104. H. tu rfa c eum , Lindb. Monoecious : plants small, cespitulose,
bright green, yellowish spotted ; stems prostrate, with
short subpimiato or fasciculate branches; leaves depressed, flat,
the laterals preading horizontally, the upper and lower alternately
inclined to the left and to the right, ovate-lanceolate, long-
acuminate from an ovate-oblong base, sharply serrate to the
middle, ecostate ; areolation fusiform or broadly linear, distinctly
quadrate or oblong, equilateral at base ; perichætial leaves ovate,
concave at base, abruptly short-cuspidate .and dentate upward :
capsule subcernuous and subinclined, oblong-cylindrioal, costate
and constricted under the orifice when dry; operculum broadly
conical, blunt at the apex ; peristome normal, with two strong
cilia nearly as long as the entire segments ; .annulus double, large.
— Fries, Bot. Notis. 1857, 142, and FI. Dan. Suppl. t. 117.
Stereodon turfaceus. Mitt. Plagiothecium turfaceum, Lindb.
Faun. Flor. î ’enn. ix. 33; Sulliv. Icon. Muso. Suppl. 87, t. 65.
Isopterygium turfaceum, Lindb.
H a b .^ On the ground and decayed trunks; Alleghany and White
Mountains (James); New Jersey (Austin); Port Colville (Lyall).
105. H. elegans. Hook. Dioecious: plants small, pale
green, shining when dry; stem depressed, with few unequal
branches; stem-leaves erect-spreading, plane and distichous,
narrowly ovate, more or less long-acuminate, concave, short,
bicostate at base, slightly serrulate at the apex ; cells narrower
than in the last, pellucid, but scarcely enlarged at base ; perichætial
leaves lanceolate-acuminate ; capsule horizontal or subpendent
by an apical curve of the pedicel, oblong, slightly
inflated at the curved neck, constricted under the widened
orifice when dry; opercidnm conical, obtuse or short-rostellate;
teeth broadly lanceolate, blunt at the apex ; segments entire ;
ciha three, slender, as long as the segments ; annnlus simple. —
Muso. Exot. t. 9 ; Schwaegr. Suppl. iii. t. 282. Plagiothecium
elegans, Schimp. Coroll. 116 : Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 86, t. 64.
Phynchostegium elegans, Lindb. in Hedwigia, ii. 79, and Faun.
Flor. Fenn. ix. 47. Isopterygium elegans, Lindb.
Var. te rr e s tre . Dark green ; branches shorter, slightly
deourved at the apex. — Lindb. 1. o., as Phynchostegium ; Aust.
Muse. Appal., n. 349.
H a b . Crevices of shaded rocks; Vancouver Island (Menzies); White
Mountains (James); Northern New Jersey, sterile. The variety ou the
ground in a ravine near Paskack, New Jersey (Austin), sterile.
106. H. d e n tic u la tum , Linn. Monoecious: in flat loose
green or yellowish glossy tufts; stems prostrate, stoloniferous,
with branches and branchlets erect, piano-foliate : basilar and
terminal leaves of the branches small, broadly lanceolate, acute,
the medial larger, ovate-ohlong, apiculate, inequilateral, decurrent,
entire or subserrate at the apex ; costa bipartite, very thin,
vanishing half-way to the middle; areolation narrowly rhomhoidal,
enlarged at base, broadly quadrate at the excavate
angles; perichætial leaves sheathing, narrowed into a short
point, costate to above the middle, the costa thin, simple or
forking: cajisule long-pedicelled, cernuous, arcuate, cylindrical
or oblong, orange-color, slightly constricted under the oiifice
when dry ; operculum conical, apiculate ; teeth ¡lale ; segments
slightly open between the articulations ; cilia two or three, unequal,
nearly as long as the segments ; annulus large, of a triple
row of cells.—Spec. PI. 1122. Pylaisma radicans, Desv. ;
Brid. Bryol. Univ. ii. 282, t. 8. Plagiothecium denticidatum,
Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 501, 502; Lindb. Faun. Flor.
Fenn. ix. 30.
Var. ten ellum . Smaller than the normal form: ieaves
narrower, longer-acuminate. — Bruch & Schimj). 1. c., as Plagiothecium.
Var. læ tum . Leaves longer, piliform-acnminate : capsule
ovate-ohlong, suberect ; cilia none. — Lindb. 1. c. Plagiothecium
Imtum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Enr. t. 495.
Var. lax um . Leaves less crowded, erect-spreading, scarcely
flattened, smaller, narrower, broadly lanceolate : cajisule sub-
erect. — Bruch & Schimp. 1. c.
V.ar. d ensum. Densely cespitose ; branches shorter, erect :
leaves crowded, imbricate, recurved at the ajiex : capsule suberect
; lid acuminate. — Bruch & Schimp. 1. c.
Var. o b tu sifo lium . Turn. Leaves elliptical, more or less
obtuse. —Muso. Hibern. 146. II. Donnianum, Smith, FL Brit,
iii. 1286. Stereodon Ponianus, Mitt.
Ha b . Decayed trunks in the woods, rarely on stones; varieties
tenellum and densum on mountains, in fissures of rocks.
A very variable moss, often confounded with II. sylvaticum, differing
in the monoecious inflorescence, the narrower areolation, the conical and
not rostrate lid, the smooth capsule, and the compound annulus.
107. H. Muellerianum, Hook. fil. Dioecious : plants very
small, loosely cespitose, briglit green ; stems stoloniferous, creep