17. B. rscurvifolia,, Schimp. Tufts reddish brown ; stems
slender : leaves spreading or curved backward, loosely imbricate
and slightly twisted when dry, broader, shorter and more
solid than those of B. fallax, acutely carinate, paj/illose on both
faces ; borders plane, erect above, reflexed near the base ; costa
brown to the apex ; areolation as in B. fallax, the basilar cells
only a little larger, quadrate and rectangular : calyptra very
narrow, long-subulate, covering a third of the capsule : capsule
erect, long, cylindrical, regular, reddish brown ; lid subulate,
beaked; annulus none. — Coroll. 141, and Syn. 170; Aust.
Muse. Appal. Suppl. B. fallax, var. reciirvifoKa, Wils. Bryol.
Brit. 124. Tot'tula recurvifoUa, Berk. ; Lindb. Trichost. 250.
IIab. On rocks, Hoboken, New Jersey; Niagara Falls (Austin);
region of the great lakes, Canada (Macoun); Colorado (IT. A. Vane).
18. B. Oruegeri, Sonder. Plants very loosely and tvidely
cespitose, reddish brown below, pale green above ; stems slender,
divided by a simple innovation at the apex : stem-leaves distant,
somewhat twisted, open, recurved when moist, and incurved at
the apex, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, short-mucronate, the borders
entire, revolute at base ; nerve thick, subexourrent, green ; cells
of the areolation minutely quadrate and green at base, very
minute and very opaque, papillose in the upper part; perichætial
leaves larger, broader and more loosely areolate at base :
capsule erect, narrowly cylindrical, pale ; lid obliquely rostrate,
acute, red; teeth long and very slender, closely twisted;
annulus none. — Muell. Syn. i. 618.
Hab. Borders of the Mississippi Eiver, Louisiana (C. Mohr); Florida
(Garber); sterile.
19. B. c a n c e lla ta , Muell. Plants loosely cespitose, short,
slender, simple, crispate, yellowish green : stem-leaves erect,
close, linear-lanceolate, obtuse and short-mucronate, concave,
deeply canaliculate with a thick reddish costa, rugose on the
back, narrowly reflexed toward the base ; cells of the areolation
small, regularly rectangular at base, smaller, quadrate,
dark green and papillose above; perichætial leaves narrowed
and lanceolate-acuminate from the sheathing base, with a looser
more elliptical areolation : pedicel red, flexuous : lid conical,
oblique, as long as the cylindrical capsule ; teeth cancellate
(fontinaloid), very slender and smooth, purple, split to near the
base. — Regensb. Flora, Ivi. 483 (1873).
H ae. Texas, Dallas County (J. Boll). , , , , . ,
Much like the last, but differing in the long teeth of the conical thin
peristome, appendiculate like tliose of a Fontinalis.
20. B. b ra c h y p h y lla , Sulliv. Plants long, densely cespitose,
fastigiately-branching, radiculose their whole length :
leaves open, ovate, narrowed to the obtuse apex, thick, dark
brown, the borders recurved all around ; costa stout, percurrent :
calyptra short: capsule cylindrical, erect; lid long-rostrate;
teeth twisted half-way around or scarcely so much, attached to
a very narrow membrane. - Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 186, t. 2 ; Sulliv.
& Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. n. 100'.
Hab. Near Benicia, California (jBtpefo«)).
21 B p u rp u re a , Muell. Differs from the preceding
species in its small rigid purple tufts, the short stems divided
above into a few short branches, naked below : stem-leaves tew,
open, spreading when moist, purplish, oblong and broader in
the lower part, then obliquely lanceolate, blunt at the apex, the
costa thick, purple, canaliculate, the colls of the areolation
thick, small, reddish, quadrate, in the upper part rounded,
smaller and more oblique : capsule small, ovate, with a broad
orifice when deoperculate, the calyptra long, embracing its base.
_ Regensb. Flora, Iviii. 78 (1875). B . hrachyphylla Sulliv. &
Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. (ed. 2),n. 185, in part, fide Muell.
H ab. On rocks near Oakland, California, mixed with B. mreseens
22. B. rig id u la , Schimp. Tufts brown or dirty green;
stem straight: leaves open or a little recurved, long-lanceolate,
carinate, with borders recurved in the upper part, revolnte in
the lower, nearly smooth and very entire; basilar areolation
rectangular, narrow, the upper minutely quadrate, distinct;
costa percurrent ; perichætial leaves scarcely distinct from the
upper stem-leaves: calyptra long-beaked, often half-contorted :
capsule erect or slightly curved, nearly cylindrical, chestnut-
color, polished; pedicel straight, reddish; lid short-beaked,
oblique ; teeth attached to a short membrane with nodose segments,
free or partly coherent, oblique or slightly twisted;
annulus simple, narrow. - Syn. (ed. 2), 206. Trichostomnnn
rigiclulum, Smith, FI. Brit. in. 1238; Bryol. Eur. t. 1/6.
Tortula rigicMa, Lindb. Trichost. 249.
Hab. Rocky Mountains (Drummond); Russian River, California
(Bolander); Vancouver Island (Lyall).
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