flexed on the borders in the upper part, obtusely pointed, soft,
cirrhate-crispate when dry ; alar cells gradually larger : capsule
oblong or subcylindrical, reddish at the orifice; lid subulate-
rostrate ; teeth linear-lanceolate, entire at the minutely punc-
tulate apex ; annulus of three rows of small cells, persistent. —
Weisia cirrhata, Hedw. Spec. Muse. 69, t. 12 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 25.
H a b . On rocks, houlders, roots of trees and decayed wood, Coast
Ranges, California, and Oregon, very common; near Athens, Illinois (E.
Hall), sterile plants, perhaps representing a variety.
The species is distinguished from the preceding by the shorter leaves
not as narrowly and long-subulate to the apex, reflexed on tlie borders, the
longer and narrower capsule, the compound annulus, the entire teeth, etc.
15. OREOWEISIA, Schimp.
Plants pulvinate. Leaves soft, coarsely papillose and minutely
serrulate above ; basilar areolation hyaline, the upper chlorophyllose.
Perichætium not sheathing. Capsule more or less
curved. Inflorescence and peristome of Bicranoweisia.
1. O. S e rru la ta , Schimp. Densely pulvinate-cespitose;
plants radiculose below : leaves crowded, narrowly lanceolate,
enlarged and concave to the niiddle, the perichætial longer, all
flexuous, open or incurved, carínate above, costate to below the
somewhat obtuse apex : capsule of thick texture, oblong, short-
necked ; pedicel whitish ; lid with a short blunt inclined beak ;
teeth of the peristome dark,^orange in the lower part, pale above,
abruptly lanceolate-subulate from the enlarged base, entire, perforated
or bifid, prominently articulate, flexuous at the apex ;
annulus none.— Syn. Muse., (2 ed.), 57. Weisia serrulata,
Funck ; Brid., Bryol. Univ. 1. 804 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 27.
I I a b . Narrowville, Pennsylvania (James) ; Palisades of New Jersey
(Austin), sterile; Nulato, Alaska (Bothrock), fertile.
16. RHABDOWEISIA, Bruch & Schimp. (PI. 1.)
Plants small, dichotomous, densely aggregate. Leaves long,
narrow, críspate when dry, minutely papillose on both faces ;
areolation quadrate, chlorophyllose in the upper part, longer,
hexagonal and hyaline near the base. Inflorescence monoecious.
Capsule 8-striate, 8-costate when dry. Lid long-subulate, beaked.
Teeth of the peristome linear-subulate, enlarged at base.
1 R f u g a x , Bruch & Schimp. Pulvinate-cespitose; stems
i to I 'o . m. long, radiculose below: leaves linear-lanceolate,
minutely denticulate or entire at the apex, carínate in the
middle, flat on the borders; costa subpercurrent: calyptra large:
capsule small, broadly ovate, reddish brown, with a short neck
and a pale yellow pedicel twisted to the left when d ry ; lid abruptly
long-subulate from a broad convex base; teeth pale
brown, hygrosoopical and fugacious; annulus narrow, per-
sistent. — Bryol. Eur. t. 41. Weisia fugax, Hedw. Spec.
Muse. 64, t. 13. ,
Hab. Fissures of schistose and sandstone rocks in mountains. V\ hite
Mountffins (Oakes, James); Lake Superior (Macoun).
2. R. d e n tic u la ta , Bruch & Schimp. Differs from the
last in the plants being stronger and loosely cespitóse, the leaves
lono-er, recurved from the middle, cirrhate-crispate wlien dry,
shining, coarsely and distantly dentate toward the apex, carínate,
the costa vanishing lower, the capsule more solid, ovate-
globose, with a more distinct collum, less deeply cosíate when
empty, the teeth lanceolate at base, longer-subulate and more
solid, darker-colored and persistent. — Bryol. Eur. t. 42. Weisia
denticulata, Brid. Muso. Recent. Suppl. 1.108.
Hab White Mountains (Oakes, James); sandstone rocks on Slippery
Rock Creek, Pennsylvania, under the shade oi Magnolia glauca (Lesquereux)
; near Easton, Pa. ( T. C. Porter).
17. CYNODONTIUM, Schimp.
Plants pulvinate-cespitose. Stems radieulose-tomentose.
Leaves gradually longer upward, tufted at the top of the
branches, open, flexuous, críspate when dry, linear-lanceolate,
crenulate or denticulate at the apex, carinate-concave, reflexed
on the borders; areolation papillose, strongly chlorophyllose,
opaque in the upper part of the leaves, minute, quadrate, not
enlarged at the angles; costa nearly terete. Flowers moncecious,
gemmiforrn. Capsule oval-oblong, with a regular or
strumose collum, striate, more or less oostate when dry. Operculum
obliquely beaked. — Dicranum, Auct., in part.
1 0 S ch isti, Schimp. L e a v e s lan c eo la te from an enlarged
oblong base, minutely crenulate on the recurved borders : cap i l