K '
num varium, Hedw. Musc. Frond, ii. 93, t. 34; Bryol. Eur. t. 57
and 58 ; Sulliv. 1. c. Anisothecium varium, Mitt. A. rubrum,
Liudb. ; Braithw. 1. c. 110, t. 16, B.
Hais. Wet ground; clayey and sandy banks in plain districts.
A very common and variable species. Plants with capsules of diverse
forms are often found in the same tufts.
7. D. ru fe sc en s, Schimp. Of the same size and appearance
as the last, differing in the less crowded falcate-secund linear-
lanceolate leaves with a broader areolation, the capsule ovate,
erect, symmetrical, smaller, the pedicel dark red, and the lid
conical-acuminate. —Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicranum rufes-
cens, Turner, Muso. Hihern. 66 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 59 ; Sulliv. 1. c.
Anisothecium rufescens, Lindb.; Braithw. 1. c. 112, t. 16, C.
Ha e . Clay and gravelly soil, plains and mountains.
8. D. debilis. Size and appearance of the plants same as
in the preceding. ■ Leaves gradually increasing in length from
the base upward, linear-lanceolate, witli borders undulate and
recurved; areolation loose; costa vanishing below the blunt
apex : capsule oval, erect, symmetrical, without collum ; lid
long-rostrate, straight ; annulus large, simple. — Dicranum debile.
Hook & Wils., Drumm. Muse. Am. (Coll. II.), n. 51, 52 ; Sulliv.
Mosses of U. States, 21, and Icon. Muse. 33, t. 20.
H ab. Banks of ditches and roadsides, South Carolina to Florida; very
common in Cuba.
9. D. s u b u la ta , Schimp. Loosely tufted and somewhat
larger than the last : leaves half-clasping at the elliptical base,
narrowed above into a long setaceous subulate entire point;
costa excurrent ; areolation minute ; perichætial leaves tubulose
at base, abruptly longer subulate: capsule cernuous, ovate,
gibbous, not strumose or slightly so, obscurely striate, plicate
when dry ; pedicel long, red ; lid long subulate-rostrate, curved ;
annulus double. — Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicranum subulatum,
Hedw. Spec. Muso. 128, t. 34 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 60 ; Sulliv. 1. c. 21.
Dicranella secunda, Lindb. ; Braithw. 1. c. 106, t. 15, E.
Hab. Alpine and subalpine regions, eastern and western slopes of
North America; not uncommon.
10. D. b e te rom a lla , Schimp. Plants cespitose, of medium
size, simple or forking: leaves crowded, secund, lanceolate from
the base, narrowly long-subulate, denticulate or entire at the
apex, glossy ; perichætial leaves with a short half-clasping base,
abruptly and n.arrowly long-subulate : capsule cernuous, more
or less reclined, ovate or oblong, obscurely striate, plicate when
dry, with a short, often indistinct, collum, slightly constricted
under the obliquely inclined orifice ; pedicel yellow ; lid long
subulate-beaked ; teeth bifld or trifid ; annulus simple, very narrow.—
Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13; Braithw. Brit. Moss-Fl. i. 107,
t. 15, G. Dicranum heteromallum, Hedw. Muse. Frond, i. 68,
t. 26; Bryol. Eur. t. 62 ; Sulliv. 1. o.
Hab. Kocks, clay banks, naked soil, roots of trees, especially in mountainous
regions; very common.
A very variable species; the leaves sometimes erect-open and strict (var.
orthophylla), or interruptedly tufted (var. interrupta, Schimp.); capsule
sometimes straight (var. orthocarpa), etc. It is easily distinguished from
the preceding by the bright color of the glossy leaves and the yellow pedicel
of the reddish capsule, which elongated when dry has its orifice curved
inward or oblique.
11. D. c u rv a ta , Schimp. Loosely cespitose ; stems shorter
than in the last species : leaves setaceous, subulate from a short
ovate base, canaliculate ujjwards, minutely denticulate at the
apex, falcate ; perichætial leaves longer at the oblong base : capsule
erect or scarcely inclined, oblong, distinctly striate, symmetrical
; lid large at the highly convex base, less narrowly
subulate ; teeth regularly bifid to the middle ; annulus broader.
— Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13 ; Braithw. 1. c. 106,1.15, F. Dicranum
curvatum, Hedw. Sp. Muso. 132, t. 31 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 61.
Hab. On sandstone, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania [T. C. Porter);
White Mountains (James). Very rare.
2 2 . DICRANUM, Hedw. (PI. 1,2.)
Plants large, once or many times dichotomous. Stems radiculose
at base or all covered with a coating of radicles. Leaves
spreading or secund, rarely papillose, lanceolate-subulate or long-
lanceolate, with a solid semi-terete more or less dilated costa ;
cells of the areolation linear-oblong in the upper part of the
leaves, long and generally very narrow toward the base, enlarged
quadrate and sometimes inflated and colored at the angles ; perichætial
leaves more or less sheathing. Flowers monoecious or
dioecious. Capsule erect or cernuous, with a regular or rarely
strumose collum. Operculum subulate-beaked. Teetb of the
peristome bifid, purple at base.