D] !
iVi' I
orifice ; lid mammiform, shining, yellow ; teeth closely articulate,
ferruginous; segments pale yellow. — Muse. Suec. 47
t. 4 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 373. ’
H a b . AVet places on mountains; New Hampshire (James); AVhite
Face Mountain, in tlie Adirondacks (C. II. Peck).
Variable in the size of the plants, the length of the pedicel, and the
form of the capsule.
-t- -h- Male flowers subdiscoid.
37. B. Duvalii, Voit. In very loose soft purplish green
tufts; stems long, erect when young, decumbent when old,
slender, as are also the few very long innovations, radiculose at
the base only : leaves distant, open or reflexed, nearly equal,
broadly ovate-lanceolate, long-decurrent, plane on the entire
borders, loosely areolate, much contracted when dry; costa
vanishing below the apex ; inner perichætial leaves lanceolate,
erect : capsule on a long slender pedicel, sometimes longer than
the innovations, obovate-oblong, regular, pendent, constricted
under the orifice when dry ; lid convex, uniform in color. —
Sturm, Deutschl. El. ii. t. ; Bryol. Eur. t. 371.
Hab. ^ Mountains of New Engiand {Oakes, etc.); Canada, New Mexico,
California, Oregon, etc. ; not common.
38. B. p s e u d o triq u e trum , Schwaegr. Plants widely
cespitose or pulvinate, robust, olive or greenish yellow ; stems
sparingly branching, tomentose to the apex ; leaves gradually
larger and more crowded toward the apex, erect or spreading,
loosely appressed, incurved or twisted when dry, oblong-lanceo!
late, gradually acuminate, serrate at the apex, bordered by a
narrow yellowish margin becoming broader toward the base
and reflexed; costa stout, reddish, percurrent; involucral
leaves broadly ovate, aouminate, costate, spreading when moistened
: antheridia and paraphyses very numerous : capsule long-
pedicellate, inclined, long-oboonical or oblong, sometimes curved
upward and subventricose, constricted under the orifice when
dry ; lid highly convex, papillate, uniform in color and shining.
— Suppl. i. 2. 110 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 364. Mnium triquetrum,
Hedw. Muso. Frond, iii. 19, t. 7.
Hab. Swampy ground, wet rocks, borders of springs; plains and
mountains; not rare.
39. B. tu rb in a tum , Schwaegr. Plants loosely and widely
cespitose, rarely in compact tufts, dirty or reddish green;
stems short, often hearing long slender branches reaching as
high as the long slender pedicel: lower leaves ovate-acuminate,
concave, the upper gradually larger, tufted, ovate, oblong-
lanceolate, obscurely serrate at the apex, with very narrowly
margined and reflexed borders, mucronate hy a stout reddish
excurrent costa: male plants in separate tufts or mixed with
the fertile ones, more slender and nearly simple; perigonium
thick, subdisooid, in a tuft of few leaves : capsule long-pedicelled,
pendent, broadly pyriform, obconical at its collum, con
stricted under the broad orifice when d ry ; lid convex, apicu
late, shining. — Suppl. i. 2. 109 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 872, excl. var
latifolium. Mnium turbinatum, Hedw. Muse. Frond, iii. 22, t. 8
Hab. Wet rocks, Niagara Falls; Eocky and Uinta Mountains; Gallon
Mountains, British Columbia.
40. B. S c h le ic h e ri, Schwaegr. Closely resembles the last
species, differing essentially in the great size of the plants, the
leaves twice or thrice larger, bright or yellowish green, more
concave, not carinate, with margin narrower, the borders nearly
flat, and the areolation loose. — Suppl. i. 2. 113, t. 73. B . turbinatum,
var. latifolium, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 372.
Var. a n g u s ta tum , Schimp. Plants shorter, slender, simple
: leaves smaller, narrower. — Syn. ed. 2, 463.
Var. la tifo lium , Schimp. 1. c. Tufts soft, inflated, green ;
plants long (4 to 12 c.m.), rarely simple : leaves broadly ovate,
rounded-obtuse or oblong-ovate, aouminate, mucronate hy the
excurrent costa.
Hab. AVet meadows; Bigtree Grove, California (Bolander); near Salt
Lake City (Watson); Var. angustatum in the Humboldt Mountains,
Nevada (tUaisoii).
The species is very variable in all its characters.
Plants fine and large, with a single innovation from under
the apex, passing into a stem from the continuation of basilar
subterranean stolons. Stem-leaves distant, suhsquamiform, the
comal crowded, rosulate. Flowers dioecious, discoid.
41. B. ro s e um , Schreb. Stem-leaves appressed, ohlong-
lanceolate, small and thin, the comal more solid, spatulate,
aouminate, acutely denticulate from the middle upward.