conical, with a short incurved beak. Teeth long, some of them
bipartite, thin. Diaphragm of the columella funnel-shaped.
1. P. a rc ticum , Brid. Stems short, simple : capsule ferruginous,
black when old.—^ Bryol. Univ. ii. 96. Oligotrichum
Icevigatum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 414. 0. glabratum,
Lindb. Obs. Polytrich. in Faun. Flor. Fenn. ix. 143.
Hab. Peat bogs; Labrador, Greenland and Arctic America.
9 6 . POGONATUM, Beauv. (PI. 3.)
Plants short and simple, or robust and long, with dendroid
ramification ; fertile plants arising from subterranean stolons
or from a radical prothallium, dividing by innovations from the
middle of the stems or from under the perichætimn. Flowers
dioecious; male flowers proliferous. Leaves clasping at base,
open, unaltered by moisture ; costa covered with very numerous
lamellæ occupying nearly the whole lamina, rendering the
leaves hard and coriaceous ; margins spinulose-serrate. Capsule
regular, erect, or cernuous. Peristome of 32 teeth, orange
in the middle.
§ 1. Aloidba. Plants short, simple, gregarious or scattered,
radiculose at base.
1. P. b rev ic au le , Beauv. Plants short, scattered, growing
out of a persistent dark green confervoidal prothallium ; stem
simple, very short, J to 1 c.m. long, densely foliate ; lower
leaves small, appressed, ovate, short-pointed, the upper larger,
erect-open, clasping at the enlarged base, lanceolate-acuminate ;
perichætial leaves very long, ohlong, membranaceous, obscurely
costate at base, more abruptly narrowed into a long ei’ect
obtusely serrate acumen ; lamellæ capitate-claviforrn in transverse
section : male plants in short rooting buds ; perigonial
leaves erect, curved hack from above the middle, imbricate,
broadly ohcordate, with a thick medial nerve excurrent into an
inflated mucronate point : calyptra very hairy, covering the
capsule to the base : capsule cylindrical-oblong, papillose, gradually
narrowed to a short pedicel ; lid convex, enlarged at base,
abruptly short-beaked. — Prod. 84 ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States,
41, and Icon. Muse. 75, t. 47. Polytrichum Pennsylvanicum,
Iledw. Spec. Muse. 96, t. 21. Polytrichum tenue, Menz. ;
Lindb. Polytrich. 140.
H a b . Moist clay banks, Eastern slope of tbe United States; common.
2. P. b r a c h y p liy llum , Beauv. Plants densely gregarious,
olive-green or dark brown when old, arising from a radicular
prothallium ; stem rigid, very short, 2 or 3 m.m. long : leaves
close, thè lower very small, squamiform, discolored, the upper
much larger, 2 or 3 times longer than the stem, open-spreading,
the upper erect, enlarged at the clasping base, oblong-lanceolate,
blunt at the apex, the boi-ders entire ; lamellæ inflated on
the border ; calyptra villous, dirty brown, reaching the middle
of the capsule : capsule thick, gibbous, ovate, with a distinct
short neck, papillose, yellowish brown, obscurely costate when
dry ; pedicel solid, dark red, twisted to the right ; lid convex-conical,
obtusely apiculate. — Prodr. 84 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-
Amer. Exsicc. n. 211; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 77, t. 48. Polytrichum
brachyphyllum, Michx. FL Bor.-Am. ii. 295 ; Schwaegr.
Suppl. ii. 2. 15, t. 156 ; Lindb. 1. o. 142.
H a b . Moist clay banks, New Jersey and Soutliern States; n o t rare.
3. P. c ap illa re , Brid. Plants short, gregarious or loosely
cespitose, glaucous-green ; stems slender, mostly simple or
loosely foliate : lower leaves distant, small, appressed, gradually
longer upward, the comal large, linear from a short sheathing
base, sharjily serrate on the borders ; lamellæ abruptly enlarged
at the borders: male plants smaller: calyptra hairy, covering
the capsule to the base: capsule oblong-cylindrical, erect,
papillose, thin, on a slender flexuous and comparatively long
pedicel ; lid hemispherical at the enlarged base, abruptly
straight-beaked. — Bryol. Univ. ii. 127; Sulliv. Muse. Allegh.
11. 115, and Icon. Muse. 79, t. 49. Polytrichum caqrillare,
Michx. 1. c. 294; Lindb. 1. c. I l l and 136. Pogonatum urni-
gerum, Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 284, in part.
H a b . Norlbern mountains; Wbite, Mountains, Adirondacks, Rocky
Mountains, etc.
4. P. d en ta tum , Brid. Closely resembling the last species,
from which it differs only in the more robust branching stems,
the longer capsule with straight not flexuous pedicel, the teeth
of the leaves longer, curved outward or backward, the perichætial
leaves numerous (5 or 6), linear-lanceolate, long-pointed
above the long ovate sheathing base, and the perigonial leaves