate; peristome double,
the outer of 16 geminate teeth, the inner of 8 lanceolate cilia,
broader than the teeth, white, punctulate, composed of a double
series of cells. — Mosses of U. States, 33, and Icon. Muso. 55,
t. 85.
Ha b . Base of trees, Santee Canal, South Carolina [Bavenel).
* * * # Outer peristome o f 16 teeth, the inner o f 8 or 16
cilia ; capsule not rihled, smooth when dry : plants large ;
flowers monoecious.
25. o . le io c a rp um , Bruch & Schimp. Plants of medium
size, loosely fasciculate, cespitose : leaves open, recurved when
moist, ovate at base, long-lanceolate above, the borders revolnte,
and surface papillose : calyptra campanulate, with few
hairs: capsule short-pedicellate, immersed, its collum defluent
to the short-naked vaginule, ovate, soft, pale yellow, smooth
when empty and slightly contracted under the orifice ; teeth
linear, separating along the dividing line or bifid, revolute when
dry; cilia 16, deeply erose, punctulate, yellow. — Bryol. Eur.
t. 220. O. striatum, Hedw. Muse. Frond, ii. 99, t. 36, in part
(fig. 9). O. Eogei'i, Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 33.
H ab. On trees in the wools. Upper Canada (Drummond); Lake
Superior (Agassiz). Very rare in America.
26. O. p a llen s , Bruch. Plants in soft pale green tufts :
leaves soft, oblong and long-lanceolate, blunt or acuminate, the
bqrders revolnte in the middle, slightly recurved at the base
and apex ; areolation papillose : calyptra conioal-campanulate,
pale, naked: capsule oblong, with a collum as long as the
sporangium, yellowish, broadly darker-striate ; cilia 16, sometimes
8, yellowish, very thin, as long as the dark yellow teeth.
— Brid. Bryol. Univ. i. 788 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 218. 0. Bogeri,
Brid. ; Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 16, t. 53 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 212, and
Suppl. t. 8.
Ha b . Eock Eiver, British Columbia (Lijall).
This species is quoted by Mitten (Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 23), but we
have seen no American specimens.
# * * It * * Capside ribbed: plants small.
27. O. p u lc h e llum , Brunton. Plants in small loose irregular
tufts, pale green : leaves open, flexuous when moist, curved
or slightly crispate when dry, soft, linear-lanceolate from a
slightly enlarged ovate base, acuminate ; borders reflexed in the
lower part, plane above ; areolation very minutely punctiform
and papillose in the upper part, loose, pale and smooth toward
the base : calyptra campanulate, naked, pale yellow, brownish
at apex : capsule small, oblong, short-necked, thin, yellowish,
exserted on a somewhat long pedicel, twisted to the left when
dry, cylindrical, somewhat costate and constricted under the
brown orifice when old ; teeth long, approximate in pairs, reflexed
when dry, dark orange ; cilia 16, composed of a single
series of cells here and there appendiculate, ferruginous. — Smith,
Engl. Bot. t. 1787 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 223.
Var. longipes, Sulliv. Pedicel a little longer : teeth and
cilia generally 16.
Hab. Oregon (Uall); Coal Harbor, Alaska (Harrington).
O. Columbicum, Mitten (Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 24), is according to
Sullivant’s note in his herbarium a variety with shorter pericliætial