Annulas narrow or very large, forming a solid irregularly erose
dentate margin (outer peristome of authors).
1- B. ap h y lla , Linn. Annulus very broad, as hi^h as the
middle of the inner peristome ; outer peristome co.miosed of
pale irregular segments, slightly exceeding the annulus; outer
wall of the capsule detached below the orifice after the fall of
tho hd, laciniate and revolute. — Amoen. Acad. v. 83 t. 1 •
Bryol. Eur. t. 427 and 428'’- ’ ’ ’
w f r ; r regions and mountains;
\V lute Mountains; Cascade Mountains, etc. (Lyall).
S e r i e s II. CLADOCARPI.
Flowers terminal at the apex of short lateral branches.
Aquatic mosses, with stems more or less branching, hearing
radicles at their base only. Leaves tliree-ranked, thin, smooth,
ecostate; reticulation slightly chlorophyllose; perichætial
branches short, transformed at the apex into a vaginule ; perichætium
densely Imbricate, sheathing. Calyptra conical or
cucullate, naked. Capsule sessile, emersed. Peristome double,
the outer of 16 long teeth, transversely articulate, latticed on
the inside, the inner of 16 cilia united into a 16-carinate cone,
latticed by transverse partitions.
100. FONTINALIS, Dill. (Pi. 4.)
Plants floating in water, generally long. Stem irregularly
branching or fasciculate-ramose. Leaves very concave or
acutely carinate, with a narrowly rhomhoidal or vermicular
areolation generally enlarged at the auricnlate base. Flowers
dioecious, small, with few antheridia, archegonia and paraphyses.
Annulus none.
1. F. a n tip y re tic a , Linn. Leaves broadly ovate, acuminate,
entire, sharply carinate-plicate ; borders reflexed on one
side toward the angular slightly auricular loosely areolate base,
green when young, olive-color or blackish and often split along
the keel when old; areolation long hexagonal-rhomboidalj
perichætial leaves imbricate, the upper enlarged, ohlong, all
very obtuse at the apex, often lacerate capsule ovate-oblong,
solid olive-green, fuscous when empty ; lid conical ; teeth long,
dark’ purple, twisted inward when dry ; articiilations^^close, 26
to 30; cone blood-red ; partitionsciliate. — Sp. PI. 1107; Bryol.
Eur.t. 429. Pilotrichum antipyreticum, Muell. Syn. ii. 148.
"v a r. g ig a n te a , Sulliv. More robust and less divided:
leaves lar<>-er, more closely imbricate, generally shining, pale
areen or golden yellow, reddish when young, gradually smaller
toward the end of the branches; capsule smaller, less solid;
teeth shorter; cone less regularly latticed. —Icon. Muso. 106,
t 66. F . gigantea, Sulliv. in Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer.
Exsicc. n. 224. F . Eatoni, Sulliv. 1. o., n. 224'-
IIAB. Shallow creeks: not common. The variety in rivulets of the
plains anJ in mountain streams; very common.
2. F . O a lifo rn ic a , Sulliv. Stems very soft and much
divided, all foliate : leaves open, concave, distant, broadly oval,
loosely areolate ; primordial utricles of the cells not quite dissolved:
fruit unknown. — Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 189.
HAE. Rivulets in the Coast Ranges north of the Bay of San Francisco
'^EÏemw'ing F. antipyretica, var. gigantea, but a somewhat smaller
plant, with more distant spreading shorter broader and less acumina e
leaves, with a loose areolation of shorter and wider cells, in
primordial utricle is more or less conspicuous; color reddish brovn or
copperish. .
3 F . N e o -M e x ic a n a , Sulliv. & Lesq. Rigid, yellowish
or dirty green, shining when dry; stems much divided with
lono- branches, naked below: leaves open-erect, oblong-lanceolate”
more or less plicate ; cells of the areolation narrow thick-
walled, those of the suhauriculate decnrrent base enlarged,
oblong, ferruginous; upper perichætial leaves ovate-ohlong,
abruptly cuspidate, upper areolation linear, and base of the leaves
marked with reddish orange lines: male plants more slender;
perio-onial leaves numerous : capsule ovate-oblong, smaller than
In F. antipyretica; lid conical, obtuse; teeth with 20 articulations
; cone latticed and papillate. - Muse. Bor.-Amer. F.xsico.
n. 224» ; Aust. Muse. Appal, n. 251» ; Sulhv. Icon. Muse. Suppl.
76 't 57 F. antipyretica, var., Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-
Ailei-. Exsicc. (ed. 2), n. 334. F . Mercediana, Lesq. Proc.
Calif. Acad. i. 28.