2 9 . CERATODON, Brid. (PL 1.)
Plants dividing by iimovatioiis from under the jjcrichoetium.
Leaves lanceolate, papillose, or nearly smooth in the upper part.
Flowers dioecious. Capsule ovate-obloug, striate, deeply furrowed
when dry, subcernuous. Teeth of the peristome cleft into
two equal strongly articulate segments, papillose above.
1. 0 . p u r p u r e a s , Brid. Plants fastigiate, branching, dirty
or dark green : leaves carinate, entire, reflexed ; borders opaque,
nearly smooth ; areolation distinct : capsule short-necked, dark
red, polished, horizontal, quadrate or pentagonal when old and
dry ; lid conical, short-beaked ; teeth purple ; annulus large,
revoluble.—^ Bryol. Univ. 1. 480; Bryol. Eur. t. 189, 190;
Braithw. Brit. Moss-Fl. 1. 173, t. 26, D. Mnium purpureum,
Linn. Sp. PI. 1111. Dicranum purpureum, Hedw. Spec. Muse.
136, t. 36.
Var. x a n th o p u s , Sulliv. Pedicel of the capsule pale yellow
or whitish.
Var, a r is ta tu s , Aust. Leaves narrower, with a long ex-
current costa : capsule and pedicel jiale colored. — Musc. Appal,
n. 117.
H a b . Almost everywhere, and extremely variable. Var. xanthopus
common in California; the last on sandy barrens of New Jersey (Austin).
2. 0 . m in o r, Aust. Differs from the preceding in the short
stem, half a c.m. long, the leaves lanceolate, aristate by the long
point of the excurrent costa and serrulate toward the apex, the
capsule shorter, the teeth narrower, articulate only from the
middle downward and very narrowly margined. — Coult. Bot.
Gaz. 11. 89. ‘
Hab. West of Frazer River (Macoun).
The author compares it to his var. aristatus of C. purpureus, which,
however, is more robust, has the costa not excurrent into as long a point,
and the peristome of typical character. The difference therefore consists
especially in the more delicate texture of the peristome.
3 0 . TRICHODON, Schimp.
Plants small, radiculose at base only, subcespitose. Leaves
long-subulate from an enlarged sheathing obovate or oblong
base, críspate, smooth ; areolation linear-rectangular, gradually
longer to the base. Flowers dioecious ; periohætium sheathing.
Calyptra long, narrow. Capsule narrowly cylindrical, regular
or subarcuate, thin, smooth. Operculum short-conical. Peristome
large, purple, with the segments of the teeth nearly equal,
nodose at the articulations and minutely granulose. Annulus
large, revoluble.
Related, like Ceratodon, to Dicranum in the mode of growth ; to Lepto-
trichum in the form of the capsule and structure of the peristome.
1. T. cy lin d ricu s, Schimp. Stem one c.m. long : leaves
flexuous, squarrose, curling: capsule dusky. — Coroll. 36.
Trichostomum cylindricum, Hedw. Sp. Muse. 107, t. 24, figs.
7 to IS. Didymodon cylindricus, Wahl.; Sulliv. & Lesq.
Muse. Bor.-Am. n. lOe” (not Bruch & Schimp.; Watson, Bot.
Calif. 11. 366, excl. hab.). Ceratodon cylindricus, Bryol. Eur.
t. 192. Ditrichum t6nuifolium,lmà\i.; Braithw. Brit. Moss-
Fl. 1. 97, t. 14, E.
Hab. On old wood and twigs, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, fruiting;
Alleghany County and White Mountains, sterile (James); Nevada
(Waison); Ontario (Mrs. Boy).
31. DISTIOHIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (PI. 2.)
Plants densely cespitose, glossy. Stems slender, repeatedly
dichotomous and fastigiate. Stem-leaves exactly distichous,
spreading and subulate from the half-clasping base, broadly costate.
Flowers monoecious ; antheridia enclosed in a perigonium
of two or three leaves, or more generally free in the axils of
the upper leaves, long, narrow, with long paraphyses; peri-
chætium terminal. Capsule erect or subcernuous, coriaceous,
glossy. Lid conical. Teeth linear-lanceolate, either nearly
entire or bifid or irregularly lacerate, punctulate, reddish.
Annulus simple, large, deciduous.
1. D. cap illa c eum , Bruch & Schimp. Tufts dense,
tomentose, silky green above : leaves long-subulate from the
clasping base, broad, concave-oblong, open and flexuous, very
entire; perichætium of two long sheathing leaves: capsule
generally erect, regular, oblong-ovate, smooth (not furrowed)
when dry; teeth narrow, irregular, bifid or lacunose. — Bryol.
Eur. t. 193. Bryum montanum. Lorn. FI. Fr. 1. 48. Swarteia