base and quadrate on the borders. Flowers monoecious or
dioecious ; perichætium long, imbricate. Calyptra covering the
capsnle to the middle or lower. Capsule long-pedicellate,
narrowly ovate or cylindrical, incurved or arcuate. Operculum
conical, or more or less long-rostrate. — Thuidium, Schimp.
* Plants minute, doubly pinnate : areolation round-hexagonal
and uniform: capside horizontal; lid subidate-rostrate : flowers
6. H. m in u tu lum , Hedw. Stem papillose-tomentose, irregularly
divided ; branches pinnately ramulose : stem-leaves
more distant, deltoid, acuminate or apiculate, opaque, suhrevolute
on the borders ; costa stout, vanishing near the apex ;
branch-leaves ovate-acuminate, concave, with shorter costa;
leaves and paraphyllia very papillose ; perichietial leaves thinner,
nearly smooth, the inner lanceolate-acuminate, with the long
acumen more or less reflexed : capsule ovate-ohlong, cernuous
or horizontal, on a long smooth, pedicel, dark yellow, brown
when old ; annulus large, compound. — Muse. Frond, iv. 90, t. 34.
Thuidium minutulum, Bruch Æ Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 481.
Ha b . Decaying trunks and roots of trees, in woods.
7. H. p y gm æ um , Sulliv. & Lesq. Plants dirty green;
stem bipinnate, papillose ; branches and branchlets short, very
slender : stem-leaves much larger, distant, broadly deltoid, long
and narrowly acuminate, suhdecurrent, spreading ; branch-leaves
ovate-lanceolate, open-erect, opaque, densely papillose and papillose
crenulate on the borders ; costa stout, pellucid, vanishing
below the apex; paraphyllia very few or none; perichætial
leaves nearly smooth, with a long loose areolation, the inner
sheathing, all erect, lanceolate, narrowly acuminate, costate,
slightly serrulate above: capsule long-pedicellate, oblong, arcuate,
unequilateral, broad-mouthed ; teeth flexuous, filiform at
the apex ; segments as long as the teeth ; cilia three, short ;
annulus large.—-Mosses of H. States, 67, and Icon. Muse. 153,
t. 98. Thuidium pygmæum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Enr.
Thuidium, 6.
H a b . Limestone rocks, in thin close mats, in shaded ravines, Central
Ohio; rare.
Distinct from the last in its smaller size, papillose stems, bipinnate
ramification, narrower branch-leaves, and the absence of paraphyllia.
* * Mode o f growth as in the preceding : capsnle cylindrical;
opercidum conical or short-rostrate.
8. H. S C i t u m , Beauv. Plants in appressed green or yellowish
brown tufts ; stems long, prostrate, 2-3-partite, densely pinnately
ramulose; branchlets short and slender: stem-leaves
broadly deltoid, cordate, acuminate, those of the branches
smaller, cordate-ovate, shorter-acuminate, all concave, open-
erect; costa pellucid, vanishing above the middle; areolation
nearly round, minute ; paraphyllia numerous, multiform ; inner
perichætial leaves long-lanceolate, with a long filiform acumina-
tion, plicate lengthwise: capsule cylindrical-ohlong, erect or
slightly curved; operculum conical-rostrate, curved upward;
annulus large. — Prodr. 69; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 155, t. 99.
Thuidium scitum,, Aust. Muso. Appal, n. 300. Eauia scita,
Aust. Bull. Torr. Club, vii. 16.
Var. æ s tiv a le . Inner perichætial leaves less gradually
pointed : capsule suhhorizontal, obovate, pale ; pedicel yellow,
obscurely scabrous, as in all the group. — Thuidium scitum, var.
æstivale, Aust. Muse. Appal, n. 301. T. oestivum, Aust. Bull.
Tor. Club, V . 23.
H a b . Roots and base of trees, mostly the beech; flowering from
August to the end of September, according to exposure; not common.
This moss is a Thuidium in all its characters. It has been separated
by Austin into a new genus, Eauia, on account of its more erect capsule,
and the cilia in pairs instead of threes. Other allied speeies, as II. abietinum,
have sometimes two cilia, which are even short and irregular.
9. H. e r e c tum . Stems very slender, covered with paraphyllia
; branchlets erect, nearly simple, dirty yellow : leares
densely imbricate, hastate, lanceolate or oval-lanceolate, clasping
at base, narrowed to a long pellucid point ; costa broad, vanishing
below the apex ; cells of the areolation very small, rounded,
chlorophyllose, papillose ; perichætial leaves narrowly lanceolate,
very long filiform-aonminate : capsule cylindrical or ovate-cylindrical,
erect, brown, on a very slender smooth pedicel; operculum
yellow, conical, long-rostrate, incurved; teeth pellucid
and tuherculate at base ; segments narrow, gradually attenuate,
not perforated ; basilar membrane narrow ; cilia none. — Thu-
idium erectum, Duby, Regensb. Flora, Iviii. 284 (1875).
H a b . Florida (Chapman, in Herb. Delessert).
Besides the long pellucid point of the leaves, the essential character
which separates this species from II. scitum is the absence of cilia.