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Leaves densely crowded, glossy, not costate.
Calyptra dimidiate, long, twisted. Segments
of tlie peristome narrowly linear, as
long as the teeth; cilia none.
Leaves spreading or subsecund, not costate,
glossy. Teeth of the peristome hyaline-
bordered; segments liiiear-siibulate, longer
than the teeth; cilia rudimentary.
Leaves long, thinly costate. Calyptra hairy.
Capsule soft, regular. Membrane narrow';
segments shorter than the teeth, with or
without cilia.
Plants large, more or less compressed. Leaves
costate, entire. Capsule cylindrioal, long-
pedicellate. Teeth distantly articulate; segments
very narrowly linear; cilia none.
Plants large, dendroid. Leaves in two forms,
squamiform on the stems. Calyptra long,
dimidiate, clasping the top of the pedicel.
Capsule oblong-cylindrical, long and long-
pedicellate. Segments as long as the teeth,
cleft to the base; cilia none.
Plants yellow. Leaves sulcate, not costate.
Capsule erect or slightly incurved. Teeth
of the peristome hyaline-bordered; segments
as long, linear; cilia short or none.
P la ty g y r ium .
P y la i s ia .
H om a lo th e cm m .
C y lin d r o th e c ium .
126. C lim a c ium .
127. O r th o th e o ium .
T r ib e XXIII. HYPNEAl. Plants of very variable habit. Leaves of
diverse forms, spreading or squarrose, rarely erect, often secund or
falcate, with or without costa or bicostate at base, generally scarlous,
smooth and glossy; areolation parenchymatous, more or less narrowed,
sometimes very narrow and vermicular, quadrate and enlarged
at the basal angles. Vaginule attached to a perichsetial
generally rooting branchlet. Calyptra cucullate. Capsule long-
pedicellate, cernuous or horizontal, more or less incurved. Peristome
double, generally perfect, w'itli 2 or 3 cilia appendiculate or
articulate. — A single genus, represented in this work by nearly 200
species, divided into 28 subgenera, which are considered as genera
by most recent bryologists. 128. H y p n um .
S e r ie s I. ACROCARPI.
Fruit terminal, becoming lateral only when thrown aside by
innovations from under the flowers.
A. CLEISTOCARPI. ■— Capsule falling off with the pedicel
or from it at maturity, dehiscing irregularly transversely in the
middle for the emission of the spores.
T ribe I. PHASCEÆ.
Plants very small, soft. Leaves loosely areolate. Capsule
globular, immersed, subsessile or short-pedicellate.
1. Plants stemless, from a more or less persistent prothallium. ■
Plants scarcely visible without the glass. Leaves ecostate.
Inflorescence synoecious. Capsule globose, apiculate or pointless.
Calyptra very small, closely adherent. Spores few, large.
Scarcely distinct from Ephemerum.
1. M. m e g a lo sp o rum , Aust. Leaves broadly ovate
lanceolate, obtusely serrate; capsule pale, globose, apiculate j
vaginule large, ovate, truncate; calyptra concentric: spores
nearly smooth. — Muse. Appal, ii. 47 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl.
20, t. II. Ephemerum tenerum, Bruch ; Bryol. Eur. 1.1. Nano-
mitrium tenerum, Lindb. Manip. Muse. ii. 409.
Hab. On broken clayey ground, with the following; very rare (Austin).
2. M. A u s tin i, Aust. Leaves open, recurved, Ungulate-
lanceolate, remotely serrate in the upper p a rt: capsule apiculate;
calyptra concentric: spores slightly papillose, of i the
diameter of the precedmg. — Muse. Appal, n. 45; Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. Suppl. 21, t. 12. PJphemerum Austini, Sulliv. Ms.
Hab. Wet ground in woods; Closter, New Jersey (Austin).
3. M. s y n o ic um , Aust. Much like the la st: leaves longer,
; more distant, erect, obscurely serrulate:^ capsule pointless,
sometimes in pairs in the same perich®tium; calyptra gen-
: erally excentric or on one side of the capsule: spores a little
; smaller and papillose. — Muse. Appal, n. 46; Sulliv. Icon,
i Muse. Suppl. 22, t. 13. Ephemerum synoicum, Janies, Trans.
I Am. Phil. Soc. (1865), 106; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am.
i (2 ed.), n. 27.
I Hab. Sides of ditches in clayey ground near Camden, New Jersey,
j and around Philadelphia {James).
2. EPHEMERUM, Hampe.
Pseudo-dioecious. Flowers gemmiforrn; female buds gregarious
upon the same prothallium. Calyptra campanulate.
Capsule globose-ovate, apiculate. Leaves nerved, except in the
first species. Plants slightly stouter.
* Leaves not costate.
1. E. s e r r a tum , I lam p e . P ro th a llium dark g r e en : lea v e s
ohlona: or lanceo la te -a cum in a te , co a r se ly and ir r egu la r ly serrate