1. D. p ellucidum, Schimp. Leaves pellucid at the oblong
base, linear-lanceolate, hyaline-serrate, papillose on both faces,
borders flat, opaque; costa narrow, crenulate toward tlie apex,
vanishing below : capsule suberect, broadly oval or subglobose;
pedicel soft, flexuous, pale yellow; lid obliquely long-beaked
from an enlarged concave base; teeth of the peristome densely
articulate, dark red below, orange above. — Syn. Muso. 65.
Dicranum pellucidum, Hedw. Sp. Muse., 142; Bryol. Eur.
t. 50 and 51. Angstroemia pellucida, Muell.
Var. Am eric an um , Lesq. Leaves twisted-crispate when
dry, shorter and narrower; cells of the basilar areolation longer;
capsule longer.
Var. s e rra tum , Schimp. Stems longer; leaves larger
and coarsely dentate toward the apex: capsule oblong, nearly
IlAn. Cascade Mountains (Lyall), Fort Yale (Afacoim); the first variety
at Brattleborough, Yermont (Frost), and in deep glens. New Jersey and
New York (Austin); var. serratum, Oregon (B. Hall).
2. D. C an ad en se. Stem stout, simple-: leaves enlarged
and clasping at base, subulate-lanceolate, divaricate above, serrulate
on the borders; costa strong and percurrent; cells of the
areolation elongated at base, somewhat oblong above, the marginal
shorter, all pellucid: capsule turbinate, unequal, with a
broad orifice; pedicel long, re d ; teeth of the peristome large,
red, dicranoid.—Cynodontium Canadense, Mitten, Journ.
Linn. Soc. viii. 17. Dioranella Schreberi, var. occidentale,
Austin, Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 344.
Ha b . British America, probably from the Rocky Mountains (Drummond,
n. 101, in part).
Comparable to Dlcranella squarrosa, from which it differs in the leaves
more narrowly subulate and with the borders serrulate. It should perhaps
be placed under Dioranella.
19. TREMATODON, Michx. (PI. 1.)
Plants short, loosely cespitose, sparingly branching. Leaves
lanceolate-subulate, costate; cells of the areolation large.
Flowers autcecious. Capsule long-pedicellate, oblong, slightly
arcuate, with a long narrow collum. Operculum long-subulate.
Annulus simple or compound. Teeth of the peristome narrowly
lanceolate, cleft to near the base or lacerate, purple.
1. T. ambigUlim, Hornsch. Stems short, 1 or 2 c. m. long:
leaves open, lanceolate-subulate, canaliculate from an oblong-
ovate base ; perichætial leaves large, oblong, with a short lanceolate
acuminate point : capsule equal in length to the cylindrical
slightly arched collum or shorter; annulus large, re voluble ;
teeth of the peristome cleft to near the base or in the middle
only ; segments sometimes irregularly lacerate. — Regens. Flora,
ii. 88 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 96. Dicranum ambiguum, Hedw.
Muse. Frond, iii. 87, t. 36. Trematodon longicollis, Sulliv.
& Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. n. 75, in part, and (ed. 2), n. 96.
Hab. Wet sandy places in hilly districts; peat hogs, ditches, etc.
2. T. longicollis, Michx. Differs from the last in the
shorter plants, the perichætial leaves more gradually and longer
acuminate, the collum of the oblong-cylindrical capsule twice as
long, the teeth of the peristome narrower subulate witli nodose
articulations perforated along the divisural line, rarely dis-
iointed in two segments. — PI. Bor.-Am. ii. 289; Sulliv. Muse.
Allegh. n. 173, and Icon. Muse. 31, t. 19 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso.
Bor.-Am. (ed. 2), n. 95.
HAB. Moist ciayey or sandy soii, from Pennsyivama and New Jersey
2 0 . ANGSTRCEMIA, Bruch & Schimp.
Plants densely gregarious. Stems erect. Leaves minute,
closely imbricate and appressed, with a thin costa vanishing
below the apex; areolation loose. Flowers dioecious; male
flowers discoid-gemmaceous, terminal. Capsule erect, globose-
ovate, symmetrical, solid, long-pedicellate. Lid short-beaked
from a conical base. Teeth of the peristome bifid from the
middle, rarely simple.
1. A. longipes, Bruch & Schimp. Stems simple or
sparingly divided ; basilar branches filiform, strict : lower leaves
distant, very small, ovate, obtusely short-acuminate, the upper
and the perichætial tufted, oblong-ovate, longer acuminate,
concave : capsule small, truncate when deoperculate ; annulus
none. — Bryol. Eur. t. 94. Weisia longipes, Sommerf. Suppl.
Flor. Lapp. 52, t. Dicranum julaceum, Hook. & Wils.,
Drumm. Muse. Am. n. 100.
Hab. Portage on the Columbia River, Britisii America (Drummond).