fernminous in the lower part : lower leaves small, distant, erect,
the xtpper tufted, open, oblong and whitish at base, linear-
lanceolate, undulate, concave or subcarinate above, mucronate
by the thick excurrent costa, entire ; perichætial leaves similar :
capsule oblong, cylindrical, erect, yellowish, with a red orifice,
slio-htly sulcate when dry, of thin texture ; pedicel comparatively
lono-, straight or flexuous, yellowish ; lid conical-rostrate,
slightly inclined; teeth long, slender, filiform, nearly equal,
scarcely articulate, purple; basilar membrane narrow.—
Regensb. FI. xii. 404, t. 7 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 172.
Var. c r a s s in e rv e . Plants shorter: leaves narrower;
costa thick, vanishing below or at the apex : teeth of the peristome
whitish. — T. crassinerve, Ilampe, Linnæa, xxx. 456.
IlAB Florida, on the ground (I). B. Smith, Garber, J. Donnell
Smith); the variety near San Rafael, and in the mountains of California
(Bigelow, Bauer, Bolander).
5. T. flexipes, Bruch & Schimp. Stems short, 4 to 6 m.m.
lono-, branching by innovations : leaves linear, acuminate, undulate
on the borders, serrate upward ; costa white, shining, percurrent
: capsule narrowly oblong-ovate, chestmit-color, on a
flexuous or curved pedicel ; lid conical-rostrate ; teeth straight,
e q u a l , regularly bifid; aniinlus large, revoluble. — Bryol. Eur.
t. 171.
Hab. On the ground, California (Bigelow, Bolander) ; common.
6. T. a n om a lum , Schimp. Plants loosely cespitose, 1 to
4 c.m. long: leaves linear-lanceolate to the point, serrate
above,'more or less distinctly papillose on the inner surface:
male flowers in separate or aggregated buds : capsule oblong,
cylindrioal or rarely slightly curved, erect on a long flexuous
reddish pedicel; teeth long, equal, erect, strict, dark red;
annulus large, easily detached. — Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 28. Lar-
hula aoiomala, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 169.
HAB. California (Coulter, B. IF. James); Florida (Garber).
4 3 . DESMATODON, Brid. (PI. 2.)
Plants sparingly branching, radiculose at base or tomentose
their whole length. Leaves ovate or obovate, oblong, blunt,
apiculate or gradually acuminate, costate; areolation close,
opaque, papillose and chlorophyllose in the upper part, loose
and hyaline toward the base. Inflorescence monoecious or
dioecious ; male flowers terminal or axillary, the fertile gemmi-
form; perichætial leaves similar to the upper stem-leaves.
Calyptra long, cucullate. Capsule erect, arcuate or cernuous
and pendent, oval-oblong or subcylindrical, distinctly annulate.
Peristome of 16 subulate bifid teeth; segments roiind-tetragonal,
filiform, free or irregularly and transversely connate, granulose,
erect when moist, incurved when dry, rarely slightly twisted to
the left. Columella projecting beyond the mouth of the ripe
Allied in habit, mode of growth, and texture of the leaves to Pottia ; in
the character of the peristome to Trichostomum and Barbula.
* Capsule erect.
1. D. la tifo liu s , Brid. Monoecious: stems 1 or 2 c.m.
X . X J . i t l lD J . lU i J .L l . i 3 j -»-'lAv-t.. — • . T Y
long: leaves open, erect, incurved or slightly twisted when
dry, oval-oblong, acuminate or aristate by the excurrent corta,
concave or carinate, with borders revolute: calyptra covering
the capsule to its base: c a p s u l e o b l o n g , cylindncal; lid shortbeaked,
oblique ; annulus simple. — Bryol. Univ. i. 5..4 , Biyo .
Eur. t. ISO. B i c r a n u m la t i fo l ium, Hedw. Muso. Frond, i. 89,
t. 33. T r i ch o s tomum la t i fo l ium, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 145;
Lindb. Trichost. 224.
Var. g la c ia lis , Schimp. Stem longer, slender: costa
vanishing below the apex. — Syn. 157. „
IlAB. California (Bolander) ; Rocky Mountains, with the var. (Dram-
mond, E. Hall, Downie); Nevada Mountains (IFaisou); Cascade Mountains
(Lijall); San Juan Range, Colorado (Brandegee).
2 D S y s tiliu s , Bruch & Schimp. Monoecious: leaves
large, ovate-oblong, soft, flat on the borders, minutely crenulate;
costa excurrent into a long hair: capsule narrower
cylindrical, soft; lid attached to the columella and falling with
i t ; teeth smaller, less regular, partly transversely coherent to
each other, pale. - Bryol. Eur. t. 131. T r ich o s tomum
S y s t i l ium , Muell. Syn. i. 589. „ , „r t irìmm-
HAB. Mount Dana, Caiifornia (Bolander) ; Rocky Mountains (Drum
mond); Colorado (Downie).
3. D. a r e n a c e u s , Sulliv. & Lesq. Psëudo-dioecious :
plants short, widely cespitose: lower leaves short, erect, ovate