1. A. Oalifornica, Sulliv. Widely cespitose, bright green ;
secondary stems suhpinnately divided : leaves loosely imbricate,’
oblong-lanceolate, spreading and divergent, concave, refle.xecî
on the borders, flat at the apex, seri-nlate ; costa vanishing in
the middle; brancli-leaves snnaller; cells of the upper and middle
portions round-rhomboidal, of the lower longer and pellucid,
of the alar quadrate and obscure; upper perichætial loaves
sheathing, ^ filiform-acuminate ; teeth distinctly trabeculate,
yellowish inside, pnnctulate-soabrous ; annulus none. —Proc!
Amer. Acad. iii. 185, and Muse. Wilkes Exp. 25, t. 25. Neckera
CaUforidca, Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey, 162.
I Ia b . California, on trees [Pickering, Bigelow, Bolander, e tc .); not
rare. ' ’
2. A. abietina, Sulliv. Plants in wide rigid dark green
tufts ; secondary stems solid, elastic, simple at base, pinnately
or subbipinnately branching above, frondiform, circinate when
dry: branch-leaves five-ranked, imbricate, open-erect, ovate-'
lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, carinate-concave, pa])ilIose on
the back and serrulate above, recurved on the borders toward
the base; costa vanishing below the ajiex; perichætial leaves
striate at base or excentrically costate to the middle : calyptra
longer tlian in the last species : capsule oblong-ovate, thin,
costate when dry, short-pedicellate ; annulus compound, revoluble.—
Icon. Muso. 115, t. 72»- Neckera abietina. Hook. Muso.
Exot. t. 7 ; Schwaegr. Suppl. ii. 2. 154, t. 140. Pilotrichum
abietinum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. ii. 258. Leptodon circinatus,
Sulhv. Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 189, t. 1, male plant.
H a b . On trees, Northwest coast (Menzies) ; Vancouver Island ( Lyall) ■
California [Bolander, Bigelow, Watson). ’
8. A. lon g ip e s, Sulliv. Æ Lesq. Tufts soft, grayish green ;
secondary stems soft, pinnately and bipinnately branching
from near the base, subcompressed: leaves oblong-lanceolate or
linguiform, acute, coarsely serrate above, concave, plane on the
borders; costa abruptly vanishing above the middle, denticulate
on the back; perichætial leaves tubulose, abruptly narrowed
and denticulate to a reflexed subulate apex: calyptra long,
cylindrical ; pedicel four times as long as the periohætium : teeth
long, narrowly lanceolate ; inner segments shorter, separated by
1 or 2 appendiculate cilia; annulus none. —Muso. Bor.-Amer.
Exsicc. ed. 2, n. 399; Sulliv. Icon. Muso. Suppl. 85, t. 63.
H a b . On rocks in deep caflons, California (Bolander).
105. N E C K E R A , Hedw. (PI. 5.)
Plants long, widely eesj/itose. Stems radiculose at base,
erect or pendent; branches distichous, close or distant, often
flagelliform. Leaves flat, generally undulate, glossy, pellucid ;
areolation minute, rhomhoidal, oblong in the upper p>art,
linear in the middle, quadrate on the borders. Capsule naked
or slightly hairy. Peristome double ; outer teeth long, linear-
lanceolate and subulate, closely articulate, thin; inner mem-
bi-ane divided into filiform segments, subcarinate at base;
cilia and annulus none.
* Capsule immersed.
1. N. d istic h a , Hedw. Synoecious: plants pale green,
soft; stems oreeiiing, with long decumbent flat irregularly
pinnate divisions : stem-leaves loosely imbricate, auricnlate and
un symmetrical at base, broadly lingulate, rounded at the apex
and slightly concave ; borders erect, entire or slightly crenulate;
costa slender, often forking; cells of the areolation round, the
hasilar narrow, linear, pale; outer perichætial leaves small,
reflexed, squarrulose, the upper sheathing, ovate, abruptly acuminate:
calyptra smooth: capsule subemergent, urceolate or
ohlong-oylindrical, pale brown and glossy when old ; lid conical-
subulate, oblique ; teeth narrowly lanceolate, subulate, rugulose,
pale; segments as long, not carinate. — Muso. Frond, in. 58,
t. 22 ; Muell. Syn. ii. 46. Pilotrichum distichum, Beauv. Prodr.
83. Baltonia disticha, Arnott, Disp. 54.
H a b . On trees, Indian River, Fiorida (J. Donnell Smith, Aus tin).
2. N. u n d u la ta , Hedw. Synoecious: secondary stems
slender, decumbent, mostly simple, yellowish green: leaves
distichous, compressed, divaricate, clasping the stem on one
side, ohlong, lingulate, very obtuse or truncate at the apex, not
concave, transversely undulate, serrulate on the borders ; costa
narrow, ascending; cells elongated at base, ohlong in the
middle, rounded at the apex; outer perichætial leaves ovate,
abruptly acuminate, reflexed, the upper narrowly long hnear-
subulate, surpassing the orifice of the capsule, ecostate or narrowly
short-costate, subserrulate : calyptra small, covering the
lid only, generally split on one side-, covered with few hairs:
capsule sessile, small, cylindrical-oblong; lid conical, short