' 'i'. ; i:. :
fugacious. Capsules on long often clnstered pedicels, inclined
or pendent, ovate-oblong or subglobose, the short collum abruptly
narrowing to the pedicel. Lid mammiform or convex-
conical, more or less long-heaked. Peristome as in Bnjum, the
inner membrane reaching the middle of the teeth ; cilia 2 or 3,
not appendiculate at the articulations. Annulus narrow, revoluble.
Spores minute. — Astrophyllum, Neck.
* Leaves margined, simply serrate.
Flowers bisexual.
1. M. cu sp id a tum , Hedw. Plants simple, with creeping
or suberect stolons : leaves decnrrent, the lower ohovate, the
comal obovate-oblong, the iierichætial spatulate, those of the
stolons round-obovate, all apiculate-muoronate or short-cuspidate
by the excurrent costa, margined by a triple row of brown cells
and solid yellow teeth ; capsule single, subpendent, oval, light
brown ; lid highly convex, obtuse or papillate ; outer peristome
yellow, the inner orange, solid ; segments broadly open on the
keel, filiform and apiculate at the apex ; cilia generally three.
— Spec. Muse. 192, t. 45, excl. var. ; Bryol. Eur. t. 396. M.
silvaticum, Lindb. Mniac. Eur. in Faun. Flor. Fenn. ix. 59.
Hab. Shaded (places on the ground; common.
2. M. Nevii, Muell. Plants short, yellowish green above ;
stems simple, clavate : stem-leaves close, spi-eading or reflexed
when moistened, fleshy, decnrrent and narrowly wedge-form at
base, enlarged upward and spatulate-ovate or orbiculate, acuminate
or aristate by the excurrent costa, with the point more
or less flexuous ; borders acutely dentate or ciliate ; cells of the
areolation small, regularly hexagonal, green and chlorophyllose,
yellowish on the border ; perichætial leaves few, small, lanceolate
acuminate, entire, bordered above only hy a narrow margin :
capsules aggregated (2 or 3), cylindrical-oblong, enlarged at
base ; pedicels yellow, flexuous : lid and calyptra not seen. —
Regensb. Flora, Ivi. 480 (1873).
Hab. Portland, Oregon (R. D. Nevius).
The species is allied to M. cuspidatum, but is recognized at first sight
by its simple clavate stems.
3. M. v en u stum , Mitt. Plants erect, pale green or greenish
yellow ; stems erect, rigid, simple or once forked, densely foliate
toward the apex ; leaves spreading when moist, the comal open,
erect, broadly elliptical, acuminate or cuspidate by the excurrent
thick costa, sharply dentate on the borders ; perichætial
leaves cuspidate, the inner narrow, lanceolate : capsules aggregated
(3 or 4), long-pedicelled, inclined or pendent, oblong,
broad-mouthed, gradually narrowing to the pedicel, papillose and
stomatose toward the base ; lid obtusely conical or obtusely
ajiiculate ; annulus simple, broad. — Kew Journ. Bot. viii. 231
(1856), 1.12, B ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 52, t. 36.
H a b . Pacific coast, from California northward, not rare [Douglas,
etc.); W. Montana, N. Idaho, and Spokan Falls [Watson).
4. M. m e d ium , Bruch & Schimp. Plants large, broadly
cespitose: lower leaves distant, ovate, cuspidate, the comal
ohovate-liugulate, narrowed to the half-olasping base, cuspidate,
sharply serrate and narrowly margined all around : capsules
solitary or in pairs, pendent, oblong ; lid highly convex, apiculate.
— Bryol. Eur. t. 398.
IIAB. Pend d’Oreille Lake in N. Idaho; Fort Colville and Cascade
Mountains, Washington Territory; U^asatch Mountains; also the Eastern
slope, in New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts.
Closely resembling M. affine, hut differing in the infloreseence, the
leaves more sharply serrate and less crispate when dry, the capsule longer,
with a longer and more acute lid, and the teeth narrower.
5. M. D rum m o n d ii. Bruch & Schimp. Plants loosely
cespitose : leaves open, reflexed, decnrrent at base, the lower
small, distant, elliptical-ohovate, the comal gradually larger,
crowded, ohovate-lanoeolate ; outer perichætial leaves ohlong,
spatulate, the inner very small and lanceolate, all nmcronate-
apiculate, bordered by a yellowish brown margin, cihate-dentate
.above; costa thick, nearly continuous; cells of the areolation
round-hexagonal, chlorophyllose, those of the base oblong and
nearly empty: capsules clustered (2 or 3), oval-ohlong, nearly
pendent; lid mammiform; segments of the inner iffiristome
orange-colored, broadly lacunose, with 2 or 3 intermediate cilia.
-L o n d . Journ. Bot. ii. 669 (1848) ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States,
47, and Icon. Muse. 83, t. 51 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer.
Exsicc. n. 199. , ^ •
H a e . White Mountains [Oakes, James); Maine ( S c r ib n e r ) ; Ontario
[Macoun); British America [Drummond); Oregon [Hall), n. 2.57, partly.
6. M. r o s t r a tu m , Schwaegr. Loosely cespitose, with long
creeping stolons; fertile stems short, simple, eiect. branch an