8. B. m a rg in a ta , Bi-uch & Schimp. Monoecious : habit
and mode of growth as in B. Bolanderi; leaves soft, oblong,
lingulate or subspatulate, obtuse or slightly acuminate, mucro-
nate or cuspidate, carinate-concave, bordered by a double layer
of two or three rows of rectangular thick yellowish cells ; costa
yellow, passing beyond the apex ; areolation minutely quadrate-
hexagonal, chlorophyllose and papillose in the upper part, loose
and smooth in the lower: male flowers axillary: capsule oblong-
cylindrical, light brown; lid narrowly conical, blunt, slightly
curved; teeth twisted once; annulus broad, simple. — Bryol.
Eur. 1.158. To7-t‘ula cmspitosa. Hook. & Grev. T. marginata.
Spruce ; Lindb. Trichost. 238.
Hab. California (Bigelow); walls of houses in Virginia and Wash-
ington [James).
9. B. Bolanderi, Lesq. Dioecious: plants 5 m.m. long,
gregarious, dirty straw-color, simple or fasciculately branched at
the”apex : lower leaves short, open, the upper rosulate, spreading
or reflexed, lingulate or oblong, obtuse, apiculate by the
thick brown excurrent costa; borders flat, or reflexed in the
niiddle of the leaves : male plants slender, intermixed with the
fertile ones: capsule narrowly ovate, erect or inclined, dark
red; lid conical - rostrate, blunt, straight or inclined; teeth
gi-anulose, on a short basilar yellowish membrane, twisting
once; annulus narrow, simple, persistent. — Trans. Am. Phil.
Soc. xiii. 5 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. (ed. 2),
n. 139.
Hab. Kocks near the Bay of San Francisco, California (Bolander),
Related to B. Vahliana and B. marginata, but differing from the first in
its shorter rosulate simple stems, from the second in the emarginate leaves
and simple annulus, from both in the broader lingulate merely mucronate
leaves, the dark red capsule, the short basilar membrane of the peristome,
and the dioecious inflorescence.
10. B. am p lex a , Lesq. 1. c. Dioeoious: plants gregarious,
very short, dirty green : leaves hard but fragile, loosely imbricate,
lingulate, obtuse or short-acuminate, concave, with borders
revolute in the middle or plane all around ; costa thick, vanishing
below the apex ; upper areolation chlorophyllose, opaque ;
inner perichætial leaves two, closely clasping the vaginule, erect,
abruptly recurved at the apex, sometimes truncate, apiculate :
capsule short, narrow, pale green when young, yellowish when
old, cylindrical, erect ; pedicel long, slender, yellow ; lid straight,
reddish: the inflorescence, peristome, and annulus as in the
last species. — Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. (ed. 2)
Hab. On stones, in springs near San Francisco, California (Bolander) ;
Fort Colville (Watson).
11. B. brev ip e s, Lesq. Dioeoious : gregarious^ or suhces-
pitose; stems very short, simple: leaves rosulate, lingulate or
oblong, cuneiform, obtuse, revolnte on the borders, carinate,
concave in the upper part ; costa excurrent into a short hair-
like smooth point : male plants slender ; flowers terminal ; capsule
long, cylindrical, slender, subincurved; lid long-conioal,
obtuse; peristome syntrichial; basilar membrane long, quadrately
tessellate; teeth long, closely twisted, blood-red; annulus
large, compound. — Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 12.
Hab Mud walls, Mission Dolores, in mats an inch in diameter or
more, and on the Russian River divide, California (Bolander); Western
Nevada ( IFuisou). , , , * « „
Related in the mode of growth and characters of the leaves to the three
preceding species, but differing in the long tubular membrane of the
peristome, which is like that of B. canescens, a stouter species which has
the areolation of the leaves smaller and close, and a monoecious mfloi-
12. B. m u ra lis , Timm. Monoecious : pulvinate or cespitose
tufts whitish green ; stems ^ to 2 c.m. long ; lower leaves
oblong-lanceolate, the upper long-lingulate, unequal sided at
the very papillose apex, closely revolute, thus appearing marginate
; costa broad, passing beyond the apex into a more or
less elongated hair-point; areolation small, indistinct in the
upper part, loosely rectangular and hyaline in the lower ; male
flowers gemmiforrn in separate branchlets : capsule ovate-oblong
or subcylindrical, regular, brown; lid long-beaked, slighty
curved; teeth attached to a very narrow membrane, closely
twisted; annulus compound. - El. Megap. 220; BryoL Eur.
t. 159. Bryum murale, Linn. Spec. PI. 1117. Tortula
muralis, Hedw. Fund. Muse. ii. 92 ; Lindb. Trichost. 239.
h a b On rocks, Pennsylvania ( T. C. Porter) ; California (Bolander) ;
Charleston, S. C. (J. Donnell Smith) ; Norfolk, Virginia (James) ; on stone
w-alls, Lodi, New Jersey (Austin).
Very variable in the size of the plants and of the capsule, and in the
shape of the leaves, which are lanceolate or obtuse or even ohcordate at
the apex, with the hair-like point varying in length.