oblong or obovate at base, more gradually acuminate, all very
entire, glossy ; costa enlarged upward, somewhat excurrent :
capsule exserted, pyriform-elliptical, somewhat long-beaked,
the comparatively long collum gradually narrowed to the long
straight pedicel ; calyptra smooth, mitriform or suboucullati^
lobed, covering a third of the capsule. — B-11. Torr. Club, v. 2L
Hab. Near Houston, Texas (B. Hall). ’
A very fine and distinct species, recognized at once by its short appressed
imbricate leaves, and the capsule exserted on a long straight pedicel.
9. B. Donnellii, Aust. Paroecious, of the size of B. flexuosa
: leaves more abruptly subulate from a nearly round base,
distinctly papillose : pedicel more strict : capsule 2-colored’
with a thicker and longer collum : spores nearly twice as laro-e.
— Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 144.
Ha b . Florida {./. Donnell Smith).
This species has a long tliick coilum and large spores, as in B. Texana,
wliich, liowever, has much shorter smooth leaves. It also has the inflorescence
and large spores of B. Hallii, but the collum in this last species
IS much shorter and the leaves are smooth. — (Austin).
10. B. T ex an a , Aust. Compared with the preceding it
differs in the shorter stems; the lower leaves narrower, longer-
laiiceolate-acuminate and flexuous, the upper much longer, oval
at base, abruptly narrowed and very narrowly subulate-canalio,
ulate upward, flexuous when dry ; costa dilated upward, percurrent
; areolation longer and narrower below, rapidly passing
above to very small minutely granulose cells : capsule a little
shorter, with a more slender beak and a thicker collum abruptly
narrowed to the pedicel. — Bull. Torr. Club, v. 21.
Hab. Near Houston, Texas (E. Hall).
11.^ B. b rev ip e s, Hook. Resembling B. flexuosa m aspect,
but distinguished by its small size, the rigid leaves more enlarged
at base, abruptly narrowed into a longer awl-shaped p^int
entirely filled by the costa, by the shorter pyriform immersed
capsule truncate at base and sharply apiculate, by tlie very short
pedicel, and larger spores.— Icon, PI. t. 231 ; Hook. & Wils.,
Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. 11.), n. 15, in part ; Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. 24, t. 14.
Hae. Louisiana (Drummond); South Carolina, on sandy ground
{Davenel) \ Petersburg, Virginia {James).
12. B. b rev ifo lia , Sulliv. Subcespitose, the stems very
short, erect, densely foliate ; lower leaves minute, ovate-acuminate,
the upper comparatively short, scarcely reaching to the
middle of the capsule, large, ovate and clasping at base, abruptly
narrowed into a broad blunt point ; costà flat, broad, percurrent ;
^ flowers monoecious ; male buds terminal : capsule very large for
the size of the plant, obovate-oblong, truncate at base, abruptly
acuminate ; pedicel very short ; calyptra scarcely covering a
third of the capsule. — Mosses of U. States, 17, and Icon. Muso.
25, t. 15. B. Vogesiaca, var. 2, Hook. & Wils., Drumm. Muso.
Amer. (Coll. 11.), n. 15, in part.
H a b . Louisiana (Drummond); sandy ground on the Santee Canal,
South Carolina (Bavenel).
13. B. Ravenelii, Wils. Plants very small (the smallest
of the genus), closely gregarious : leaves close together, the
lower minute, the middle linear-lanceolate and erect, the upper
much longer, spreading, lanceolate, gradually narrowed to a
. denticulate apex ; costa broad, percurrent : flowers monoecious :
capsule nearly immersed, short, obovate and apiculate, its
scarcely distinct short collum abruptly narrowed into the very
short pedicel ; calyptra distinctly and sometimes profusely papillose.
— Sulliv. Mosses of II. States, 17, and Icon. Muso. 26,1.16.
Var. mollis. Calyptra less papillose; capsule with a
slightly more marked collum : leaves shorter, not exceeding the
capsule. — B. Carolinice, Austin, Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 144.
H a b . Banks of the Santee Canal, South Carolina (Bavenel); the
variety in Florida (J. Donnell Smith).
14. B. H am p e an a , Muell. Leaves enlarged at base, narrowed
and subulate above, the entire margin obscurely denticulate
: capsule obovate, with a moderately long collum ; calyptra
, laciniate at base, distinctly papillose vesiculose. — Syn. 1. 18.
Sporledera Schwaegricheni, Hampe in litt.
H a b . Louisiana (Drummond).
. Differing from the last especially in the distinct somewhat long neck of
I the capsule.
Iy 3. Plants with branching and prostrate stems. Calyptra
I adherent to the capsule. Spores remarkably large and few.
9. AROHIDIUM. Brid. (PL 1.)
Plants small, branching by short and erect or by long prostrate
innovations. Leaves linear-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate,
.1 '