necked ; lid rostellate ; teeth 16, geminate, long-lanoeolate,
transversely densely punctulate, lineolate, reflexed when dry;
cilia 8, robust, as long as the teeth, of a double row of punctate
cells. — Icon. Muse. Suppl. 64, t. 46.
H ab. On rocks, Galifoniia (Bolander).
Allied to tlie last, differing essentially in the teetli of the peristome, the
longer capsule, the bistroinatic cells of the leaves, etc.
9. O. W a tso n i, James. Plants loosely cespitose, green,
yellowish below ; stem simple or rarely divided : leaves soft,
open, reflexed when moist, lanceolate from the more enlarged
erect base ; borders revolute all around ; upper areolation with
long bifurcate papillæ: calyptra moderately hairy: capsule
short-pedicellate, emergent, oval, without a neck, distinctly costate
when dry, and constilcted under the broad orifice; lid
short-beaked; teeth smooth, distantly articulate, closely connate
in pairs, yellowish white ; cilia stout, of a double row of
cells, imnctate. — Bot. King Exp. 401 ; Sulliv. 1. c. 73, t. 54.
Ha b . Damp shaded rocks, AYest Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, at
5,500 feet altitude ( Watson).
Allied to O. Texanum, differing in its color, in the broader, softer,
more reflexed leaves, tlie long forked papillæ, the peristome, etc.
10. O. afl&ne, Schrad. Tufts loose, dark green: leaves
open or slightly recurved, lanceolate-acuminate, very papillose ;
borders reflexed all around : calyptra conical-mitrate, greenish,
with few spare short hairs, covering nearly the whole sporangium
: capsule of a thin tissue, emergent, narrowly oval, de-
fluent into a colluni nearly as long as the sporangium aud
covering the pedicel at its base, sulcate and elongated when
dry, pale yellow, its striæ slightly darker-colored ; lid convex,
rostellate, pale yellow ; teeth bigeminate, sometimes split along
the divisural line, pale yellow ; cilia 8, filiform, as long as the
teeth. — Spic. FI. Germ. 67 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 216.
Hab. Trunks of trees, Lake Superior (Agassiz).
The species is easily confounded with the following, though very distinct
in its nearly naked calyptra, its smaller size, shorter pedicel, etc.
11. O. a lp e s tre , Hornsch. Tufts compact, brownish
green : leaves lanceolate, deeply carinate, revolute and minutely
crenulate on the borders ; upper areolation minutely punctate,
papillose, loose, linear or equilateral, partly chlorophyllose at
base: calyptra nearly smooth, covering three-fourths of the
capsule, pale yellow, turning blackish at the apex: capsule
emergent, oval or slightly obovate, broadly striate, urceolate
when empty and dry ; teeth connate in pairs, perforated at the
apex, punctate ; cilia as long as the teeth. — Schimp. Coroll.
42 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 213.
Var. m a ju s. More robust, glaucous green : leaves broader,
reflexed on the borders ; cells with longer simple or double
papillæ : teeth longer, entire, minutely punctate. ■— 0. alpestre,
var., Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 69, t. 51. 0. occidentale, James,
Bot. King Exp. 402.
H ab. Upper Canada, to the Eocky Mountains (Drummond) ; Utah,
12. O. spec iosum, Nees. Plants longer than in the last,
yellowish green : leaves close, open, recurved when moist,
densely verrucose, long-lanceolate, complicate in the upper
part ; borders revolute all around : calyptra large, campanulate,
covering nearly the whole capsule, densely covered with yellow
flexuous hairs: capsule thin, cylindrical-oblong, pale yellow,
narrowed into a short collum and comparatively long-pedicelled,
generally emergent, smooth when empty or merely narrowly
costate near the orifice, obscurely 8-plicate when dry ; teeth
higeminate, perforated at the apex ; cilia generally 8, rarely 16,
yellowish, densely papillose, more or less sinuous, composed of
two rows of large cells. — Sturm, Deutsch. FI. ii. 17 ; Bryol.
Eur. t. 217. 0. elegans, Schwaegr. ; Richards. Frankl. Narr.
App. 28 ; Mitten, Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 24.
Var. p o ly c a rp um . Stem-leaves very short, erect, appressed,
dark green, most of them with male flowers in the
axils ; comal leaves longer : calyptra dark brown, deeply plicate,
slightly hairy.
Var. Rau i. Stems shorter: capsule exserted on a longer
pedicel ; teeth pellucid, distinctly articulate ; cilia longer
(always ?) than the teeth. — 0. Bauei, Austin, Bull. Torr.
Club, vi. 343.
Hab. Trunks of trees; plains and mountains. AAridely distributed
and extremely variable; the varieties in the mountains of Colorado (Hall,
O. elegans, Schwaegr., is one of the numerous varieties of this species,
differing from the normal form in the smooth capsule and the stems more
slender and shorter. 0. Hainesioe, Aust. 1. c. 842, is another form of it,
differing merely in the short and less numerous hairs of the capsule. The
specimens were collected on rocks in Colorado by Mrs. Mary P . Haines.
We have seen no specimens of var. B,aui,