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54. H. campe stre , Bmcli. Monoecious: tufts loose, pale
yellowish green or yellow, glossy ; stems prostrate or ascending,
more or less densely branching and ramulose, densely foliate :
leaves erect, open, ovate-lanceolate, subulate-acuminate, serrulate,
narrowly costate to the middle, irregularly plicate, glossy,
tlie perichætial abruptly filiform-acuminate, recurved from the
niiddle : capsule obloiig-cyliiidrical, cernuous and subarcuate ;
pedicel rough in the upper part only; annulus simple; operculum
and peristome as in U. i-utabuhim. —II. rutabulum, var.
Campestre, Muell. Syn. ii. 368. Brachythecium campestre,
Bruch & Scliimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 545.
H a b . White Mountains, fertile (Oakes, James); Sand Lake, Colorado
(Hayden, 1873), sterile; Coeur d’Alene Lake, N. Idaho, and on Kettle
Eiver, British Columbia ( ir(ii,s'on).
55. H. Novæ-Angliæ, Sulliv. & Lesq. Dioecious: loosely
and widely cespitose ; tufts rigid, bright green outside, dirty
yellow within; stems subprostrate, irregularly subpinnately
ramulose; branchlets terete-foliate, not attenuated, subjulaceous
: leaves erect, incurved, very broadly ovate, decurrent,
short, narrowly acuminate, costate to the middle, serrulate all
around, very concave, not plicate ; areolation narrowly oblong-
hexagonal, shorter and broader at the basilar angles ; perichætial
leaves ovate, abruptly long-acuminate, recurved from the
middle, siibecostate : capsule oblong, erect, slightly curved ;
pedicel short, very rough, purple ; operculum long-conical, acuminate
; peristome normal ; annulus double, large. — Muso. Bor.-
Amer. Exsicc. n. 338; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 76, and
loon. Muse. 191, t. 118.
H a b . Mountains of New England.
Resembles the following, from which it differs in its smaller size, tufts
more compact and less spreading, leaves more compact and not glossy nor
plicate, areolation shorter, etc.
56. H. rivulare, Bruch, Ms. Dioecious, the male plants
smaller : tufts thick, dirty green ; stems prostrate, hard, woody,
naked or radiculose ; branches ascending or erect, subarcuate,
diversely ramulose toward the apex : leaves open, large, broadly
ovate, abruptly short-acuminate, serrulate, concave, slightly or
not at all sulcate, flat or reflexed on the borders, narrowly costate
to above the middle : capsule large, ovate-oblong or turgid-
ovate, solid, cernuous and horizontal ; pedicel thick and long,
scabrous ; peristome normal ; annulus double. — Lindb. Muse.
Scand. 35. H. chrysostomum, Muell. Syn. ii. 368, not Michx.
Brachythecium rivulare, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 546.
H a b . Swamps and wet ground, in woods and mountains; not common.
N. W. Montana ( Watson).
Eesembles H. rutabulum, but the branches are stronger, divided near
the apex and often dendroid, the leaves broader, glossy, short-acuminate,
and not plicate, flowers dioecious, etc.
57. H. populeum, Hedw. Monoecious : tufts flat, green,
somewhat glossy ; stems creeping ; branches and branchlets
erect or incurved, attenuate at the apex : leaves ovate and oblong,
lanceolate, gradually long-acuminate, concave ; borders
flat, serrulate upward ; costa percurrent ; areolation very narrow
; alar and basilar cells larger, quadrangular-oblong : calyptra
large : capsule cernuous, ovate, turgid or gibbous, inflated
at the iieok, glossy, contracted under the orifice when empty ;
pedicel pulple, slightly scabrous above, smooth toward the base ;
segments split ; cilia one or two, short or unequal, appendiculate
; annulus simple, narrow, persistent. — Spec. Muso. 270,
t. 70. II. viride, Ijam.. ; Lindb. Muso. Scand. 35. Bi-achythecium
populeum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 535, 536. B.
plumosum, var. 7'eflexum, Austin.
Var. majus. More robust and densely foliate: leaves
longer. — Bruch & Schimp. 1. c., as Brachythecium.
Var. long isetum . Larger and more rigid : leaves erect or
subsecund : capsule long-pedicellate. — Bruch & Schimp. 1. c.
Var. subfalcatum. Slender; branches incurved: leaves
subfalcate, soft, glossy. — Bruch & Schimp. 1. c.
H a b . Plains and mountains of the Atlantic States ; mostly on granite
58. H. plum o sum , Swartz. Monoecious: plants more
robust than in the last ; tufts short, dense, yellowish or dirty
green ; stems hard, densely ramose ; branches mostly simple,
erect or arcuate, densely foliate, pinnately ramulose : leaves
open or homomallous, broadly ovate or deltoid-ovate, short,
obliquely acuminate, entire, solid, shining, costate to the middle
: capsule slightly longer than in the last, but of the same
form, light brown, black when old ; pedicel smooth below ;
peristome perfect ; cilia two, as long as the segments, appendiculate
; annulus simple and persistent. — Muso. Sueo. 66. II.
pseudo-plumosum, Brid. Muse. Recent, ii. 2. 108 ; Muell. Syn.
ii. 350 ; Lindb. 1. c. H. chrysostomum, Michx. El. Bor.-Am.