' Mm:
late. Peristome as in Webera, the outer teeth as long as the
carinate linear segments ; cilia none. Annulus double.
1. P. s q u a r r o s a , Brid. Characters of the genus. — Muse.
Recent. Suppl. iii. 72 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 312. Bryum squai-rosum,
Iledw. Spec. Muse. 186, t. 44.
Ha b . Bogs in the Rocky Mountains (Drummond) ; Herkimer County,
New York (Bau). A very rare and beautiful moss.
Plants varying in size. Stems simple, branching by innovations,
more or less radiculose. Leaves costate, often dentate ;
areolation nearly uniform, parenchymatöse in the whole lamina
or prosenchymatose toward the apex, generally smooth. Male
flowers gemmiforrn or discoid. Calyptra cucullate, smooth.
Capsule globose or ovate or pyriform, cernuous or horizontal or
pendent, rarely erect, with a distinct stomatose collum, long-
pedicellate. Lid mamillate, rarely rostrate. Peristome rarely
absent or simple, generally double and large ; outer teeth transversely
barred, marked externally and lengthwise by a medial
line, the inner formed by the keeled lanceolate segments of the
hasilar membrane, alternating with the outer teeth, sometimes
adherent to them, separated or not by one to three filiform
cilia, either nodose or appendiculate.
8 2 . MIELIOHHOFERIA, Hornsch.
Flowers lateral at or above the base of the stem or of the
annual innovations. Leaves lanceolate, shining, serrate; areolation
narrowly hexagonal-rhomboidal or linear, uniform. Male
flowers gemmiforrn or the antheridia in the axils of perichætial
leaves. Calyptra cuculliform, very small and fugacious. Peristome
simple, of 16 narrow distantly trabeculate teeth proceeding
from an internal carinately 16-plicate membrane. Annulus
I. M. n itid a , Nees & Hornsch. Dioeoious : plants in compact
tufts ; stems divided into fastigiate slender filiform innovations
: leaves small, erect, imbricate when dry, lanceolate, costate
to near the sharply serrate apex; capsule pyriform or oval,
with a long collum, symmetrical, erect or oblique; pedicel
slender, flexuous; lid short-conical, obtuse; peristome simple ;
teeth narrowly linear, with nodose articulations, yellowish;
annulus compound, revoluble. — Bryol. Germ. ii. 183, t. 41;
Bryol. Eur. t. 328. Weisia Mielichhoferi, Hook. Muse. Exot.
t. 10.
Var. m a c r o c a rp a , Muell. Leaves more obtuse: innovations
clavate and more densely foliate. — Syn. i. 235. Weisia
macrocarpa, Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 74.
Hab. Eocky Mountains (Drummond).
83. LEPTOBRYUM, Schimp.
Plants slender, radiculose at base. Leaves narrow, flexuous,
subulate, glossy; areolation (as in Webera) linear-rhomhoidal
above, the lower looser, rectangular-hexagonal. Flowers bisexual.
Calyptra very small. Capsule inclined or pendent. Lid
mamillate. Peristome double; articulations of the intermediate
cilia appendiculate. Sporangium smaller than iu Bryum.
I. L. p y rifo rm e , Schimp. Plants loosely cespitose, soft,
green, glossy; stem short: lower leaves distant, narrowly
fanceolate, the upper tufted, much longer, lanceolate-suhulate,
more or less serrate toward the apex; basilar areolation somewhat
broader than the upper; costa excurrent: capsule oval-
globose, long-necked, yellowish brown, glossy; pedicel long and
slender; lid apiculate from a conical base; annulus large.—
Coroll. 64. Mnium pyo'iforme, Linn. Sp. PI. II12. Bryum
pyriforme, Hedw.; Bryol. Eur. t. 355; Sulliv. Mosses of H.
States, 44. Webera pyriformis, Hedw. Muse. Frond, i. 5,
t. 8.
Hab. On sandy shaded ground, burnt aud decaying trees, e tc .; very
8 4 . WEBERA, Hedw.
Stems slender. Leaves lanceolate, glossy; areolation rhom-
boidal-hexagonal, narrow, more or less linear.
The areolation of the glossy leaves and a more slender costa are the
essential characters separating this genus from Bryum.
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