concave angles large, quadrate; paraphyllia large; perichætial
leaves spreading and erect from the middle, the inner iong,
filiform-apiculate, concave, not plicate : capsule erect or curved
above, cylindrical, rostellate ; teeth connate at base ; segments
slightly cleft ; cilia generally solitary, shorter than the se^nents,
sometimes none ; annulus narrow. — Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist!
i. 275, t. 23 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 592. IL curvirostrum, Brid. Bryol.
Univ. ii. 482. Stereodon Ilaldanei, Lindb.
IIa b . Decayed trunks and damp clayey ground in woods, in mountain
164. H. nem o ro sum , Koch. Slightly more robust than
the last; tufts drooping, dirty green ; stems long, much divided,
suhpinnately ramulose, continued by long radiculose innovations:
stem-leaves open, erect, those of the branchlets secund,
ovate-oblong, abruptly aouminate, the upper lanceolate, all
concave, reflexed on the borders below, generally ecostate,
sharply serrate at the apex; paraphyllia multiform; perichætial
leaves erect-spreading, the inner ohlong, narrowed into a somewhat
long coarsely serrate point, revolute on the borders, with
one or two striæ : capsule erect at base, incurved, oblong-
cylindrical, ferruginous; pedicel slender, twisted to the right
above; lid turgid at base, long-conical; teeth orange at base,
pale above; segments somewhat cleft ; cilia two, nearly as long;
annulus narrow, persistent or attached to the lid.— Brid. l.'c!
422; Bryol. Eur. t. 593. H. subrectifolium, Sulliv. Muse.
Allegh. n. 15.
H a b . Decayed wood; high mountains of North Carolina {Sullivant,
Gray, Lesquereux).
S u b g e n u s XXII. LIMNOBIUM.
Plants prostrate, with few radicles, irregularly branching and
ramulose. Leaves generally secund, soft, broadly ovate or ovate-
lanceolate, very concave, generally narrowly and unequally
bicostate ; perichætial leaves sulcate. Capsule incurved, cernuous,
turgid-ovate or ohlong. Operculum convex-conical or
mamillate. Annulus \&rge.— Zimnohium, Bruch & Schimp.
■i- Flowers monoecious.
165. H. p a lu s tre , Huds. Tufts large, depressed, blackish
or yellowish green ; stems more or less long and divided, naked
when old ; branchlets ascending or drooping : leaves close, open
or secund, ovate or ghlong-lanoeolate, concave, narrowed and
decurrent at base, very entire ; costa simple, reaching above the
middle, or double and short ; alar cells few and large, quadrangular
; inner pericliætial leaves long-lanoeolate, plicate : capsule
brown-orange, arcuate and constricted under the orifice
when dry ; lid oraiige-color ; teeth yellow ; segments scarcely
cleft ; cilia two or three, a little shorter ; annulus none. — El.
Angl. 429. H. luridum, Hedw. Muso. Frond, iv. 99, t. 38.
Limnobium palustre, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 574, 575.
Amblystegium palustre, Lindb.
Var. h am u lo sum . Slender, ascending, mud-color; branchlets
few : leaves shorter, hooked, secund : capsule smaller. —
Bruch & Schimp. 1. c., as Limnobium.
H a b . On stones and rocks, in sliallow creeks; Vermont {Frost) : New'
Jersey {Austin). The variety in tlie AVhite Mountains {James); Utah
{Watson); Rocky Mountains {Drummond).
Numerous, mostly alpine, forms of tills very variable species are d escribed.
166. H. molle, Dicks. Tufts loose, very soft, dirty green;
stems 5-10 c.m. long, slender, flexuous, without radicles, with
few simple brandies : leaves spreading, whether dry or moist,
broadly oval, narrowed and decurrent at the point of attachment,
apiculate, distinctly serrate at the apex ; costa bifurcate
or divided, one of the divisions longer ; areolation linear, fusiform,
shorter at the apex, quadrate and orange at the subauriou-
late angles ; inner perichætial leaves long, taper-pointed, serrulate
at the apex, costate : capsule short-pedicelled, cernuous, incurved,
turgid-oval; operculum convex, obtuse, short-papillate; segments
entire; cilia one or two, a little shorter, thick; annulus
broad. — Crypt. Fasc. ii. 11, t. 5. Limnobium molle, Bruch &
Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 576, 577. II. Clostei'i, Austin, Muse.
Appal, n. 439.
H a b . Mountain rivulets; North Carolina, New Jersey, New York,
Canada, etc.
167. H. a lp e s tre , Swartz. Plants more or less densely
cespitose, mud-color, only the young shoots greenish; stems
prostrate, eradiculose ; branches close, erect, thickish, fastigiate,
Avith few branchlets; leaves ovate or broadly oblong, obtusely
acuminate, often oblique, half-twisted above, obscurely serrulate,
slightly decurrent and excavate at the angles ; costa long, bifus-
cate from the base, with one of the divisions longer and passing