' i; i l
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Comparable to F. osmundoides, Hedw., from which it differs in the
monoecious inflorescence, the serrulate ape.x of the leaves, and the minute
hexagonal areolation.
8. F. v e n tric o su s , Lesq. Plants robust, loosely and
widely cespitose, nearly black throughout, dark green only at
the top of the recent innovations, generally immersed; stems
two c.m. long or more, branching from the base, radiculose in
the axils of the leaves : leaves close, erect-open, cultriform, plicate
and ventricose to the middle, bordered by a thick smooth
margin confluent at the apex with the thick costa, which is ex-
current into a blunt point or rarely vanishing below it ; areolation
minute, ovate-quadrate or irregularly polygonal: flowers
terminal : calyptra large, cucullate : capsule very shortly pedicellate,
suhimmersed, erect, obovate, narrowing and confluent
into the pedicel, dark green ; lid short, conical, obtuse ; teeth
large, erect : spores large. •— Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 7 ; Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. Suppl. 45, t. 30.
H a b . On submerged rocks, Mendocino City, California (Bolander).
Species comparable to F. rufulus, Bruch & Schimp., from which it
differs in the more obtuse thick-margined leaves, etc.
# * Flowers dioecious.
Plants minute.
9. F. h y a lin u s , Wils. & Hook. Gregarious; stems 2 or 3
m.m. long, simple: leaves 3 or 4 pairs, very soft, oblong-
lanceolate, interruptedly narrowly marginate, ecostate, plicate
to the middle, with a broad margin gradually narrowed to the
base ; meshes of the areolation large, hexagonal, hyaline-
pellucid : fertile flowers terminal, the male not seen : calyptra
subcylindrical, covering the beak of the lid : capsule oblong,
erect, enlarged at the orifice, short-pedicellate ; teeth reddish,
solid, closely articulate.—-Journ. Bot. (1841) iii. 89, t. 2; Sulliv.
Muse. Alleghan. n. 180, Mosses of U. States 24, and Icon. Muse.
34, t. 21.
Hab. Moist rocky ledges at Bank Lick, near Cincinnati ( T. G. Lea) ;
clay banks near Painesville, Ohio (II. 0. Beardslee); very rare.
10. F. exigUUS, Sulliv. Gregarious, pale green : leaves
4 to 6 pairs, oblong-lanceolate, obscurely short-acuminate, entire,
not margined, plicate to the middle; dorsal lamina gradually
narrowed and vanishing at base ; costa flexuous, subpercurrent :
male and female plants similar : flowers terminal : capsule erect,
oblong-oval, narrowed and confluent to the pedicel ; lid rostellate
; teeth split to the middle. — Muse. Allegh. n. 182;
Mem. Am. Acad. n. ser. iii. 60, t. 2, B ; Mosses of U. States 24
and 103, and Icon. Muso. 36, t. 23. F . incurvus, var. exiguus,
Aust. Muso. Appal, n. 103.
Hab. On stones in moist and shaded ravines, dry channels of brooks,
etc. ; common.
11. F. m in u tu lu s , Sulliv. Size and aspect of the last:
leaves 4 to 10 pairs, linear-oblong, lanceolate to the apex, bordered
by a narrow margin up to the slightly serrulate apex, the
auricles broadly margined, and the dorsal lamina extending to
below the middle ; costa percurrent : calyptra shorter, scarcely
reaching the base of the operculum : capsule oval-oblong ; operculum
longer-beaked than in the preceding species ; teeth dark
red, cleft to below the middle into long linear-granulose segments.
— Muse. Allegh. n. 183; Mem. Am. Acad. n. ser. iii. 58, t. 2, A;
Mosses of IJ. States, 24, and Icon. Muse. 87, t. 24. F . bryoides.
Hook & Wils. in Drumm. Muse. Am. (Coll. II.), n. 89 and 40.
F. incurvus, var. minutulus, Aust. Muse. Appal, n. 102.
Hab. Moist rocks in woods ; dry channels in woods, on stones.
12. F. Hallii, Aust. Size of F . incurvus, from which it
differs in the crenulate immarginate leaves, the longer-beaked lid,
the calyptra not cleft and scarcely descending to the base of the
beak, and the dioecious inflorescence. — Coult. Bot. Gaz. ii. 97.
Hab . Texas (E. Hall).
13. F. Ravenelii, Sulliv. Leaves 5 to 15 pairs, erect or
curved on one side, linear-oblong, acute, close and opaque ;
auricles prolonged to the middle, broadly marginate and distinctly
dentate ; lamina and dorsal wing not margined, minutely
denticulate; areolation very dense, of minute round-quadrate
chlorophyllose cells ; costa flexuous, hyaline : flowers terminal ;
male plants very small, with 2 or 3 pairs of leaves : capsule
oblong-erect, equal, of thin texture, minutely papillose ; lid
enlarged at base, with an mclined beak. — Mem. Am. Acad,
n. ser. iv. 171, t. 2, Mosses of U. States 24, and Icon. Muse. 39,
t. 25.
Hab. Damp bricks or earth, Santee Canal, South Carolina (Bavenel);
moist ground, Society Hill, North Carolina (Curtis).
14. F. Donnellii, Aust. Leaves 3 or 4 pairs, not margined,
crenulate-serrate on the borders, papillose, the lower oblong