of the inner peristome pale yellow, split open ; cilia 2 or 3,
strongly articulate, as long as the teeth ; annulus large, revoluble.
— Muse. Frond. 1. 9, t. 4. Bryum nutans, Schreb.
Spicil. FI. Lips. 81 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 347 ; Sulliv. 1. c.
Var. cæ sp ito sa , Schimp. Stems long, branching by innovations
from below the apex : leaves longer, slightly flexuous :
capsule narrower, horizontal. — Coroll. 66, and Syn. 335.
Var. bicolor, Schimp. Comal leaves shorter : capsule thick,
long-necked, its upper half darker colored than the lower ; pedicel
Var. lo n g ise ta , Sclfljnp. Stems short, simple : comal
leaves numerous, large, spreading : captsule pendent upon a
long pedicel.
IIab. Moist ground, peat bogs and swamps in the plains, and fissures
of rocks in mountains; common. Tlie first aud last varieties at Twin
Lakes, Colorado (Wolf & Bothrock); the second iu the White Mountains
(James) ; Alaska, etc.
6. W . CUCUllata, Schimp. Densely cespitose ; stems simple
or sparingly branched : lower leaves and branch-leaves sub-
imbricate, ovate, concave, obtuse, entire, the upper longer, narrowed
and serrate at the apex, often cucullate, soft and subopaque
: capsule pendent, thickish, pyriform, short-necked, soft,
dark brown when old ; teeth short and narrow, yellowish ;
inner segments very thin, pale and narrow, separated hy short
fugacious cilia. — Coroll. 6, and Syn. 336. Bryum cucuUatum,
Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 94, t. 68 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 348 ; Sulliv.
Mosses of U. States, 44.
Hab. AA'hite Mountains (Gray, Oakes, James); Mount Dana, Cali-
ioTnidi, [Bolander).
* m Flowers dioecious and bisexual in the same species.
7. W . c ru d a , Schimp. 1. c. Stems long, simple, purple :
lower leaves ovate-lanceolate, entire, the upper tufted, flexuous,
spreading, long and ribbon-like, distantly serrate at the apex ;
inner floral leaves shorter, erect, narrowly lanceolate, golden
yellow and glossy ; costa vanishing below the apex, reddish at
base : antheridia of the monoecious plants mixed with the archegonia,
in the dioecious disposed in the axils of the upper suh-
discoid perigonial leaves : capsule curved or horizontal, ohlong,
short-necked, yellowish brown when mature, narrowed at the
orifice and ventricose at base when empty; peristome pale
yellow; cilia binate and ternato, perfect. — -Brywrn crudum,
Schreb. 1. c. 83 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 848 ; Sulliv. 1. c.
Hab. Fissures of rocks, on mountains ; not rare.
* * * Flowers dioecious.
8. W . sp b ag n ico la , Schimp. Plants solitary or a few together,
in tufts of Sphagnum; stems dark purple, very long and
slender, branching: lower leaves very distant, small, ovate-
acuminate, entire, the upper gradually longer and tufting,
linear-lanceolate, serrate at the apex, glossy : male plant shorter
and smaller ; perigonia subdisooid ; antheridia disposed in pairs
in the axils of the perigonial leaves : capsule inclined, oblong or
obovate, pyriform, pale brown ; pedicel very long. — Coroll. 66.
Bryum sphagnicola, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Eur. t. 349.
Hab. In peat bogs of a small valley near the top of Mount Marcy in
the Adirondack Mountains (Lesquereux).
W. ScHiMPEKi, Schimp. (Bryum Schimperi, Muell. Syn. i. 334), a
species very similar to W. nutans, differing merely in its reddish color,
smaller leaves with a denser areolation, the dioecious inflorescence, and
small peristome, is recorded from Greenland in Schimp. Syn. ed. 2, 400.
9. W . a n n o tin a , Schwaegr. Loosely cespitose ; stems
short, simple or emitting from the base slender more or less
elongated branchlets, bulbiferous ; lower leaves and branch-
leaves small, lanceolate, not decnrrent, gradually larger and
closer upward ; comal leaves longer, linear-lanceolate, serrate at
the apex, reflexed in the middle, purplish at the solid base ;
costa strong, percurrent: male flowers thick, many-leaved;
antheridia and paraphyses axillary: capsule oval, somewhat longnecked,
inclined on a reddish pedicel ; teeth yellowish ; segments
carinate and cleft; cilia perfect. — Spec. Muso. 52.
Bryum atinotmum, Hedw. Spec. Muse. 183, t. 43 ; Bryol. Eur.
t. 353 ; Sulliv. 1. c.
Hab. Mountains of New England (Oakes, James).
10. W . Drummondii. Plants small, loosely cespitose,
radiculose and ferruginous below, greenish above; stems slender,
simjilo or branching by innovations from the apex, purplish
below the leaves; stem-leaves small, distant, more densely
crowded at the top of the fertile plants, ovate-lanceolate, carinate
concave, sometimes purplish at base ; borders slightly
reflexed, obscurely denticulate at the apex ; costa strong, green,
thick and coherent at base, dissolving at the apex : capsule bon