91. AULACOMNIUM, Schwaegr. (Pl. 3.)
Leaves oblong or long-lanceolate, papillose ; costa semiterete,
dissolved below the apex; areolation nearly equal. Flowers
dioecious, the male discoid or gemmiforrn. Calyptra narrowly
cucullate, long-beaked. — Sphoerocephalus, Neck.
* Dioecious ; male flowers gemmiforrn, terminal.
1. A. an d ro g y n u u i, Schwaegr. Tufts dense, green above,
ferruginous-tomentose inside ; stems often prolonged into small
granuliferous apical heads (gpseudopodia) : leaves linear-laiiceo-
late, obscurely denticulate at the apex, curved, slightly twisted
when dry ; cells of the areolation small, round, papillose on
both faces : calyptra descending to the middle of the capsule,
long-beaked : capsule cylindrical-oblong, oernuous-horizontal,
furrowed when old ; lid large, highly convex-conical ; annulus
compound, revoluble. — Suppl. ill., t. 215; Bryol. Eur. t. 406.
Mnium androgynum, Linn. Spec. PL 1110. Orthopyxis an-
drogyna, Beauv. ; Lindb. Mniac. Eur. 77.
IIab. On bare earth, roots of trees, in fissures of granite rocks, etc. ;
plains and mountains. Chimney Eocks, French River {Sullivant). Very
rare on the Eastern slope, very common on the Western.
* * Dioecious ; male flowers discoid.
2. A. p a lu s tre , Schwaegr. In wide deep tnfts, tomentose-
radiculose, reddish brown inside, yellowish or dirty green above;
stems long, flexuous : leaves erect-spreading, flexuous, twisted
when dry, the lower broader than the upper, linear-lanceolate,
carinate, transversely undulate, crenulate at tlie apex, reflexed
on the borders, acutely papillose on both faces: male plants
similar to the fertile ones and mixed with them ; antheridia and
clavate paraphyses numerous : capsule long-pedicellate, turgid,
ovate-oblong, curved in the middle ; lid large, highly convex at
base, conical, blunt at the apex; peristome large; teeth narrowed
into long subulate points.; segments long, subulate;
cilia of equal length, free or partly coherent; annulus large,’
compound, revoluble. — Suppl. ill., t. 216 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 405.
Mnium palustre, Linn. 1. c. Oymnocyhe palustris. Fries •
Lindb. 1. c. 87.
Var. im b ric a tum , Bnmh & Schimp. Leaves broader,
imbricate, very entire, not twisted when dry.
Var. fa sc icu la re , Bruch & Schimp. Much divided into
short nodose branches and flagelliform branchlets.
Var. polycep h a lu ru , Bruch & Schimp. Plants with
numerous long pseudopodia.
Var. a lp e s tre , Schimp. Stems short, slender; branches
fasciculate, copiously fruiting, without pseudopodia.
l lA B . Very common in boggy ground; plains and mountains; t l i e
varieties in alpine regions.
3. A. t u r g id u m , Schwaegr. Widely and densely cespitose
; tufts yellowish green above, light brown below ; stems
without radicles, easily loosened : leaves closely imbricate, 8-
ranked, ovate-oblong, obtuse, concave, very entire, reflexed on
the borders, distantly papillose on both faces; costa thin,
vanishing below the apex : capsule slightly narrower than that
of the preceding species; lid highly convex, short-mamillate ;
segments split and disjointed ; annulus shorter. — Suppl. iii. 1.
Aulacomnium, 1; Bryol. Eur. t. 404. 3Inium turgidum, Wahl.
FL Lapp. 351, t. 23. Oymnocyhe túrgida, Lindb. 1. c. 85.
H a b . Bogs; White Mountains (Oakes, James); Lake Superior
(Agassiz); Adirondack Mountains (Lesquereux); rare.
4. A. p ap illo sum . Stems long and slender, flexuous,
covered with radicles, divided at the apex into fastigiate short
branches: lower leaves distant, the upper gradually closer,
slightly críspate, yellowish green or shining white, strict when
dry, ventricose, decnrrent and inflated by loose brown cells at
the lanceolate oblong base ; branch-leaves smaller, short-acuminate
; stem-leaves long-acnminate, more or less nndulate toward
the apex; borders revolute in the lower part, erect above,
crenate-dentate or denticulate-serrulate ; cells of the areolation
single-papillate, close, very scabrous ; costa thick, green, deeply
canaliculate, vanishing below tbe apex ; pseudopodia short, yellow
: fruit not known. — Mnium papillosum, Muell. Regensb.
Flora. Iviii. 93 (1875).
H a b . Colorado.
Species intermediate between A. palustre and A, androgynum, differing
from tlie first in the more minutely areolate and papillose leaves;
from the second in the leaves very roughly papillose aud never coarsely
serrate; and from both in the inflated base of the leaves.
* * * Monoecious: male flowers gemmiforrn, axillary.
5. A. h e te ro s tic h um , Bruch & Schimp. Plants in wide
pale green tufts, tomentose below; stems increasing by annual