capülacea, Hedw. Musc. Frond, ii. 72, t. 26. Cynontodium
capillaceum, Hedw. ; Mitten, Journ. Linn. Soc. xii. 41. Swartzia
montana, Lindb. ; Braithw. Brit. Moss-Fl. i. 102, t. 15, B.
Ha b . Cold and subalpine régions, lu fissures of rocks ; not rare.
2. D. in c lin a tum , Bruch & Schimp. Differs from the
preceding in its soft irregular dark green tufts; the leaves
close, shorter, more narrowly subulate and minutely serrate at
the apex ; the male flowers at the base of the perichætium,
which is composed of three sheathing leaves ; the capsule cernuous,
shorter ovate ; and the teeth broader, strongly articulate,
bifid or cribrose. — Bryol. Eur. t. 194. Swartzia inclinata,
Hedw. Muso. Frond. 11. 74, t. 27 ; Braithw. 1. c. 103, t. 15, C.
H ab. Northern shore of Lake Superior (Agassiz) ; Eocky Mountains
(Drummond); Colorado (Downie); Uinta Mountains (Watson); Sierra
Nevada (Bolander).
Trichostomum (?) scitulum, Austin (Coult. Bot. Gaz. i. 29), described
as small with slender steins, the leaves distichous, erect, subsheathing at
base, spreading and undulate, abruptly linear-canaliculate, scabrous and
papillose, erose-serrate at the apex, is apparently a form of this species.
The description is made from sterile plants found on dry shaded limestone
rocks at the zinc mines of Odenburg, New Jersey. The author
remarks that the leaves are much like those of Distichium inclinatum,
but they are more undulate-flexuous, less solid, not so acute, and the
papillæ of the surface are larger.
3 2 . EUSTIOHIA, Brid. (PI. 2.)
Plants with the aspect of Fissidens, more or less densely
gregarious; stems simple, rarely forking, flat, radiculose and
bulblform at base. Leaves distichous, densely Imbricate, carl-
nate-pllcate, erect, smooth, glossy; costa thick, compressed
toward the base Into a narrow lamina, more enlarged toward
the apex, percurrent or vanishing below the apex In the stem-
leaves, passing In the floral leaves Into a long flexuous lorate
acumen ; areolation oblong-elongated, hyaline below, quadrate-
hexagonal and chlorophyllose abovd. Flowers dioecious, terminal,
gemmiforrn ; antheridia and archegonia long, slender,
with few short plllform paraphyses. Calyptra cucullate. Capsule
oval or obovate, on a short flexuous pedicel. Lid flat, convex
when moistened, obliquely and narrowly rostrate. Peristome
I .E. Norvegica, Brid. Plants one or two c.m. long, sub-
flexuous: leaves short-aoumlnate ; costa vanishing at or below
the apex ; perigonium of three concave lorate-aoumlnate leaves ;
perichætium distichous, the lower leaves shorter, the upper and
Inner ones very long-acuminate, obscurely serrate at the apex :
calyptra large, cuculliform, spilt three-fourths of Its length,
tipped with a long slender flexuous awn as long as the calyptra :
capsule obovate, pale yellow, red-bordered at the orifice, oblique
or Inclined horizontally upon a comparatively thick pedicel
(2 m.m. long) ; lid red at Its base, long-persistent, attached to
the columella and bearing at the borders fragments of the Inner
membrane lacerated In Its dehiscence. — Bryol. Univ. 11. 674;
Bryol. Eur. t. 195; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 29; E. G.
Knight, Bull. Torr. Club, x. 99, figs. 1-6. Phyllogonium Horve-
gicum, Sulliv. Muso. Allegh. n. 46, and Mem. Amer. Acad. n.
ser. 111. 57, t. 1. BryozipMum Norvegicum, Mitten, Journ.
Linn. Soc. xll. 580.
Ha b . Not rare on the shaded verticai face of sandstone rocks in the
coai measures of Middie Oiiio and Kentucky, steriie. Found fertiie oniy
(July, 1883) in similar situations on rocks of the Potsdam sandstone iu
the dells of the Wisconsin River near Kilbourn City, Wisconsin, by Miss
Elizabeth G. Knight.
Two species only of this genus are known. The second, E. Savateri,
Husnot (Revue Bryol. v. 85), is from Japan, and has also been found in
fruit. It differs merely in tlie shorter and broader stem-leaves, abruptly
round-truncate and denticulate at the apex, and cuspidate by the excurrent
rough thick pointed eosta. Tlie pedicel is of the same length and character;
the deoperculate capsule is oval. The calyptra and the operculum
have not been seen.
Plants minute, rarely of large size, gregarious or densely
cespitose. Leaves open, narrow, lanceolate or subulate, costate
; cellules of the areolation minute, quadrate, larger at the
base, smooth. Flowers gemmiforrn. Calyptra cuculiate,
smooth, entire or 3-5-lobate at base. Capsule erect, subsjiher-
Ical, with a distinct collum, gymnostome or with a peristome
of 16 lanceolate acute or obtuse or truncate smooth flat