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36. H. a c um in a tum , Beauv. Dioeoious : plants widely
and more or less densely cespitose, dark green jiassing to glossy
yellow ; stems radiculose, prostrate ; branches distantly ramulose
; branchlets two-ranked, unequal, acute, plumose or subjulaceous
: leaves close, erect-open, ovate-acute or ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, concave, the borders recurved toward the base,
subserrulate from the middle upward, not or only slightly
striate ; costa vanishing above the middle or below the apex ;
angular cells granulose ; inner perichætial leaves tapering into
a long filiform curved acumen : capsule cylindrical-oblong,
erect, equal, rarely subincurved, short-pedicelled ; operculum
long, conical-apiculate ; segments punctate; cilia rudimentary;
annulus none. — Prodr. 60 ; Mnell. Syn. ii. 334 ; Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. 187, t. 116. Leslcea acuminata, Iledw. Spec. Muso. 224,
t. 56. L . Beyricliii, Hampe, Linnæa, xiii. 47, and Icon. Muse,
t. 7.V
ar. ru p in co lum , Sulliv. & Lesq. Branches julaceous :
leaves densely imbricate, short, carinate and more plicate : capsule
shorter oblong. — Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. SSO»- Leskea
rupincola, Hedw. 1. c. 227, t. 54.
Var. se to sum , Sulliv. & Lesq. 1. c., n. 330'- Branchlets
slender, plumose, pale yellow : leaves longer with looser areolation,
the perichætial longer-acuminate : lid long-acuminate, not
apiculate. — Leslcea setosa, Hedw. 1. c. 226, t. 57.
H a b . Decayed trunks in woods ; the first variety on the ground or on
rocks, the last on less shaded trunks. Ranging from Florida to Canada.
A most variable species, but easily recognized by its characters, especially
by its straight capsule, and tbe peristome witliout cilia.
"37. H. sa leb ro sum , Hoffm. Monoecious : plants widely
cespitose, glossy, whitish or yellowish green ; stems subpin-
nately ramulose : leaves close, erect, open, loosely imbricate
when dry, ovate-lanoeolate, acute or filiform-acuminate, irregularly
sulcate ; borders entire or subserrulate ; costa reaching the
middle or beyond, sometimes forking : capsule short, cernuous,
ovate or ovate-ohlong, incurved ; pedicel very smooth ; operculum
conical ; intermediate cilia two, slightly shorter than the
segments, articulate ; annulus narrow. — Deutschl. El. ii. 74.
H. plumosum, Huds. FL Angl. 423 ; Brid. Bryol. Univ. ii. 475 ;
Muell. Syn. ii. 358. Brachythecium salebrosum, Bruch &
Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 549, 550.
Var. longisetum. Stems long, ascending, sparingly ramulose
: leaves shorter and shorter-acuminate, indistinctly serrate.
— Bruch & Schimp. 1. c., as Brachythecium.
Var. p a lu s tre . Stems tall, stout: leaves bro.ader, more
concave, scarcely plicate, with a shorter point. — II. Alildeanum,
Schimp. Syn. 694.
Var. cy lin d ricum . Stems appressed, pinnately ramulose :
leaves shorter, very glossy, pale : capsule erect, longer, subarcuate.
— Bruch & Schimp. 1. c.
Var. Texanum. Stem-leaves abruptly subulate-acuminate,,
the lower entire, the upper serrate : capsule oblong-cylindrical ;
pedicel thicker, pale-colored. — Aust. Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 44,
as Brachythecium.
H a b . Moist ground, decaying trunks of trees, stones, etc., in the
woods; the first variety in more arid piaces; the second in swampy
ground; the next in South Carolina (Bavenel); the last in Texas
38. H. a c u tum , Mitt. Monoecious : plants loosely cespitose,
bright glossy green : steins long, flexuous, creejiing, radiculose
at base, sparingly branching ; branchlets short, very
open, often reflexed : leaves loose, open-spreading when moistened,
lanceolate, gradually long-pointed, distantly and obscurely
serrulate all around, suhdecurrent and short-auriculate
at base, costate to above the middle ; basal cells loose, sub-
quadrate; perichætial leaves narrowly subulate, recurved from
a short oval erect base, nerved : capsule oval, subinclined and
subcernuous and unequal ; pedicel long ; operculum loug-coni-
cal, apiculate or subulate ; teeth hyaline-bordered ; cilia two,
appendiculate. — Journ. Linn. Soo. viii. 32, t. 6. Brachythecium
acutum, Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 99, t. 75.
Ha b . Pack River, British Columbia (Lyall); Massachusetts (Greene).
Closely resembling H. salebrosum, but differing from this and otlier
allied species in tbe leaves gradually narrowed from just above tlie base,
not narrowed and acuminate above, in the longer operculum, the teeth
bordered by a pellucid margin, and the appendiculate cilia. Tlie species
is referred by Lindberg (Muse. Scand. 35) to H. Mildeanum, Schimp.
39. H. a lb ic a n s . Neck. Dioecious : irregularly cespitose ;
tufts loose, soft, whitish green ; stems with few simple or sparingly
ramulose branches, terete ; leaves close, more or less
densely imbricate, ovate-lanoeolate, with a short subjiiliform
point, sulcate, oostate to the middle, entire or subserrulate at