angles very few and small or none, tho angles not excavate nor
auriculate, tlie perichætial leaves larger, oblong, abruptly narrowed
into a shorter filiform flexuous slightly serrulate point,
neither costate nor sulcate, the operculum obtuse at the highly
conical apex, the cilia two, not appendiculate, and the annulus
large, simple, revoluble. — Trans. Amer. Phil. Soo. xiii. 14;
Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. (ed. 2), n. 475 ; Sulliv.
Icon. Muso. Suppl. 103, t. 79. Stereodon plumifer, Mitten,
Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 41, t. 7.
H a b . Shaded rocks in woods; Northwest coast {Menzies, Douglas);
Vancouver Island and British Columbia {Lyall); Bitterroot Mountains,
Nortliern Idaho ( Watson) ; California, at Oakland, the Big Tree Grove, etc.
Tlie only difference mentioned by Mitten between H. plumifer and this
species is in tlie lid, whicli he describes as sliort and subulate-rostrate.
Comparison of autlientic specimens sliows it to be of the same form in
botli, more or less obtusely pointed.
157. H. p lic a tile . Fastigiately branching: leaves falcate-
secund, broadly ovate-acuminate, hooked, rugulose, suhplicate
when dry, with borders reflexed and very entire, those of the
br.anches serrulate at the apex ; costa short ; cells of the basal
angles numerous, short, small, somewhat obscure, the upper
short and narrow ; ijerichætial leaves erect, the inner broadly
oblong-lanceolate, subulate, entire, acuminate, plicate: capsule
long-pedicellate, cylindrical, erect at base, curved in the middle ;
operculum conical ; segments yellow, cleft between the articulations
; cilia two, as long as the segments, nodulose. — Stereodon
plicatilis, Mitten, 1. c. 40.
H a b . Davis Straits (Taylor); Kocky Mountains of British America
(Bourgeau); Sclionberger’s Canon, Rocky Mountains, S. Vi. Montana
Differing from all the states of H. cupressiforme in the strongly reflexed
margins of the leaves, and in the sliort cells.
158. H. cu p ressifo rm e, Linn. Widely cespitose; tuft
appressed, fastigiate or inflated in the middle, soft, pale green
or yellowish brown, more or less glossy ; stems branching irreg-
uLarly or pinnately ramulose : leaves densely crowded, imbricate
upward in two ranks, falcate in both directions, narrowly
lanceolate-acuminate from an ovate or oblong base, concave,
erect or slightly recurved on the borders, auriculate-concave at
the decnrrent angles, entire or slightly serrulate at the apex ;
costa double, short, obsolete ; cells very narrow, vermicular,
those of the .angles large, quadrate, hyaline or yellow ; outer
perichætial leaves spreading from the middle, tho inner sub-
clasping, abruptly narrowly aouminate, serrulate, obscurely
short-bicostate : capsule erect or iuourved, oblong or subcylindrical,
chcstnut-color, slightly constricted below tlio orifice
when dry; operculum convex at base, with a sliort narrow
beak ; teeth ferruginous and confluent at base, pale dirty color
above ; segments cleft ; cilia one or two, more or less perfect ;
annulus triple, persistent. — Spec. PI. 1126; Hedw. Muse.
Proud, iv. 59, t. 23; Bryol. Eur. t. 594, 595. Stereodon cu-
pi-essiformis, Brid.
Var. te c to rum , Brid. More robust; tufts intrioate, round,
flattened on the borders, tumescent in the middle, fuscous green ;
branchlets close : leaves longer-acuminate : capsule iuourved,
oblong. — Bryol. Univ. 11. 612.
V.ar. b rev ise tum , Bruch & Schimp. Densely cespitose,
velvety green ; branches and branchlets erect, fastigiate, subterete
: leaves densely imbricate, slightly subsecund or erect,
shorter, more concave, narrowly acuminate: capsule short-
pedlcellate, subarcuate, oblong; operculum acute.
Var. u n c in a tu lum , Bruch & Schimp. Short, slender and
small; branchlets uncinate at the apex: leaves shorter and
narrower : capsule short-pedioellate, very small ; operculum
Var. filiforme, Brid. Tufts compressed or pendent ; stems
very long, filiform, with few branches, often interruptedly foliate :
leaves densely crowded or loose, secund and suberect or spreading
equally : capsule small, the fruit rare.
Var. m am illa tum , Brid. Tufts depressed, bright green,
glossy: leaves obliquely imbricate, two-rauked, falcate-secund,
tumid at base : operculum mammiform.
Var. e ric e to rum , Bruch & Schimp. Stems long and slender,
in soft pale green tufts, pinnately ramulose : leaves narrower,
less crowded, circinnate-falcate : capsule on a longer slender
pedicel, shorter, incurved ; operculum short, subulate.
Var. e la tum , Bruch & S.chimp. Robust, in wide loose
tufts, variegated brown ; stems erect, with few branchlets,
thickly foliate : leaves larger and broader, very concave,
abruptly acuminate, yellowish green : capsule erect, cylindrioal,
incurved under the orifice.