S f b g e n u s I. POHLIA.
Lower leaves small, distant, the uj/per much longer, tufted.
Capsule long-necked, cernuous or horizontal. Inner membrane
narrow, with the segments entire, and cilia none or very short.
# Flowers moiicecious, the male gemmiforrn and terminal.
1. W. a c um in a ta , Schimp. Lower leaves erect, the
u])per linear-l.anceolate, irregularly dentate at the apex; borders
reflexed toward the base; costa vanishing under the apex or
excurrent: capsule narrowly elliptical, on a long pedicel curved
in the upper p a rt; lid long-conical, acute or subrostellate, reddish
at the base; peristome large; segments long and narrow,
entire ; cilia none. — Coroll. 64, and Syn. 380. Pohlia acumi-
7iata, Hoppe & Hornsch., Regensb. Flora, ii. 1. 94. Pryum
acLinmiatmn, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 843.
Hab. Adirondack Mountains, near North Elba (Lesquereux); Wisconsin
(Lapham); Colorado (Bothrock, Wolf); Rocky Mountains (Drummond,
* * Antheridia hypog^jnotis, axillary.
2. "W. p o lym o rp h a , Schimp. 1. o. Loosely cespitose:
comal leaves open, lanceolate from an oblong base, sharply serrate
toward the point; borders reflexed at base; costa vanishing
below the apex: capsule oval-oblong, short-necked, horizontal
or inclined, constricted under the orifice after the dehiscence
of the conical obtuse or mamillate lid ; pedicel straight or flexuous;
inner peristome without cAia.— Pohlia polymorpha,
Hoppe & Hornsch. 1. c. 100. Pryum polymorphum, Bruch &
Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 344.
Ha b . Oregon (Hall); Mount Dana, California (Bolander); Sitka
Tliis species is subject to many varieties, like the last, from whicli it
differs in its smaller less solid ovate-lanceolate (not linear) leaves, more
distinctly serrate, the areolation shorter, and broader at the base, the
costa not as thick, the capsule shorter, narrowed under the orifice when
deoperculate, and the lid shorter.
3. W . e lo n g a ta , Schwaegr. Cespitose or gregarious:
comal leaves long-lanceolate, open-erect, narrowed and serrate
at the apex, recurved in the middle, thin; areolation narrow,
nearly linear in the upper part, hexagonal-rectangular below:
capsule narrowly elliptical, long-necked, erect, and constricted
under the orifice when deoperculate, often of two colors ; pedicel
long ; lid conical, acute or obliquely rostellate ; imier peristome
with one or two more or less perfect cilia, or none. —
Spec. Muse. 48. Bryum elongatum, Hicks. Crypt. Faso. ii. 8 ;
Bryol. Eur. t. 345 ; Sulliv.^ Mosses of U. States, 44. Pohlia
elongata, Hedw. Muse. Frond, i. 96, t. 36.
Var. h um ilis , Schimp. Stem short: leaves shorter: capsule
small, inclined, short-necked, constricted under the orifice
when dry, reddish brown ; pedicel short.
H a b . Crevices of rocks in mountains; not rare. The variety in
Colorado ( Wolf & Bothrock).
4. W. lo n g ic o lla , Hedw. Plants longer, more densely
tufted than in the preceding, yellowish green, matted with
brown radicles ; stems simple : lower leaves short, squamiform,
gradually longer toward the apex, thinner, with a broader areolation
; borders sharply serrate from the middle upward ; costa
narrow, generally vanishing below the apex or percurrent, of a
glossy yellow color : capsule oblique or horizontal, oblong-
elliptical, shorter and with a shorter regular collum, solid, dark
orange ; lid convex-conical, uniform in color, sometimes with a
short incurved beak ; peristome large, yellow, the inner more or
less distinctly ciliate. — Spec. Muse. 169, t. 41. Bryum loiigi-
collum, Swartz, Muse. Suec. 49 and 99, t. 6. B . elongatum, var.
alpinum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 346.
Hab. Cascade Mountains (Lyall).
StJBGENus II. WEBERA, proper.
Leaves broader, more loosely tufted, the comal not as rapidly
elongated : capsule thicker, short-necked, inclined or pendent ;
inner membrane of the peristome broader, and the segments
separated by smooth cilia.
# Flowers monoecious ; the antheridia in the axils o f comal
5. W . n u ta n s , Hedw.
lanceolate, entire, the upper
serrate at the apex ; border
dish, glossy : capsule oblonc
ish brown, or darker when
teeth dark orange, pale and
Cespitose: lower leaves ovate-
gradually longer, linear-lanceolate,
■s flat; costa thick, tenacious, red-
-ovate, with a broad orifice, yell6w-
old; lid highly convex papillate;
filiform at the apex ; the segments
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